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The problem was traduction Portugais

1,440 traduction parallèle
It was a Monday morning, September 19th and I was trying convincing myself that it didn't work, just seeing exactly what the problem was when suddenly, totally unexpectedly, I had this incredible revelation.
Era uma manhã de segunda-feira, 19 de Setembro, e eu estava a tentar convencer-me de que não funcionava, só a ver qual era exactamente o problema, quando de repente, de forma totalmente inesperada, tive esta incrível revelação.
But the problem was when you look at what was in these talking points, you could tell it was designed to convince the reader that Iraq and Saddam Hussein specifically constituted a major serious terrible evil threat to not just his neighbours, but to the United States.
Mas o problema é que quando se lia isso... você podia dizer que tinha sido escrito para convencer o leitor... que o Iraque e Saddam Hussein, em especial... constituíam uma ameaça grande, séria... terrível não apenas para seus vizinhos... mas para os EUA.
I guess she felt that ignoring the problem was the only way to deal with it.
Deve ter pensado que ignorar o problema era a única forma de lidar com ele.
This thing kind of came out of the woods, as far as I was concerned. And I was trying in the early days to learn what was happening ; how we could fix the problem.
"Ex-Governador da Califórnia" Não significava um risco e no princípio tratava de tentar compreender o que se passava, como corrigi-lo.
I think I was lying, basically, saying, "There's a problem with the track, it didn't record properly," or, "It's out of tune, so let's do it again."
Acho que lhe menti, basicamente, dizendo : "Há um problema com a faixa, não ficou gravada como deve ser", ou : "Está desafinado, vamos gravar outra vez."
One problem was there were a couple of songs Kurt hadn't finished the lyrics on and he blew his voice out on the fourth or fifth day, he sang so hard, I think it was on Lithium.
Um problema foi duas canções para as quais o Kurt não terminara as letras, e ele deu cabo da voz, no quarto ou no quinto dia, cantou com muita garra, creio que foi em Lithium.
I don't know how I got Kurt to do it. I think I kept saying... I think I was lying, basically, saying, "There's a problem with the track, it didn't record properly,"
Aqui, ainda está a cantar a partir da gravação, tiramos isso e inserimos a pista básica, que é a bateria e o baixo, e a guitarra principal, que misturamos com a pista ao vivo.
One problem was there were a couple of songs Kurt hadn't finished the lyrics on and he blew his voice out on the fourth or fifth day, he sang so hard, I think it was on Lithium.
Nenhum dos outros músicos do grunge podia dizer o mesmo. Fotógrafo da Sub Pop De facto, creio que andavam muito ocupados a rebelar-se contra os Beatles.
So I came to this.I was a 10-year-old and one day I happened to be looking in my local public library and I found a book on math and it told a bit about the history of this problem, that someone had resolved this problem 300 years ago, but no-one had ever seen the proof,
Foi então que me deparei com ele. Tinha eu dez anos, e um dia dei por mim na biblioteca, encontrei um livro de Matemática, e contou um pouco da história deste problema, que alguém tinha resolvido este problema há 300 anos, Prof. Andrew Wiles Universidade de Princeton que alguém tinha resolvido este problema há 300 anos,
no one have ever seen a prove, and people ever since have looked for the proof and here was a problem that I, a 10-year-old, could understand, but none of the great mathematicians in the past had been able to resolve,
Prof. Andrew Wiles Universidade de Princeton mas nunca ninguém tinha visto a prova, ninguém sabia se existia uma prova, mas nunca ninguém tinha visto a prova, ninguém sabia se existia uma prova, e desde então muita gente tem procurado essa prova. E aqui estava um problema que eu, um rapaz de 10 anos, podia entender, mas nenhum dos grandes matemáticos do passado tinha conseguido solucionar, e a partir daquele momento tentei resolvê-lo por mim.
The problem is that Frey didn't really prove that his elliptic curve was not modular.
O problema é que Frey não provou realmente que a sua curva elíptica não era modular.
Well, the answer is people tried and they never found a way of counting, and this was why this is the key breakthrough, that I found a way to count not the original problem, but the modified problem.
A resposta é que as pessoas tentaram e nunca encontraram um modo de contar, e é por isso que esta é a descoberta chave, eu ter encontrado um modo de contar, não o problema original, mas o problema modificado.
Only later did it come out that there was a, a problem at the end.
Só mais tarde se soube que afinal havia um problema.
The first seven years I'd worked on this problem, That's where the problem was in the method of Flach and Kolyvagin that I'd extended, so once I realised that at the end of September, that there was really a problem with the way I'd made the construction,
Era aqui que estava o problema.
I realised what was holding me up was exactly what would resolve the problem I'd had in my Iwasawa theory attempt three years earlier.
Apercebi-me que aquilo que me estava a obstruir era exactamente o que solucionaria o problema que tinha tido na minha Teoria de Iwasawa, três anos antes.
It was other people that had the problem.
As outras pessoas é que tinham problemas.
It was him who had the problem with it, not me, okay?
Era com ele que havia problema, não era comigo. Está bem?
I spend so much time thinking about all the answers to the problem... that I forget what the problem actually was.
Passei tanto tempo a pensar em respostas para o problema... que me esqueci qual era, realmente, o problema.
I was the end of your alimony problem.
Eu era o fim do seu problema de manutenção.
Gina told him he did not want I had to do with the baby. That was not my problem.
A Gina disse-lhe que eu não tinha nada a ver com o bebé, que o problema não era meu.
The problem is that I was embarrassed...
- Onde está ela? - Ali! Não queria ir embora, então ficamos.
Problem was that with a place the size of Yellowstone, well we didn't have all the available facts.
a Sudoeste do Lago de Yellowstone. O terramoto provocou desabamento de terras em "South Arm Fork" que causou um tsunami que atingiu aqui a costa norte uns minutos mais tarde.
The only problem was that I was a philosophy major and believed in free love.
O único problema era que eu estudava Filosofia e acreditava no amor livre.
When Devin said those words, it suddenly struck me that it wasn't my prostitute fetish that was the problem.
Quando Devin disse essas palavras, percebi que o problema não era o meu fetiche.
It was Christa that was the problem.
Christa era o problema.
First thing that happened was they went to this all-volunteer army. And that solved the draft inequity problem, cause everybody's the volunteer.
Aconteceu que partiram de um exército só de voluntários... que resolvia o problema do alistamento injusto, porque todos eram voluntários.
A spy from North Korea, Ko Sun-sook had Alzheimer's and was a problem for the prison
Uma espiã da Coreia do Norte, Ko Sun-sook, tinha Alzheimer e era um problema para a prisão.
What was the problem?
Qual é o problema?
There was a problem in the apartment, and I'm dealing with it.
Houve um problema no apartamento, e estou a resolvê-lo.
- There was a problem at the train station.
- Houve um problema na estação.
The cohesion problem was solved once we understood resequencing the information.
O problema de coesão foi resolvido mal percebemos a sequência de informação.
See, the problem with the old war balloon was you could get it airborne... but once you did, it just kept going.
O problema é que quando o punham a voar ele não parava.
I wanted you to stop, but I still like you... and like working for you, and I was hoping... they maybe had a way to solve the problem without any hurt feelings.
Eu queria que parasse, mas continuo a gostar de ti e de trabalhar contigo e esperava que talvez tivessem forma de resolver o problema sem ressentimentos.
That was the problem.
Esse foi o problema.
What was the problem?
Qual foi o problema?
Problem is, his driver was in the apartment.
O problema é que o motorista estava no apartamento.
The problem is the man who murdered your brother was killed with a baseball bat.
Qual é o problema. O problema é que o assassino do seu irmão foi morto com um taco.
Your pa said there was some problem with the stage.
O teu pai disse que o palco tem um problema.
The problem is, this is the Lisa Barnes who Croelick was convicted of burning up 3 years ago.
O problema é que esta é a Lisa Barnes, e o Croelick foi condenado por a incendiar há três anos.
it was short lived, was the problem.
Ele era um pouco... o problema dele era ter o pavio curto.
Yeah, it was just a thing, sort of a scene on the bus and the bus conductor come along and, "Tickets please," and I just went, "Yeah, sure, no problem."
- A sério? Numa cena num autocarro, aparece o revisor, que me pede o bilhete e eu digo : "Aqui tem."
That was the problem.
O problema era esse.
But all we did was fix the problem created by the medicine we gave you.
Mas tudo que fizemos, foi tratar um problema que o remédio causou.
One problem. My assassin wouldn't pull the trigger. I argued with her, deep down, but I knew she was right.
O problema foi que meu assasino não conseguiu fazer o serviço... discuti com ela, mas logo me dei conta de que ele tinha razão... as pessoas dizem que Batman é obsessivo, que era capaz de fazer qualquer coisa para alcançar o seu objetivo... mas nunca matar... se eu quisesse fazer honra aos seus princípios.
Not a problem, convict. The previous tenant had to leave in a hurry, but he was pretty good about security.
Sem problema, meu chapa... os inquilinos anteriores saíram deseperados, mas é um lugar bastante seguro...
What was the problem, she didn't have a dick?
Qual era o problema, ela não tinha uma pila?
Now, the problem is... erica was just killed during the commission of a robbery
Agora, o problema é... A Erica acabou de ser morta durante o decorrer de um assalto.
See, the problem is that McDowd was supposed to be shackled at the time.
O problema é que McDowd deveria estar algemado o tempo todo.
Now, two years ago, he wrote a letter announcing that he was getting close to a solution to the problem and that he was gog to publish his findings once his work was complete.
Há dois anos atrás, ele escreveu uma carta a dizer que estava perto da solução do problema e que a iria publicar assim que estivesse completa.
I was nice to her. Okay, so that's the problem.
Certo, então é esse o problema.
No, the drive was no problem.
Não, conduzir não é um problema.

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