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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / Waterbury

Waterbury traduction Portugais

40 traduction parallèle
Now, then. How'd you happen to come here, Mr. Waterbury?
Bom, como é que chegou até nós?
How much you think that place is worth, Mr. Waterbury?
Quanto acha que aquele sítio vale, S.r Waterbury?
If you'd be interested in anything else, Mr. Waterbury.
Se estiver interessado noutra coisa qualquer, S.r Waterbury.
Sally, call old Sadie and tell her Mr. Waterbury's on his way out.
Sally, liga à velha Sadie e diz-lhe que o S.r Waterbury vai a caminho.
- Waterbury.
Now, if you've come here to bargain with me, Mr. Waterbury, you might as well save your breath, because I've set a price and I don't intend to budge.
Bom, se veio pechinchar, Sr. Waterbury, poderia ter poupado o esforço, porque defini o preço e não o vou baixar.
Good day, Mr. Waterbury.
- Bom dia, S.r Waterbury.
You don't have a family, Mr. Waterbury?
Você não tem família, S.r Waterbury?
It's Mr. Waterbury.
É o S.r Waterbury.
Mr. Waterbury?
S.r Waterbury?
Congratulations, Mr. Waterbury.
Parabéns, S.r Waterbury.
Mr. Waterbury, you're a business man.
S.r Waterbury, você é um homem de negócios.
Mr. Waterbury, I didn't tell you the story until after you drank your lemonade.
S.r Waterbury, eu não contei a história antes de você beber a limonada.
Mr. Waterbury has decided not to buy it after all.
O S.r Waterbury decidiu não a comprar, depois de a ver.
Good evening, Mrs Waterbury.
Boa noite, Sra. Waterbury.
Thank you very much, Mrs Waterbury.
Muito obrigado, Sra. Waterbury.
Mrs Waterbury, I have something to tell you.
Sra. Waterbury, tenho algo...
If I had to rename the Waterbury children,
Se tivesse que renomear as crianças de Waterbury,
You must be very proud, Mrs Waterbury.
Você deve se orgulhar, Mrs Waterbury.
After the funeral, I was sent to live with my grandma in Waterbury.
Após o funeral, fui viver com a minha avó, em Waterbury.
You should play in the Waterbury Open tomorrow.
Devia jogar amanhã no Waterbury Open.
Welcome to the Waterbury Open.
Bem-vindos ao Waterbury Open.
- Excuse me, Emily Waterbury?
- Desculpe, Emily Waterbury?
The judge's last cellphone call was to Albany, chick named Waterbury.
A última chamada do juiz foi para Albany. Para uma tipa, Emily Waterbury.
- Waterbury, Watergate, whatever.
- Waterbury, Watergate...
We're not gonna get anywhere with euphemisms.
Menina Waterbury, espere. Não vamos a lado nenhum com eufemismos.
Two board members are corrupt, according to Waterbury.
Segundo a menina Waterbury, dois membros do comité são corruptos.
- Emily Waterbury?
- Emily Waterbury.
Okay, what is it again, Waterbury what?
Qual é o nome? Waterbury quê?
Now his only conviction is for murdering a police commissioner in Waterbury, Connecticut, six years ago.
A sua única condenação é por assassinar um oficial em Waterbury, Connecticut. Há 6 anos.
The only reason why they caught him in Waterbury was because his appendix busted while he was fleeing the scene.
Só foi apanhado em Waterbury porque o seu apêndice rebentou, enquanto fugia.
You went to Sacred Heart in Waterbury, right?
Andaste no Sagrado Coração de Waterbury, certo?
- Downtown Waterbury. - Where?
- Na baixa de Waterbury.
- Downtown Waterbury.
- A baixa de Waterbury. - Água Suja.
Hollywood comes to Quahog, almost, as three hours from here in Waterbury, Connecticut,
Hollywood vem a Quahog, quase, já que a três horas daqui em Waterbury, Connecticut,
Your dad's a state trooper, just like you ; your uncle's a captain in Waterbury PD.
O seu pai é agente, tal como você, o seu tio é comandante na Polícia de Waterbury.
- Waterbury.
- Emily Waterbury.
- I get it.
But look what he left behind - a thoroughly different sculptural tradition.
E eis que, passado pouco tempo, começámos a ter E. coli no nosso queijo. Na altura, eu estudava Introdução à Microbiologia na UConn Waterbury.

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