We're lucky traduction Portugais
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Ladies and gentlemen, just a few things that we're going to be pointing out to you today. You will be able to see both bedrooms and if we're lucky, maybe you get a chance to peek into the bathroom, who knows?
Senhoras e senhores, para ficarem com uma ideia do que irão ver hoje, vamos mostrar-lhes os dois quartos e com um pouco de sorte poderão espreitar a casa de banho, quem sabe?
You know what, you're just lucky that we're at work right now. What about, uh, Dwight's dojo?
- Que tal no dojo do Dwight?
Now, we get the money, we get Haley's song, and if you're lucky, I don't rearrange your face.
Vamos buscar o dinheiro, a canção da Haley... e, se tiveres sorte, não dou cabo de ti.
We're lucky the house didn't go up, rubbish he eats.
Temos sorte da casa não ir pelos ares, com o lixo que ele come.
We're lucky they didn't kill him.
Tivemos sorte por não o terem matado.
Maybe if we're lucky she'll give us all a sponge bath.
Se tivermos sorte, talvez ela nos dê banho.
We've underestimated the alien infectees before and we're lucky to live to... not tell about it.
Subestimamos os infectados alienígenas antes e somos sortudos de termos vivido para... não contar a história.
We're lucky.
Estamos com sorte.
- Santos, if we're lucky.
- O Santos, se tivermos sorte.
We're lucky if we have two months.
Temos sorte se tivermos dois meses.
If we're lucky, the Times will call us a roadblock.
Com sorte, o Times chama-nos um bloqueio.
Now, Miss Eyre. If we're very lucky, we might see some dragonflies.
Agora, Miss Eyre, se tivermos sorte, pode ser que vejamos algumas libélulas.
- If we're lucky, it's abandoned.
- Se tivermos sorte, está abandonada.
We're lucky to put a decent team on the court.
Temos sorte em pôr uma equipa decente em campo.
- You're lucky we found it.
- Teve sorte de a encontrar-mos.
Pray we're that lucky.
Reza para termos essa sorte.
We're both lucky.
Ambos somos sortudos.
Twenty defendants, 76 charges... we'll be lucky if we're back here in a week.
20 acusados, 76 acusações... Teremos sorte se estivermos aqui dentro de uma semana.
And if we're lucky, we might be able to see their souls floating over the waters where they up and died.
E, se tivermos sorte, conseguiremos ver as almas deles a flutuar sobre as águas onde morreram.
But I'll be damned if I'm gonna let some self-righteous, lucky turd come in here and treat me and Dante like we're a couple of fucking porch monkeys.
Mas raios me partam se deixo que venha aqui um merdas peneirento e sortudo e que nos trate a mim e ao Dante como um casal de "macacos de alpendre".
We're very lucky to have you.
Temos muita sorte em tê-la.
We're lucky he's not calling the police.
Temos sorte por ele não chamar a polícia.
Well, we're just lucky to have a neighbor like Mr. Bottoms.
Temos muita sorte em ter um vizinho como o Sr. Bottoms.
We're lucky to find you.
Ainda bem que o encontro!
Shit I got here, day ortwo if we're lucky.
Com esta merda, - um dia ou dois se tivermos sorte.
Oh, so we're the lucky ones who get to housebreak him?
Ah, e calha-nos a alegria de ensiná-lo a portar-se?
We're lucky this guy is hooking us up at all.
Estamos com sorte se esse tipo nos encontrar.
If we're lucky, we can also limit how much of Japan sinks.
Se tivermos sorte, poderemos controlar quanta terra afundará.
- That's true, we're really lucky.
É verdade, somos mesmo felizardos.
We're lucky that we're okay.
Temos sorte por estarmos bem.
We're just lucky to be still alive
Temos muita sorte em ainda estar vivos.
We'll be lucky if we even get a hole in the ground when we're dead.
Teremos sorte se conseguirmos um buraco no chão, quando morrermos.
If we're lucky, he'll take the chip to Erwich and lead us to the gas.
Se tivermos sorte, ele vai levar o chip ao Erwich e levar-nos até ao gás.
If we're lucky, it just might work out okay.
Com sorte, tudo se resolverá.
We're lucky you were in class today.
Hoje, tiveste sorte de estar a dar aulas.
We're lucky we're not all in jail.
Temos sorte de não estarmos todos na prisão.
We're incredibly lucky.
Temos imensa sorte.
We're supposed to ring when one of us gets lucky.
É suposto tocarmos quando um de nós tem sorte.
If you're desperate, we're lucky.
Se estiverem desesperados, nós temos sorte.
We're very lucky.
Tivemos muita sorte.
I think we're more than lucky.
Acho que somos mais que sortudos.
We're lucky we had Dad.
Tivemos sorte com o pai.
We're lucky to have them.
É uma sorte eles estarem aqui.
And we're lucky that he has returned.
Justo hoje tem que voltar.
Just consider yourself lucky we're not gonna turn your ass in for stealing those chips.
Considera-te com sorte por não te entregarmos por roubares as fichas.
I don't mind people snickering at the stupid uniform I've got to wear. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna let some self-righteous, lucky turd come in here and treat me and Dante like we're a couple of fucking porch monkeys.
Não me zango quando gozam com o uniforme idiota que tenho que usar, mas prefiro morrer antes de deixar que um certinho de merda venha aqui tratar, eu e o Dante,...
I appreciate your interest, but if I'm lucky enough for your daughter to say "yes," we're going back to Myanmar - together.
Agradeço o seu interesse, mas se eu tiver a sorte suficiente de a sua filha dizer "sim", vamos voltar para Myanmar... juntos.
I'm just glad to be here with you guys and feel lucky that we're all here to share this with you.
Estou muito feliz por estar aqui com vocês e sinto-me afortunado por poder partilhar este vosso momento.
With everything we're pulling out these houses, we might get lucky with some tracework.
Com tudo o que tiramos destas casas, podemos ter sorte com os vestígios.
That's if we're lucky.
Isso se tivermos sorte.
If we're lucky, she'll take the bird in the hand.
- Com sorte, ela aceita de mão beijada.
lucky 618
lucky day 17
lucky me 225
lucky guy 43
lucky man 42
lucky girl 52
lucky bastard 47
lucky you 322
lucky there's a family guy 44
lucky for you 336
lucky day 17
lucky me 225
lucky guy 43
lucky man 42
lucky girl 52
lucky bastard 47
lucky you 322
lucky there's a family guy 44
lucky for you 336
lucky for her 16
lucky him 24
lucky guess 90
lucky them 19
lucky shot 32
lucky for us 117
lucky us 39
lucky for him 22
lucky her 23
lucky for me 105
lucky him 24
lucky guess 90
lucky them 19
lucky shot 32
lucky for us 117
lucky us 39
lucky for him 22
lucky her 23
lucky for me 105
we're 1906
we're here 1469
we're good 1678
we're not friends anymore 25
we're in this together 190
we're late 319
we're just friends 257
we're not gonna make it 79
we're going shopping 19
we're back in business 45
we're here 1469
we're good 1678
we're not friends anymore 25
we're in this together 190
we're late 319
we're just friends 257
we're not gonna make it 79
we're going shopping 19
we're back in business 45
we're not together anymore 25
we're screwed 280
we're done 1202
we're going out tonight 29
we're sorry 376
we're good friends 31
we're going to paris 19
we're going to be late 92
we're in deep shit 22
we're done here 458
we're screwed 280
we're done 1202
we're going out tonight 29
we're sorry 376
we're good friends 31
we're going to paris 19
we're going to be late 92
we're in deep shit 22
we're done here 458