You and dad traduction Portugais
4,584 traduction parallèle
With you and Dad.
Contigo e com o papá.
Mom's a no-show, and you and dad are hardly even speaking.
A mãe não vem e tu e o pai mal se falam.
Must have accidentally dictated when you and Dad were talking.
Deve ter seguido por engano enquanto tu e o pai falavam.
Mom's a no-show, and you and dad are hardly even speaking.
A mãe não vem, e tu e o pai mal se falam.
What's going on with you and dad?
O que se passa entre ti e o pai?
And I need to be open with my dad about us, so, if you're not there on Thursday for dinner with Dad,
E preciso de contar ao meu pai sobre nós, portanto, se não fores na quinta-feira ao jantar com o meu pai, penso que estará na altura
You said that your dad liked to celebrate the little things, and I thought maybe we should start doing that too.
Tu disseste que o teu pai gostava de celebrar as coisas pequenas, e eu pensei que, se calhar, também devíamos começar a fazer isso.
I played a lot with Dad and Julie while you were gone.
Joguei muito com o papá e a Julie enquanto estiveste fora.
- And you did it... because he saved you, because he's Beth Ann's dad.
- E tu fizeste... Porque ele o salvou, e é o pai da Beth Ann.
Mom and Dad would shed their fur if I didn't keep an eye on you ghouls.
A mama e o papá ficariam furiosos se não te vigiasse.
And dad didn't even know you were married - until an hour ago.
O meu pai nem sabia que era casado, até há uma hora atrás.
- Did you find your dad and little sister?
Conseguiste encontrar o teu pai e a tua irmãzinha?
I know he's out there on patrols and doing his thing, and stuff like that, but you tell him your dad said hello. "
Imagino que está lá em patrulha, a fazer o seu trabalho, e coisas assim, mas diz-lhe que o seu pai mandou um olá. "
And you got a dad somewhere I bet. Just like me.
E tem um pai algures, aposto, tal como eu.
Well, you know, I called your dad, and he said he had a dress you could wear.
Sabes, liguei ao teu pai e ele disse-me que tinha um vestido que poderias usar.
But if it's okay with you, I would like to ask you... a few more questions about your mom and dad.
Mas se estiver tudo bem, eu gostava de fazer... mais algumas perguntas sobre os teus pais.
- Your dad's obviously looking for it and he has enough shit on his plate, you know?
O teu pai anda obviamente à procura dele e já tem mais com que se preocupar, sabes?
I don't think so, Dad. I was here a couple weeks ago, I told you I was working with Vincent and you were concerned for my safety.
Não me parece pai, estive cá há umas semanas e disse-te que estava a trabalhar com o Vincent e ficaste preocupado.
Dad wants to know where you put the candles and flashlights.
O Papá pergunta onde estão as velas e as lanternas.
You know, Uncle Gil, he worked for dad for 25 years, and they just walked into his house, and they killed him.
O tio Gil trabalhou para o pai durante 25 anos e eles foram à casa dele e mataram-no.
They believe in you. And your dad.
Eles acreditam em ti... e no teu pai.
You're right. We can just ask Mom and Dad what to do with it.
Vamos perguntar a mamãe e papai o que fazer.
You like your mom and dad?
Gostas dos teus pais? - Pai!
If your dad tries to hit you again, run and call me, okay?
Se o teu pai voltar a tentar bater-te, foge e liga-me, está bem?
So, when you said Chief touched you and bathed you, that was what your dad told you to say?
Então, quando disseste que a Chefe te tocou e te deu banho, foi o que o teu pai disse para dizer?
I mean, she's your real granny and I'm your real auntie. What do you mean? Who was that man who said he was my dad?
Mas às vezes, és fraco tanto na cabeça como no teu corpo.
I need you to tell me about your mom and dad now.
Quero que me fales sobre a tua mãe e o teu pai.
I know that your dad was probably your last chance, and when he died, you lost your way.
Sei que o teu pai foi, talvez, a tua última oportunidade, e quando ele morreu, perdeste o rumo.
My dad is gonna find you, and he's going to kill you.
O meu pai vai-te encontrar e, vai-te matar.
You went nuts and killed my dad.
Ficaste maluco e mataste o meu pai.
Katana : I've seen that picture of you and your dad before, in the trophy room.
Já vi esta fotografia tua e do teu pai antes, na sala de troféus.
I can cry about my dad, and you can cry about yours.
Eu posso choramingar sobre o meu pai, e tu sobre o teu.
- I am saving you from making a mistake and getting taken down with your dad.
- Tento impedir-te de cometer um erro e de seres eliminado com o teu pai. - O que fazes aqui? - O quê?
You know, Dad, we can sell the house, we can move away, but we will always be connected to that family. And you know why.
Sabes, pai, podemos vender a casa e mudar-nos, mas estaremos sempre ligados àquela família.
Did you know, him and my dad were best friends? At school.
Meteu os advogados.
I... I couldn't... I said you used to be my husband and you were his mum's dad and... and I said...
Se podia trazê-lo cá um dia, um sábado... para jogares à bola com ele.
And you have your dad now.
E agora, tens o teu pai.
Snot and I were playing with Dad's old CB radio, for reasons you don't need to know, and I came across a signal from really far away.
Snot e eu estávamos brincando com o velho rádio CB do pai, por razões que não precisas de saber, e me deparei com um sinal de muito longe.
Ye, I'm way ahead of you, Dad, and thank you for stopping by.
- Obrigado por teres passado por cá.
Bobby has a great relationship with his dad and I feel like they have done so much living together and spending time together that, you know, they're really catching up on a lot.
O Bobby tem uma relação excelente com o pai e sinto que, como têm estado a viver juntos e têm passado tempo juntos, estão a recuperar o tempo perdido.
And you can't call my dad either.
E também não podes falar com o meu pai.
I would like it if you would come down to the station later with your dad and answer some questions.
Eu adorava que fosses até à estação com o teu pai mais tarde e responder a algumas perguntas.
Your mom and dad would want me to be with you.
A tua mãe e o teu pai iam querer que eu ficasse contigo.
First your mother's cancer, and then your dad's dementia... it wiped you out, and now the bank's threatening to take everything.
O cancro da sua mãe, e a demência do seu pai... acabaram com tudo, agora, o banco ameaça levar o resto.
Or call mom and dad if you don't want to talk to me.
Ou ligares para os meus pais, se não quiseres falar comigo.
Are you saying dad was run off the road by an suv And after that, he paid to have it crushed?
Estás a dizer que o pai foi abalroado por um SUV e depois pagou para que ele fosse destruído?
But I called you as a last resort, but he's our dad, and I thought after everything you'd done to me, to our family,
Chamei-te como último recurso, mas... Ele é nosso pai e pensei que, depois de tudo o que me fizeste e à nossa família, talvez pudesses ajudar.
But you, Dad, you built your life and mine... on your own.
Mas tu, pai, construíste a tua vida, e a minha, sozinho.
And in all those lives, you've never learned that there's nothing stronger than a kid wanting to be with her mom and dad.
E em todas essas vidas, não aprendeste que não há nada mais forte do que um filho querer estar com os pais.
And I got to say, I think your dad would be, too, if you'd just fuckin'let him.
E tenho de dizer que acho que o teu pai também ficaria, se o deixasses.
No, you can't invite me dad and not Ros.
Não, eu sei, mas...
you and me 2253
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
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you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
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you and your family 21
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your wife 27
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your brother 31
you and your family 21
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your wife 27
you and your friend 16
you and your friends 27
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i together 16
you and i both know that 16
you and mr 71
you and your friends 27
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i together 16
you and i both know that 16
you and mr 71
you and 111
you and your 24
you and her 39
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and him 50
you and you 80
and daddy 20
and dad 64
you and your 24
you and her 39
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and him 50
you and you 80
and daddy 20
and dad 64