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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ Y ] / You broke it

You broke it traduction Portugais

820 traduction parallèle
You broke it.
Tu o fizeste.
You broke it?
- Partiste?
You broke it to me so casually over the ice cream.
Falaste casualmente durante o gelado.
- You broke it?
- Partiste?
No, I'd rather you broke it to me.
Não, prefiro que você mo diga.
I'm very much hurt indeed to hear you broke it off.
Estou muito magoado por saber isso.
Don Luciano sat there for more than 30 years. You broke it as soon as you touched it!
Don Luciano sentou-se nessa cadeira durante mais de 30 anos... e na primeira vez que se senta parte-a toda.
Cochise signed it and you broke it.
Cochise assinou-o e você o violou.
Last time you closed the door you slammed it so hard you broke it off the hinges.
A última vez que fechou a porta deu tal portada que rompeu as dobradiças.
You broke it, the amnesty.
Quebraste a amnistia.
You broke it!
- Partiu-me a espada!
You have to say to yourself, calmly, "Albin, you broke it."
Deves dizer, calma e solenemente :
You broke it.
Você o quebrou!
You broke it on purpose!
Você o quebrou de propósito!
You broke it, how am I gonna explain that?
A máquina! Partiram-na!
I wouldn't be surprised if you broke it on purpose.
Eu não estranharia se tu tivesses feito isto de propósito.
You broke it!
You'll get the story and be very proud of it. You broke it?
Vais ter a peça e vais ter orgulho nela.
Agreed, and he's very decent, but... Suppose you and I were broke, we'd both be beggars... If it happened to him, he'd still be Monsieur de Boeldieu.
- Concordo, mas entende, se um dia ficarmos sem nada, seremos ambos pedintes, mas... se o mesmo acontecer a ele, será sempre o M. de Boeldieu.
That was the longest night I ever lived through, Keyes... and the next day was worse, when the story had broke in the papers... and they started talking about it at the office... and the day after that, when you started digging into it.
Foi a noite mais longa da minha vida, Keyes. No dia seguinte foi pior, com as notícias nos jornais. Começaram a falar disso no escritório.
Broke? - You got it.
- Sem dinheiro?
Well, broke or bent, what do you make of it, Hi?
Quebrado ou dobrado? O que achas, Hi?
Broke my heart when I heard you made it.
Partiu-me o coração quando soube que conseguiste.
Like when I tangled with Ely Jacobson and broke his jaw in two places and they had to tie it up with wires, you understood.
Quando me encetei com o Ely Jacobson e lhe parti a mandíbula por dois sítios e tiveram que sujeitar-lhe con alambres, comprendiste. com arames, compreendeu.
Maybe... maybe... it... it seemed like that to you, but... Anyhow, I realized almost immediately that you were crying in a way that broke my heart.
Sim, pode... pode... pode ter parecido isso, mas... percebi logo que estava a chorar... de um modo que tocou meu coração... e pensei... desculpe se lhe digo isso... pensei que...
I told you I broke it. It's being fixed.
Já te disse que o estraguei.
But I'm flat broke! Were you thinking of buying it?
Na feira da ladra encontras quantas quiseres.
It was there when you broke in?
Estava lá quando você entrou?
I met one female today who broke my partner's heart, and you are not helping me to forget it.
Uma mulher partiu o coração do meu sócio... e não me ajuda a esquecê-lo.
The teacher had a locket, and the catch broke, and she laid it down, and some of the big kids dared you to swipe it.
O piquenique da escola? A professora tinha um aluquete, que se partiu, e ela pousou-o, e algumas das crianças grandes desafiaram-te a roubá-lo.
It's this valve bar you broke off.
Foi por esta barra da válvula que partiu.
Well, now, when you broke into this, what was it?
O que foi... -... que roubaste?
You folks all know that, well, the jail's only got one cell, and the lock's broke, and I sleep in it.
Todos sabem que a prisão só tem uma cela, que a fechadura está partida, e que eu durmo lá dentro.
It bugs you'cause now she knows you're broke.
Chateia-te porque agora ela sabe que não tens tostão.
- What are you doing? - It broke off.
O que está a fazer?
When I broke it open, I found Miguel where you see him... and Maria with a gun in her hand. - With a gun in her hand?
Quando arrombei a porta, encontrei o Miguel ali e a Maria de arma na mäo.
Disseram-me que avariou na estrada.
- You what? I broke it off.
- Vocês têm cobertor e estimulantes.
That time you broke out of jail, is it true she talked you into going back?
Quando fugiste da prisäo, é verdade que ela te convenceu a voltares?
But if you broke the rules they'll make you pay for it.
Mas se rompeu as normas, farão-lhe pagar por isso.
I guess it was one of those bullets that you fired at that guy who broke in here a year ago.
Deve ser uma das balas que disparou contra o tipo que aqui entrou há cerca de um ano.
He once broke his right thigh-bone, maybe you can clip it.
Ele fracturou o osso da coxa direita. Talvez consigam atacá-lo aí.
God damn it, you broke my nail.
Quebrou minha unha!
- I see. You just broke it.
Você simplesmente a violou.
How long has it been since you two broke up?
Hà quanto tempo é que tu e o Charlie se separaram?
The second attempt by the state to have Dave meet his maker was by hanging, but when Dave dropped, you guessed it, the rope broke.
A segunda tentativa de execução foi por enforcamento. Mas, quando o laço apertou... Sim, adivinharam, a corda partiu-se.
Last night, when you broke that glass and I came upstairs to sweep it, you were just sitting on the edge of the bathtub, just looking off into the distance.
Ontem à noite, quando partiste o copo e eu vim cá acima varrê-lo, estavas sentado na banheira, com um olhar distante.
We'll take that battery acid you sell and spill it all over the road enough times... you'll go broke.
Vamos pegar no ácido de bateria que tu vendes e espalhá-lo pela estrada as vezes suficientes para ficares falido.
Well, if you ask me, it looks like it got broke when the truck turned over.
A mim parece-me que se rasgou quando o camião se virou.
I mean, you had it all set up. They broke their promises.
Tinhas tudo preparado, foram eles que quebraram a promessa.
Well, before you knew it, the sucker was broke and he never even finished his coffee.
Sem perceber, o pobre ficava falido antes de acabar de beber o café.

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