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You were born here traduction Portugais

103 traduction parallèle
But you were born here, that's all that you need.
Mas nasceste aqui.
And clean. You were born here, huh?
Nasceste aqui?
But you were born here.
Mas tu nasceste aqui.
You were born here.
Tu nasceste aqui.
- But you were born here, right?
Mas tu nasceste aqui.
You were born here?
Nasceste aqui?
Your grandfather, Emmanuel Sonnenschein, used to say, " Be glad that you were born here.
O teu avô, Emmanuel Sonnenschein, costumava dizer "alegrem-se por terem nascido aqui".
Bahia has a certain charm... which you may not notice, since you were born here.
Acontece que a Bahia tem um certo charme. Que você talvez não perceba tanto, porque nasceu aqui.
How many of you were born here?
Quantos de vocês nasceram aqui?
You were born here and your kids are raised next door.
Nasceu aqui e os seus miúdos são criados na porta ao lado.
Well, you were born here, sort of.
Bem, tu nasceste aqui. De certa maneira.
And why you were born here?
- Também foi por minha causa.
You were born here.
De certo modo, nasceu aqui.
You were born here, right?
Você nasceu aqui, não?
And you were born here, grew up within these walls?
E você nasceu e cresceu entre essas paredes?
Hello, Mary, you were born here.
Mary, nasceste em Las Vegas.
- It says you were born here.
Diz que nasceu aqui.
- I thought you were born here.
Pensei que tinhas nascido aqui.
I thought you were born here.
Pensei que tinhas nascido aqui.
- You were born here. That's home.
- Você nasceu aqui, então essa é sua casa.
On this day of the year Long before you were born, that heap of decay was brought here.
Neste dia do ano muito antes de tu nasceres, esse monte de ruínas foi trazido para aqui.
We were born here too, you know.
Nascemos aqui, já sabe.
Were you born here?
Nasceste aqui?
You were not born here.
Você não nasceu aqui.
AII of you is here, from the day you were born until now.
Tudo sobre si está aqui, desde que nasceu, até hoje.
You are here because you were born to be.
Você está aqui porque você nasceu para ser.
Jonathan Gull, for your reckless flying, for refusing to join the flock to which you were born, for turning your back upon the traditions of your flock, assembled here.
Fernão Gaivota, pelo teu vôo suicída, por recusares-te a unir-te ao bando para o qual nasceste, por virares as costas às tradições do teu bando, aqui reunido.
Where were you born? Scavenger or down here in the West country?
De Glutão ou da zona Oeste do país?
Were you born here, in Israel?
Nasceste aqui, em Israel?
You were born here.
Nasceste aqui.
Pete and I came down here once before you were born.
O Pete e eu viemos cá uma vez antes de nasceres.
Lady, I don't know if this is the personality you were born with or what, but you've got an attitude that will not fly around here.
Minha senhora, eu não sei se esta personalidade nasceu contigo, ou quê, mas tens uma atitude que não voa por aqui.
On this day of the year, long before you were born, this heap of decaywas brought here.
Num desses dias do ano, há muito antes de você nascer, toda essa decadência foi trazida para cá.
Sweetheart, before you were born, we used to live here.
Querida, antes de nasceres, vivíamos aqui.
- Were you born here? - Hmm.
Você nasceu aqui?
Did Mom ever talk about before you were born, when she lived out here?
A mãe alguma vez te falou do tempo em que viveu aqui, antes de nasceres?
When I first saw these islands, you were not yet born, I wrote to your mother telling her that when I was old, I would like to come and die here.
Quand0 eu c0nheci estas ilhas, ainda tu não eras nascido, escrevi á tua mãe e disse-lhe que quand0 f0sse velh0 g0stava de vir m0rrer aqui.
And it says here you were born in 1064, but that's not true either, is it?
E aqui diz que nasceu em 1964, mas isso não é verdade, pois não?
Mrs. Mak, were you born here?
A Sra. Mak nasceu onde?
You know these four other babies that were born around here with tails? - Uh-huh.
Sabe os outros quatro bebés que nasceram aqui com caudas?
You were born to live here, not in some mystical place inside your mind.
Nasceste para viver aqui, não num lugar místico na tua mente.
There's no pussy here just a dose that'll make you wish you were born a woman.
Aqui não há rata só uma dose que vos fará querer terem nascido fêmeas.
First you betray the Peacekeepers... and every vow you've made since you were born... And now poor Sparky, here?
Primeiro, trai os pacificadores... depois todos os seus valores sob os quais nasceu... e agora o sapão aqui?
Or were you born after your parents got here?
Ou nasceu depois de os seus pais chegarem cá?
She was here when you were born, remember?
Ela estava aqui, quando tu nasceste. Lembras-te?
Oh, great. I rushed down here to help out, for the good of my eldest son, my first-born, and where the fuck were you?
Boa. E onde raios estavas tu?
You tell anybody I was here, I will come back and do what I should have done the minute you were born.
Se dizes a alguém que estive aqui, eu volto, e faço o que devia ter feito no instante em que nasceste.
My name is Frank Reno, I'm the Program Director here, and I've been with the Navy since before you were born.
Meu nome é Frank Reno, eu sou o Diretor do programa aqui, e estou na Marinha desde antes de vocês nascerem.
Well, it's been here since before you were born.
Já cá estava quando nasceste.
- Were you born here?
- Nasceste cá?
If you're here, if you were born, you owe that to him.
Se estás aqui, se nasceste, deves a ele.

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