We were wrong traduction Russe
480 traduction parallèle
Ambroise, we were wrong...
Амбруаз, мы ошибались! Послушай...
But we were wrong. Cocktails incite the human machine.
Все мы ошибаемся, но коктейль оживляет человеческую механику.
I realized then for the first time that what you were doing was right... ... and that we were wrong.
Я впервые тогда поняла, что ты все делаешь правильно, а мы не правы.
So we were wrong.
Мы ошибались.
Unfortunately, we were wrong.
К сожалению, мы ошибались.
I think we were wrong.
Значит, моя версия отвергнута?
Uh, I don't know who this Mr. Dyle is... but it's possible we were wrong about who killed your husband.
Я не знаю, кто такой этот Дайл, но, возможно, мы ошиблись насчет личности убийцы вашего мужа.
Well, we were wrong.
Мы не правы. И вы тоже.
I've always had a feeling we were wrong to give up.
Я всегда считала, что не надо было опускать руки.
We were wrong, little buddy.
Мы ошибались, дружок.
We thought we could do anything. We were wrong.
Мы думали, что сможем сделать все что угодно.
We were wrong to doubt him.
Мы ошибались сомневаясь в нем.
The hatred between our people can never end... until someone is willing to say,'I'm sorry'... and try and find a way to make things right again. " We were wrong.
" Мы были неправы.
We didn't wanna say anything in case we were wrong.
Мы не хотели ничего тебе говорить, на случай, если мы ошибались.
'Cause whatever the answer was, we were right together, and we were wrong together.
Чтобы не случилось, мы были... правы вместе и ошибались тоже вместе.
Ok I think we were wrong... it doesn't matter.
Я думаю, мы ошиблись, но ничего.
I was hoping we were wrong, Delenn.
Я так надеялся, что мы ошибаемся, Деленн.
Damn it, but I was hoping we were wrong.
Черт возьми, но я так надеялся, что мы ошибаемся.
- Yeah, well, maybe we were wrong.
- Да, может, мы ошибались.
Something would have told us we were wrong.
Что-нибудь сказало бы нам, что мы ошибаемся.
Looks like we were wrong.
Похоже, мы ошибались.
We were wrong.
Мы ошибались.
What if we were wrong?
Что если мы ошиблись?
I think we were wrong about this Goa'uld.
Думаю, что мы ошибались по поводу этого Гоаулда.
I'd say the same to me but what if we were wrong?
И ваши действия но вдруг мы ошибаемся?
We were wrong. I erm...
- Мы ошиблись.
* How could you tell us * * that we were wrong? *
* Кто посмеет сказать, * * что мы были не правы?
Your instincts were right. You went about it the wrong way, but... but the passion you showed, that is essential to what we do here.
Ты просто пошёл не тем путём, но... но твоя страстность, вот что важно для нашего дела.
After all, we were all Poles together, nobody saw anything wrong in it.
Там были одни поляки, нам это не показалось странным.
You know, when I first started flying, some people, religious people, thought what we were doing was wrong.
Ты знаешь, когда я начал летать некоторые люди, религиозные люди, думали, что мы делаем не правильно.
If I didn't know better, I'd think we were on the wrong track.
Не знай я иначе, я бы подумал, что мы ошибаемся.
We didn't do anything wrong, but once the movies were over, we'd go to a cafe and talk, then we'd sit on a bench and listen to a drunkard, we'd watch the billboards go up,
Мы не делали ничего плохого. Когда заканчивалось кино, мы шли в кафе, разговаривали, потом сидели на скамейке и слушали пьяниц или смотрели, как клеят афиши,
- But, Stan-boy, I was wrong! We were all wrong.
- Но, мальчик, я ошибался.
Anyway, Stan-boy, the thing is, we were all wrong.
В любом случае, мальчики, мы все были неправы.
We were wrong.
Это была наша ошибка.
- Well, we were born in the wrong year.
Да... Мы родились в неправильном году!
Were we wrong?
И если мы ошиблись - мы сдадимся.
We were supposed to meet there if anything went wrong.
Мы должны были встретиться там, если бы что-нибудь пошло не так.
We were on our way to Skonnos when something went wrong with the ship.
Мы были на пути к Сконносу, когда с кораблем что-то случилось.
They made me think we were starting the day on the wrong foot.
Показалось, что день начинается нехорошо.
We must go back to where we were, to the point where you took the wrong turn.
И нужно лишь вернуться туда где вы вступили на ложный путь
See how wrong we were.
- Но как видишь, они ошибались.
Well, back when we were fighting Earth, trying to get rid of President Clark scuttlebutt is, she was on the wrong side.
Например, когда на Земле была гражданская война из-за президента Кларка поговаривают, она была на неправильной стороне.
We were horribly wrong!
Мы ужасно ошиблись!
At some point somebody suggested to us that possibly the cause of all these things that were going wrong might actually be a spirit matter, and that we should ask a Shaman to tell us.
А потом кто-то сказал нам, что предполагает, что причина всех наших бед лежит в духовной сфере, и нам следует обратиться к шаману, чтобы узнать.
We were forced to only when things went wrong.
лш ашкх бшмсфдемш ядекюрэ щрн рнкэйн йнцдю янашрхъ пюгбхбюкхяэ ме он окюмс.
And well it's true, we all do have our little fantasies, you were wrong to think that men like you can't be in them.
Это правда, у нас у всех есть маленькие фантазии. И ты ошибаешься, что не можешь быть в них.
I knew we were going the wrong way.
Извините! " Я знал, что мы роем не туда, я это знал!
We were always looking in the wrong direction.
Мы всегда искали не в том направлении.
You were dead wrong because now- we are going to do some drinking. you with me? - oh, till the end, my nubian brother. Till the bitter end.
- когда я был, был ребенком, почти тинейджером я и мой лучший друг Майк Метц да, мы, аа...
The radio communications we'd been intercepting on the SIGINT were wrong.
Радиопереговоры которые мы перехватывали были ошибочными.
we were here 38
we were 914
we were there 68
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we were together 65
we weren't 120
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we were young 47
we were here first 26
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we were together 65
we weren't 120
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were young 47
we were here first 26