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It's bigger than some guy named David and his sister.
David adında birinden ve kız kardeşinden çok daha büyük bir şey bu.
And his hands were...
Ve elleri...
I've been watching you see this... uh, this David person and his monster.
Sizi izliyordum işte bu, David denen adamı ve onun canavarı var ya...
It seems... Kyle Barnes and his daughter are not the only resources'round Rome.
Meğerse Rome'daki tek kaynaklar Kyle Barnes ve kızı değilmiş.
The strange message they had received seemed to indicate there was more for the Baudelaires to investigate, but not until after they got away from Count Olaf and his miserable lunch.
Aldıkları garip mesaj, Baudelaireların araştırması gereken başka şeyler olduğunu gösteriyordu ama önce Olaf ve rezil yemeğinden kaçıp kurtulmaları gerekiyordu.
You fed me to the Witness and his promise of a timeless forest.
Ebedi orman sözüne karşı beni Tanık'a yem ettiniz.
And your father and his people killed my wife and son.
Senin baban ve onun halkı benim karım ve oğlumu öldürdü.
Unfortunately, our unsub got away, and his place is empty, except for a very lifelike silicone sex doll who happens to look a lot like Natalie Huang.
Maalesef şüpheli kaçtı ve evi boş, sadece Natalie Huang'a çok benzeyen gerçekçi silikon şişme kadın var.
Turns out Michael was the source of those neglect complaints wherein he alleged that his mother had abandoned him and his sister.
İhmal ihbarlarını yapan Michael'mış, annesinin kendisini ve kardeşini terk ettiğini söylemiş.
With this biker gang I got, we've done some small drug runs into El Paso to prove ourself to Hector and his cartel.
Motor çetemle El Paso'ya küçük çaplı uyuşturucu teslimatı yapıp Hector'a ve kartele kendimi kanıtladım.
No, and his absence has been absolutely devastating to his sisters.
Evet ve kayboluşu kardeşlerini yıkmış.
And then you people... Starting putting all these ideas in his head.
Bir de siz gelip onun aklına tüm o fikirleri koyuyorsunuz.
And that was with his fists.
Bunu yumruğuyla yapmış.
And I saw him when we were in his mind, just before the monster came.
Zihnindeyken onu gördüm. Canavar gelmeden önce.
You'd heard his voice, and you'd follow it.
Bir ses duyduğunda onu takip ediyordu.
And there is an eight-year-old Native girl playing with his train set.
Sekiz yaşında yerli bir kız çocuğu onun treniyle oynuyormuş.
So for the next year, he thinks maybe he made her up, like his imaginary friend who comes and goes, but then he figures out...
Sonraki yıllarda onu kafasından uydurduğunu düşünmüş. Gelip giden hayali bir arkadaş gibi.
He's always tossing and turning, and sometimes, he talks in his sleep.
Sürekli dönüp duruyor. Bazen de uykusunda konuşuyor.
But then he went off his medication, and he had this friend, Benny.
Sonra tedavisini kesti. Bir de şu arkadaşı vardı, Benny.
Everywhere we went, it was David and Lenny, his old female friend from the hospital.
Nereye gidersek David ve Lenny vardı. Hastanedeki kız arkadaşı.
His physical and emotional growth.
Fiziksel ve duygusal büyüme.
Always acting so holy and then gives away his only son.
Hep yüce biriymiş gibi davranır, sonra tek oğlunu başkasına verir.
And I may not be on his frequency right now, but you can hear me just fine, can't you?
Şu an onun frekansında olmayabilirim ama sen beni gayet iyi duyuyorsun değil mi?
Has attached itself to him and has been... Using his power to feed its own.
Ona yapıştı ve o zamandan beri de kendi gücünü beslemek için onun gücünü kullanıyordu.
And he... this thing... the monster... was his enemy.
Ve... Bu şey, canavar... Onun düşmanıydı.
And the monster, or whatever, somehow his mind or his soul or his being or whatever was... it didn't die.
Ve canavar, ya da her neyse zihniyle, ruhuyla ya da varlığıyla işte hayatta kalmıştır.
He always loved shredded beef tamales, and they ended up sealing his doom.
Acılı rende dana etine bayılırdı ve bu onun sonu oldu.
What if he's Count Olaf and being a foreman's his new disguise?
Ya o Kont Olaf'sa ve şimdi de ustabaşı kılığına girdiyse?
And we only ever hear his voice over the loudspeaker.
Sesini de sadece megafondan duyuyoruz.
The foreman kicked him and stepped on his glasses.
Ustabaşı onu tekmeleyip gözlüğüne bastı.
- It's when... - It's when a doctor speaks in a calm and reassuring voice to make sure his patients trust him.
- Doktorun, hastanın güvenini kazanmak için sakin ve güven verici bir ses tonuyla konuşmasıdır.
And now we have his address.
- Artık adresi elimizde.
- His bedside manner and culinary skills are for shit, but he gave me directions out of here.
- Hastaya karşı tutumu, aşçılığı berbat. Çıkış rotasını gösterdi.
We should have found the Witness and slit his goddamn throat when we had the chance.
Fırsatımız varken Tanık'ı bulup lanet boğazını kesmeliydik.
Any day you bust through a door and find a guy getting his jollies off instead of catching some commie's bullet... it's a good day.
Odayı basıp bir komünist mermisini yemek yerine zevkin doruğunu yaşayan bir adamı bulduğun her gün güzel bir gündür.
And I knew. His eyes.
Gözlerinden anlamıştım.
And Mr. Cole just lost his best friend.
- Bay Cole en iyi dostunu kaybetti.
And James, he led us into that shit, made us all targets, then he sees his boy, has a change of heart.
Ve James, bizi o pisliğe götürdü, hepimizi hedef yaptı, Sonra oğlunu gördü kalbi değişimine uğradığı.
His cycle begets our own, and together, we will begin another.
Kendi döngüsünde doğdu, ve birlikte, başkasına başlayacağız.
Pedro hasn't paid his taxes in 10 years now, and the penalties have added up substantially.
Pedro 10 yıldır vergisini ödememiş. Faizler eklenince çok büyük bir meblağ olmalı.
Got all the fluid out of his lungs, but if he moves around too much, his lung will collapse again, and it'll probably kill him.
Akciğerlerindeki bütün sıvıyı boşalttım. Ama kımıldayıp durursa akciğerleri tekrar iflas eder ve bu muhtemelen onu öldürür
Well, there's definitely a contradiction between the violence in his early kills and the lack of it now.
Önceki kurbanlarla şimdikilerin şiddet oranında çakışma var.
I understand, but I already have three of my plainclothes officers inside, and they have his driver's license.
Anlıyorum, ama üç sivil adamım içerde ve ehliyeti ellerinde.
Looks like the unsub found the closest woman to his victim type and improvised from there. Yeah.
We also found his lair... some knives, purple orchids, and a lot of blood.
Sığınağını da bulduk. Bıçaklar, mor orkideler ve bir sürü kan var.
Because every frat boy with his liquid courage has a tendency to hit on me, and if I've got some arm candy, they tend to leave me alone.
Çünkü içki içen her ergen bana asılıyor ve kolumda birini gören beni rahat bırakıyor.
And the we found his body staged under a bridge in Tijuana.
Cesedi de Tijuana'da bir köprünün altına yerleştirilmiş.
His carotid is sliced upon, and he's been left out in the open.
Şah damarı kesilmiş ve açık alana bırakılmış.
His neck was slashed with a sickle, and like the second victim, he had cigars stuffed in his mouth.
Boğazı orakla kesildi ve ikinci kurban gibi ağzına purolar tıkıldı.
Some clues and some profiling led us to his door.
Bazı ipuçları ve profil işi bizi buraya ulaştırdı.
His name is Cole Dabb, and we got him on possession, intent to distribute, assault and battery of a federal agent.
Adı Cole Dabb, uyuşturucu bulundurma, satma ve federal ajana saldırıp yaralama suçundan yakaladık.
and his brother 20
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his father 24
and his wife 80
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and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
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and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his father 24
and his wife 80
and his family 18
and his daughter 27
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his son 20
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hispanic 52
his father 174
his nephew 20
his mother 223
hiss 20
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his mother 223
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his wife 438
his best friend 29
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his sister 102
his friend 45
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his wife 438
his best friend 29
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his name is 110
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his watch 21
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