In his heart traduction Turc
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In his heart he knew
Yüreğinde biliyordu
Let's see what he does... if I'm still in his heart, he'll get through to her ;
Bakalim ne yapacak. ... eger hala onun kalbindeysem, O ona ulasmis olacak ;
There's surely something brewing in his heart
Mutlaka yüreği patlamak üzeredir.
And he'll live with his love forever in his heart
Hem o aşk daima kalbinde yaşayacak.
These days, the slightest little affront Is like a knife in his heart.
Bugünlerde en ufak söz bile bıçak yarası gibi geliyor.
There will never be another man who will love me when I'm young and pretty and always have that picture of me somewhere in his heart.
Beni genç ve güzelken sevecek, her zaman kalbinde fotoğrafımı taşıyacak başka bir adam olmayacak.
But how's he supposed to walk around with a knife in his heart?
Ama kalbinde bir bıçakla nasıl dolaşabildi ki?
It was engraved in his heart from the earliest age.
Küçük yaşlardan beri, yalnız kalbi, acıma hissiyle dolmuştu.
In his heart teacher. Drive it through his heart.
Kalbine öğretmen, onu kalbine sapla.
If a man slays too many flesh and bones of the living his blood starts to flow out from deep in his heart, too.
Eğer bi insan çok sayıda bedeni ve kemiklerini alırsa kendi kanıda kalbinin derinliklerinden fışkırmaya başlar.
Love lives in his heart...
Kalbi aşkla çarpar...
But maybe he didn't have anything left in his heart.
Ama belki de kalbinde hiçbir şey kalmamıştır.
Do not count his deeds against him. For in his heart, he desired to do your work.
Ona karşı onun kalbindeki amelleri hesaba katma,... o senin isteğini yapmak arzusundaydı.
Im going to stab a sword in his heart.
Kalbine bir kılıç saplayacağım.
A true carpenter... is the one that can build a house in his heart.
Gerçek bir marangoz kalbinde bir saray yapabilendir.
Holmes : Perfect weather for a man with murder in his heart.
Kalbi olan birini öldürmek için mükemmel bir hava.
He had to try and find an answer to his crisis in his heart in the recollection of God.
İçindeki bu krize Allah'ı tekrar arayarak bir cevap bulmalıydı.
It's not a sickness in his head or in his heart.
Yüreğinde ya da kafasında olan bir hastalık değil.
- He was born with a hole in his heart.
- Kalbinde bir delikle doğdu.
Did you put that double pap in his heart?
Kalbine iki kurşunu sen mi sıktın?
My loyalty to Mr. M comes in no small part from his possession of something I hold very dear to my heart something I would do anything to regain.
Bay M'ye bağlılığım, çok değer verdiğim bir şeyi elinde tutmasından ileri geliyor. Onu geri almak için her şeyi yaparım.
The one that makes his heart... bound in his chest.
Kalbini hızla çarptıran kadını.
His creations have been at the heart of every act of bio-terror in the past 15 years.
Son 1 5 yıldır biyolojik terör olaylarında onun silahları var.
His heart's in that hole.
Kalbi şu delikte.
He died in his patrol car of a heart attack.
devriye aracında kalp krizi yüzünden öldü.
Yeah, only the wooden stake is in his head, not his heart.
Ama tahta kazık bunun başında, kalbinde değil.
I have journeyed into the wilderness and returned with the love of the Lord in my heart and His holy message etched upon my soul.
Çölleri dolaştım ve kalbimde Tanrı'nın sevgisi, rühumda ise O'nun kutsal mesajını taşıyarak geri döndüm.
In his record collection there was a copy of a Heart Like A Wheel.
Plak koleksiyonunu temizlerken "Heart Like A Wheel" albümü vardı.
"After the release of" The Visit " Ángel Andrade became the top heart throb his reign lasted for ten years.
Ziyaret'in vizyona çıkmasından sonra Ángel Andrade'nin yıldızı parladı.
" Even a man who is pure in heart And says his prayers by night
" Melek gibi bir insan bile Etse de duasını her gece...
Each time his wound throbs, Manech feels Mathilde's heart in his palm.
Ne zaman yarası nabız gibi atsa Manech avucunda Mathilde'nin kalbini hisseder.
Spoke of a heart beating in his hand.
Elinde atan bir kalpten söz ediyordu.
On the 10th of June, a month short of his 33rd year Alexander's great heart finally gave out.
- HAZİRAN İ.Ö 323 33. doğum gününden bir ay evvel, 10 Haziran'da İskender'in büyük kalbi, sonunda pes etti.
His heart was in the right place.
Kalbi doğru yerdeydi.
A man who is a real pioneer... a gambler who takes all the right risks... who's rescued untold lives with his work in shock... and has gone on to challenge the entire medical establishment... to reconsider an age-old taboo... in performing the world's first heart surgery.
Şok tedavisiyle... bir çok hayat kurtaran... tıp tarihindeki tabuyu... yıkarak kalp ameliyatı... yapan gerçek... bir usta.
I bet any day now, we're gonna find some nutty Goth with a bloody scalpel in his hand and a heart in his back pocket.
Bugün yarın deli bir gotiği elinde kanlı bir neşterle ve cebinde bir kalple yakalayacağımıza eminim.
His name was literally still in the air when we found out he'd a heart attack and was gone.
Henüz, daha isminin harfleri odada uçuşurken, kalp krizi geçirip öldüğü haberi geldi.
Yugi says his success is due to his grandfather's coaching and to his belief in the heart of the cards.
Yugi, başarısının nedenini büyükbabasıyla çalışmaya bağlıyor. Ve tabii kartlara olan inancına.
Nothing But he says when he's with me that his heart pounds that he's in love
Ama benimleyken kalbinin sanki bana aşıkmış gibi küt küt attığını söyledi.
0ne of them is at the heart of Rommels inner circle, his deputy, Hans Speidel.
Onlardan biri ise Rommel'in sağ koluydu vekili Hans Speidel.
There is a student in our school who has congenital heart disease even though his illness cannot be cured with current technology, and the doctors say he cannot live beyond 15 years old, but there is this one doctor who can cure such an illness.
Okulumuzda kalp hastası bir öğrenci var. Günümüz teknolojisiyle bile hastalığına çare bulunamadı. Ve doktorlar 15 yıldan fazla yaşamaz diyor.
But today, you intentionally... You hit my Papa on his face... still I forgave you. But today you've hurt me in the heart
Ama bugün, sen bilerek babama vurdun ama yine de affettik.
In the heart of his territory, the resident dragon, the alpha male... blasts a warning into the air.
Alfa erkeği olan ejderha, egemen olduğu bölgenin tam merkezinde... göğe bir uyarı savurur.
They cracked open his chest in front of me. And held my son's heart in their hands.
Göğsünü benim önümde açıp oğlumun kalbini ellerine aldılar.
The one who let his heart out of his chest every once in a while.
Arada bir kalbini göğsünden çıkaran kişi.
Yeah, and we were hoping, you know, that you could find it in the goodness of your heart, even though we know that you're mad at us, to, you know, just throw away his file.
Evet, ve biz umut vardı, size kalbinizin iyilik içinde bulabildiğim, biliyorum, Biz Bize kızgın olduğunu biliyor olsa bile, , bilirsin, sadece onun dosya atmak.
In my heart, I still believe that you and Carl are going to get back together.
İçimde, Karl'la birbirinize döneceğinize dair bir his var.
PFC Dorn... purchased a term policy for three quarters of a million two months before his heart attack in Harmony.
Er Dorn, Harmony'deki kalp krizinden iki ay önce 750 bin dolarlık vadeli hayat poliçesi yaptırmış.
The doctor will call in a day or two but... his numbers look... good for a guy who just had a heart attack.
Doktor sizi bir ya da iki gün içinde arar ama oranları kalp krizi geçirmiş birisi için iyi gözüküyor.
I understand that because of his drug problem you don't think Mr Phillips is a good candidate for surgery, but he understands that this heart valve is a responsibility.
Anladığıma göre, uyuşturucu sorunu yüzünden Bay Phillips'in ameliyat için uygun bir aday olduğunu düşünmüyorsunuz, ama bu kapakçığın sorumluluk olduğunu anlıyor.
Is he, in fact, a latex-encased robot with real human hair and a circuit board where his heart should be?
Tabii ki, aslında o gerçek saç ve kauçukla kaplı, kalp yerine elektronik bir devre taşıyan bir robot.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in history 31
in his car 20
in his way 22
in his room 52
in his house 18
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in history 31
in his car 20
in his way 22
in his room 52
in his house 18
in his head 18
in his hands 21
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his words 17
in his mind 49
his heart 57
his heart stopped 19
heart 404
in his hands 21
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his words 17
in his mind 49
his heart 57
his heart stopped 19
heart 404
heartbeat 33
heartless 34
heartbreak 27
hearts 66
hearted 198
heartbreaker 20
heartburn 19
heartbreaking 30
heart beating 18
heart rate 87
heartless 34
heartbreak 27
hearts 66
hearted 198
heartbreaker 20
heartburn 19
heartbreaking 30
heart beating 18
heart rate 87
hearts and minds 20
heart failure 23
heart attack 174
heart surgery 35
heart disease 37
heartedly 17
heartbroken 26
heart rate's 34
heart failure 23
heart attack 174
heart surgery 35
heart disease 37
heartedly 17
heartbroken 26
heart rate's 34