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Aşağilik traduction Anglais

66 traduction parallèle
Guerrilla Sonsofbitches
Seni asagilik.
Hey, you bastard.
Iste her seye sebep olan bu asagilik herif.
There's the son of a bitch that's caused everything.
Gösteri gücünün – tek yönlü iletisiminin aleminde mutlak olan bir güç – uzmanlari küçümseme deneyimleri ve o küçümsemenin basarisi sonucunda tam anlamiyla yozlasmislardir ; çünkü küçümseyislerinin, tam anlamiyla asagilik izleyiciler olduklarinin farkinda oluslariyla nasil da dogrulandigini görürler.
The specialists of power of the spectacle, absolute power within its system of... language without reply, are absolutely corrupted... by their experience of contempt, and by the success of that contempt. They find their contempt again confirmed... by the knowledge of the contemptible man... who the spectator really is.
Asagilik serseri!
You fucking creep!
Biliyor musun, senin gibi bir devlet memurunun boyle davranmasi cok asagilik bir durum.
You know, for a public servant I think your attitude really sucks.
Seni asagilik domuz.
You contemptible pig.
Her kimsen asagilik birisin!
Whoever you are, you're a jerk!
Asagilik herif.
Yapmis, seni asagilik piç.
He did it, the dirty bastard.
Bu, asagilik bir karikatür!
That's a vile caricature!
Bu da o, asagilik numaralarindan birisi.
This is just another one of your lame-ass tricks.
Asagilik herifler!
Haydi simdi gelin de Bizi tutun, asagilik herifler!
Come and fucking get us now, you bastards!
Bana tuzak kurmak istedi, Asagilik fahise!
Trying to trap me, the Iow caste bitch!
Asagilik herif!
You bastard!
Geri zekali asagilik!
Bitch-ass motherfucker.
Seni asagilik domuz!
You fucking spic!
Asagilik bir Yahudi annemi becermeye calisirken... oturup siritacagimi mi saniyorsun?
You think I'll sit here and smile... while some fucking kike tries to fuck my mother?
Kabalaci asagilik pislik!
Asshole. Fucking cabala-reading motherfucker.
- Al bunu asagilik salak! - Hayir!
- Take this, you fucking dick!
O kamyoneti bana babam verdi asagilik herif!
My father gave me that truck, you motherfucker!
Simdi sana gercek bir ders verecegim asagilik!
I'm going to teach you a real lesson now, motherfucker.
Senin sacmaliklarin yuzunden hayatimin 3 yilini kaybettim. Ama artik seni taniyorum asagilik yilan!
I lost three years of my life for your fucking phony cause... but I am on to you now, you fucking snake.
Seni asagilik ikiyuzlu!
You a fucking nigger-fucker?
Hadi asagilik herifler!
Come on, you motherfuckers!
- Bay Asagilik.
Tom petty.
Sen Bay Asagilik'sin.
You're tom petty.
Asagilik mavi yakali.
Filthy blue collars.
Ayrica asagilik herifin tekisiniz.
An asshole too.
Asagilik * iç!
You sick bastard.
Asagilik herifin tekisin.
You're such an asshole.
Asagilik k.ltak!
Lousy whore!
Yani sakin deneme - bu lanet telefonumu bile cevaplama seni asagilik!
So, don't even try to - returning this call, you fuckhead!
Ben Hollywood daki diger asagilik sex bagimlilarindan degilim.
I'm not one of those shallow sex machines like all those other Hollywood types.
Kagit fabrikasinda o asagilik herifi yakalayacagiz. Onun, neden hoslandigini, anladin mi!
We're gonna bag the son of a bitch at his factory, see how he likes it.
Bu ne... Ben büyük bir asagilik kompleksi var.
It is... I have the inferiority complex.
Seni asagilik piç kurusu!
You fucking asshole!
- Sen hayatini bir hic ugruna yasiyorsun, asagilik adam.
- You're living your life in vain, hombre.
Tamam, BokBank'ın, Amerikan RezilBank'ın asagilik A.I.G.'nin yoneticileri kendi kiclarini kurtardigi icin mutluyum.
So, I'm glad that the executives at Shitibank and... Skank of America and Notorious A.I.G. got to keep their sailboats.
Tebrik ederim, asagilik herif.
Congratulations, asshole.
Sonra konuyu biraz daha irdeleyince stajyer aniden hattan ayrildi, ürünün gönderildigi adresi alamadim ve kendimi, bana rozet numarami soran asagilik bir tüzel sirket avukatiyla konusurken buldum.
So I go back and push more and before you know it the temp's gone, there's no address. I'm talking to some snot-nose lawyer who's asking me for my badge number. Brick wall.
Simdi kalemden defol git, seni asagilik.
Now piss off out of my castle, you pleb.
Asagilik olmak.
- Asagilik kompleksi.
Inferiority complex.
- Asagilik.
Asagilik adam!
Wicked man!
Bu ya da masum bir hayaletin kapisini asiririm, ki bu tam da uzak durmaya çalistigim asagilik bir davranis.
This or I steal some innocent ghost's door, which is exactly the kind of messed up behaviour that I'm trying to avoid.
Cevabimi biliyorsun, seni asagilik pic!
You know the answer, you scurvy bastard!
Asagilik bir hareketti.
And I guess it was a dick move.

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