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Translate.vc / Turc → Anglais / [ O ] / O benimdi

O benimdi traduction Anglais

299 traduction parallèle
Ama o benimdi.
But that was mine.
- Hayır, o benimdi.
- No, he was mine.
O benimdi.
He was mine.
Ama o benimdi.
But that was my car.
- Hey, o benimdi.
- Hey! That's mine.
O benimdi.
It's mine.
- O benimdi...
- She was in mine...
O benimdi, sen aldın.
It's mine... you took it.
- O benimdi.
- It was mine.
O benimdi.
It was mine.
O benimdi biliyordum, ben de ona tüm aşkımı verdim.
I knew that he was mine so I gave him all the love that I had
- O benimdi.
- That's it.
- O benimdi!
- It was mine!
O benimdi ve hala benim.
Well, I owned that and it belongs to me.
O benimdi!
I've had it!
O benimdi.
She was mine.
- "O benimdi!"
- "He was mine!"
"O benimdi!"
"He was mine!"
O benimdi!
He was mine!
O benimdi.
She was to me.
O benimdi!
She was to me!
O benimdi.
It happens to be mine.
- O benimdi, beni sevdi, yalnızca beni!
- He was mine, he loved me, only me!
Eve döndüğümüzde William bana yardım etmek istedi... ancak ben neredeyse istemedim, çünkü o benimdi.
Once we got her home William offered his help and stuff... but it was almost like I didn't want it'cause she was mine.
O benimdi.
That was mine.
- O benimdi, yani Japon şiiri değil.
- That was mine. Not the haiku thing.
O benimdi!
It was mine!
Öncelikle o ev bir zamanlar benimdi.
Firstly... that house was once mine. I can't rob my own home!
O arazi benimdi.
- Sure. That land were mine.
O para benimdi.
That was mine.
Galiba o ayakkabı bağcıkları benimdi.
I guess the shoelaces was mine.
- O da neredeyse benimdi.
- She nearly all mine, also.
O yatak benimdi.
I had this berth.
- O yemek benimdi!
- That's me dinner!
O yüzük eskiden benimdi.
That ring used to be mine.
Bu vahşi benim olanı çalmaya çalıştı.. o her zaman benimdi.
This savage has tried to take from me that which is mine, has always been mine.
O silah benimdi.
I believe that's my gun.
Amma o para benimdi.
By the fact that the money was mine.
O dolap altı yıldır benimdi, ama umurumda değil.
I had that locker for six years. It don't bother me.
Ben söyleyince Amerika'ya gitti. Salıncak, o da benimdi.
She went to America on my say-so.
Benimdi o.
That was mine.
Anlayamadığım şu : Tabanca kimindi? - O tabanca benimdi.
What I'm curious about is whose gun was it?
Reis, o havlu benimdi.
Captain, that's my towel.
- O ilk benimdi.
So cute. He was mine first.
O dergi benimdi.
That magazine was mine.
Saat 10'da benimdi. "
At ten o'clock, she came across. "
Richard'dan önce benimdi o.
It was mine before it was his.
O Winchester benimdi.
That Winchester was mine!
O önce benimdi.
He was mine first.
- Benimdi o hikaye...
- My story?
Hey o sonuncu tatlı benimdi!
That was my last Sweet Tart.

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