Çunku traduction Anglais
841 traduction parallèle
Ronnie Raymond'in nerede oldugunu biliyorum çunku.
Because I know where Ronnie Raymond is.
Çunku Ronnie degil.
It's because he's not.
Parmaklarinin arasindan kayip gitmesine izin vereceksin çunku mutlulugu hak etmedigini dusunuyorsun.
You'll let her slip right through your fingers because you think you don't deserve happiness.
Nuh nebiden kalma bir sistem çunku.
The system's so antiquated.
Siyah militanlarla birlikte mücadele etmek için hukumeti devirmeye çalıştığımız iddialarına karşı biz insanları korumaya calışıyoruz cunku hukumet kendi kendini deviriyor
To deal with the thing of what you call black militants trying to overthrow the government we're trying to save people because the government is overthrowing itself
Cunku hayvanat bahcesine gittim ve onlari izledim.
Because I went down to the zoo and I watch them.
Cunku, hala emin degilim.
Well, because I'm not really sure.
Cunku her insanin kalbinde bir cekisme vardir, mantikli ve mantiksiz olan kisimlar arasinda, iyi ve kotu arasinda, ve iyi her zaman kazanmiyor.
Because there's a conflict in every human heart, between the rational and irrational, between good and evil, and good does not always triumph.
Bana kizgin degilsinizdir cunku Mephisto yu getirdim?
You are not angry with me because I brought Mephisto?
Politikamiz icinde cunku.
Our politics are in it.
Cunku, cok zeki ama ayni zamanda, hic birsey bilmiyor.
Because he's very bright, but at the same time, he doesn't know anything.
yavas ve sakin... cunku lanet aklimi kaybetmek uzereyim!
Slow and easy...'cause I'm about to fuckin'lose my mind!
cunku eger onlara vurmazsam, kan akmaz.
Be cause if you don't poke'em, then they don't leak.
cunku Alfredo aptal anas.. cinin biri, huh?
'Cause Alfredo's a stupid motherfucker, huh?
Cunku muzik katledildi.
Because music has been murdered.
Ki ben 25 yasin uzerinde olmayan herhangi birini oyle goruyorum... cunku onlar sansli olduklarinin farkinda degiller.
That's what I call anyone who's not over 25... because they don't know they're lucky.
O ve erkek kardesi, cunku Munihin her tarafina ayni seyleri soyleyen, posterler asmislardi.
She and her brother, because they'd put up posters all over Munich, all saying the same thing.
- Çunku sen iyi bir habercisin.
'Cause you're a good reporter.
Cunku cocuklari seviyorlar.
Because they love kids.
Cunku cocuklar istikrari saglar.
Because children promote stability.
Hayati boyunca topal gezecek, cunku Eddie, masasinin altindaki tabancayla onu dizinden vurdu.
He's going to limp the rest of his life'cause Eddie hit him in the knee with that cannon under his desk.
Cunku anlatmadan edemedim.
Because I couldn't stand not to.
Iyi, cunku degisti.
Good,'cause it's been changed.
Cunku karim beni anliyor.
It's because my wife understands me.
- Cunku sikildim.
- Because I'm sick.
Eeee Cunku senin takimin baya iyi gozukuyor.
Well, that's because you got a good-lookin'football team.
- Cunku onlar seytan!
- Because little girls are the devil!
Annemcigim derki "gergedanlar sinirli cunku...'o kadar disleri var ama dis fircalari yok".
Mama says that alligators are ornery...'cause they got all them teeth but no toothbrush.
Gergedanlar agrasif cunku beyinlerinde medulla oblongata cok buyuk.
Alligators are aggressive because of an enlarged medulla oblongata.
Tesekkurler, Ne yazikki tek basina halletmen lazim... cunku bu takimda kimse o kadar iyi degil.
Thank you. Bobby, you're gonna have to do this by yourself... because there is nobody on this team that's any good.
Cunku bizim... super oyuncumuz var.
Because we've got... a young man who has been so vital to our success.
Cunku senin oynamani istedim.
Because I wanted you to play.
- Cunku hosuma gidiyor annecim.
-'Cause I enjoys it, Mama.
Sen yenileceksin bayim... buyuk sinavinida gecemeyeceksin, Cunku okul- seytandir
You're gonna lose all your fancy fool's ball games... and you're gonna fail your big exam, because school is... The devil?
Okulu seviyorum footballu sevdigim gibi ikisinide yapmaya devam edecegim cunku beni mutlu ediyorlar
Well, I like school, and I like football! And I'm gonna keep doin'them both because they make me feel good!
Ama artik bunu yapamam, Cunku herkes senin ne kadar iyi oldugunu goruyor.
But I can't hog you to myself no more, because everyone's seen how wonderful you are.
- Umarim cunku cok kotuler. - Mm-hmm.
- Well, they better,'cause they suck.
Hayir. Cunku sokaklar seni oldurur.
No. I think the street would kill you.
Cunku babam isini yaparken olduruldu!
Because my father was murdered doing his job!
Cunku bu gece o isi halledecegim.
I'm gonna take care of that tonight.
Suslu konusmalarini kendine sakla Hillary Rodham Clinton! Cunku oyle seyler olmayacak.
Save the rhetorical bullshit, Hillary Rodham Clinton...'cause it ain't gonna fucking happen.
Durust, caliskan Amerikalilar... ihmal ediliyor cunku hukumetimiz... bu ulkenin vatandasi bile olmayan... bir grup insanin anayasal haklarina daha cok onem veriyor.
It's about decent, hard-working Americans... falling through the cracks and getting the shaft... because their government cares more about the rights... of a bunch of people who aren't even citizens.
Bunu duzeltene kadar almayin su herifleri! Cunku kaybediyoruz!
Until you take care of that... close the fucking book, because we're losing.
Iflas edince lanet olasi... bir Koreli satin alip bu cocuklari isten kovdu! Ve deli gibi para kazaniyor, cunku 40 tane kacak isci aldi!
He went under, and now some fucking Korean owns it... who fired these guys and is making a killing... because he hired 40 fucking border jumpers.
Cunku bir seyi alip ona baska bir isim veriyorsun. Boylece o insanlar kendi... yaptiklarindan sorumlu olmuyorlar.
You're taking one thing and calling it something else... and just alleviating the responsibility... these people have for their own actions.
Toplum olarak polislere... bu kararlari alma yetkisini neden veriyoruz? Cunku islerinin zor ve tehlikeli oldugunu biliyoruz.
We, as society, grant cops a certain amount of authority... to make those calls, because we acknowledge... that their job is difficult and dangerous.
Cunku o kaset Gates'den kurtulmak icin tasarlanan bir tuzak.
That videotape was a set-up to get rid of Gates.
Cunku yeni mahsuller... siraya girmis bekliyor degil mi?
'Cause you got the next crop... lined up and ready to go, you fucking chicken hawk.
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