And my personal favorite tradutor Espanhol
105 parallel translation
Una vulgar historia tropical de amor y lujuria codicia y espíritus del mal y mi favorita, la muerte.
And my personal favorite, the Feeny puppet.
Y mi favorito personal, el títere Feeny.
you had a dental emergency, your aunt died-again, and my personal favorite, from this idiot, you were detained by the sector police for practicing witchcraft.
tuviste una emergencia dental, tu tia murio de nuevo, y mi favorita, de este imbecil : La policia de seccion te detuvo por practicar brujeria.
And my personal favorite, The Lux Show starring Rosemary Clooney. Which you can enjoy every Thursday at 10 : 00.
Y mi favorito, El Programa Lux, con Rosemary Clooney, que pueden disfrutar cada jueves a las 10 : 00.
And my personal favorite... "The Lux Show" starring Rosemary Clooney..... Which you can enjoy every Thursday at 10 : 00.
Y mi favorito, El Programa Lux, con Rosemary Clooney, que pueden disfrutar cada jueves a las 10 : 00.
If you look at how brilliantly Monet suggested glimpses of sky... and the luscious, tactile quality of the canvas... you can see how he established his fate as one of the true poets of nature... and my personal favorite.
Si observan la brillantez con la que Monet pintó las luces del cielo y lo placentero que se siente el lienzo al tacto y en mi pintor preferido.
Aiding and abetting, harboring a fugitive and my personal favorite, grand-theft chopper.
Ayudar a escapar, a un fugitivo y mi favorita, robo de helicópteros.
In any case, this brings us to the final room of the tour and my personal favorite - The Hall of Norse Mythology.
Como sea, esto nos trae a la última sala de la visita guiada, y la que es mi favorita... la Sala de Mitología Nórdica.
White being legal, black being illegal and my personal favorite color, gray.
Estar Blanco legal, negro es ilegal y mi color favorito, gris.
My other interviews have pinned you as a mass murderer, bloodsucker, pimp, profiteer, child killer, and my personal favorite "yuppie Mephistopheles."
Otros entrevistados te consideran un asesino múltiple... una sanguijuela, un alcahuete, un acaparador... un asesino de niños y mi favorito, un Mefistófeles acomodado.
And my personal favorite, 1987, ran a doctor off the road after his shift at a woman's health center.
Y mi favorito personal, 1987, corrió a un médico fuera de la carretera después de su turno en el centro de salud de la mujer.
And my personal favorite, the fabulous futon. - Hmm?
el fabuloso futón.
And my personal favorite... the Mae West.
la Mae West.
We've got Dippin'Dots, no "g", Snack Pack Puddin', no "g", and my personal favorite, Cap'n Crunch, no "t."
Tenemos Dippin'Dots, sin "g", Snack Pack Puddin', sin "g" y mi favorito, Cap'n Crunch, sin "t".
Got an unopend bottle of champagne, chocolate-covered strawberries, and my personal favorite...
Tenemos una botella de champagne sin abrir, fresas con chocolate, Y mi favorito...
"If you're angry at him," the exorcist, " and if youe just in the mood for a good time - and my personal favorite -" glitter.
Si estas enfadado "El exorcista", y si estás de humor para pasarlo bien, y mi favorita "Brillo".
And my personal favorite, Oktoberfest maidkins.
Y mi favorita, reinas del Oktoberfest.
And my personal favorite, I love the ass.
Y... mi favorito, batalla de los ex-novios.
Tonight's special, we have the rack of lamb, and my personal favorite, the steamed bass.
El especial de esta noche es costillar de cordero y lubina al vapor.
And my personal favorite, receiver number three :
Y la tercera receptora, mi favorita :
And my personal favorite, Short People.
Y mi favorita personal "Short People".
They called me a freak, a mental case, And my personal favorite :
Me llamaron fenómeno, caso mental y mi favorito "Melocada" Gordon.
And my personal favorite, a 1 0 - millimeter caseless Gatling submachine gun, capable of firing 50 rounds per second. Fully self-contained firepower.
Y mi favorita una ametralladora de 10 mm sin cartucho capaz de disparar 50 balas por segundo.
One two three foreskin, butt buddies, and my personal favorite two pricks for sure-a.
Uno, dos, tres, prepucio, amigos del culo, y mi favorito personal... dos pinchazos seguros.
And my personal favorite, single barrel 12 gauge shotgun, non-lethal bean bag rounds.
Escopeta de calibración Single-Barrel 12 con cartuchos de fogueo.
60 cents for a snowboard, and my personal favorite, 28 cents for an art deco mantel clock.
Sesenta centavos por un snowboard, y mi favorito 28 centavos por un reloj de sobremesa art decó.
Well, yeah, we have the ones with the little rubber tip for getting in the hard-to-reach areas, and we have the stimulators, and we have my personal favorite which possesses marvelous prophylactic qualities.
Bueno, sí, tenemos de ésos que tienen la puntita de hule para llegar a esas áreas difíciles de alcanzar, tenemos los estimuladores, y tenemos el que es mi favorito el cual posee maravillosas propiedades profilácticas.
My own personal favorite show... was something called "The Masked Avenger"... who I fantasized was a cross between Superman and Cary Grant.
Mi programa favorito... era uno que se llamaba El Vengador Enmascarado... que me imaginaba era una cruza entre Superman y Cary Grant.
Y después está mi favorito, el ego masculino.
And my own personal favorite, Mrs. Sheila Rivkin.
Y ahora mi favorita... la Sra. Sheila Rivkin.
Two minutes for slashing, two minutes for hooking... and let ´ s not forget my personal favorite... two minutes for high-sticking.
Dos minutos de azotes, dos minutos de puños... y no nos olvidemos mi favorito... dos minutos de bastonazos.
My personal favorite was George Washington and the Hussy.
Mi favorita fue George Washington y el Hussy.
Cha-cha all night and straight to the courthouse in the morning. You were wearing my personal favorite. Red dress, no back.
tenias puesto mi vestido favorito ah si, el rojo escotado pense que iban a confundirme con una prostituta.
And below these contestants my personal favorite :
Y debajo de estos concursantes mi muerte favorita :
You heard from Massive Attack, Public Enemy, Morphine, that's my personal favorite, and Duane Eddy's twangy guitar.
Escucharon a Massive Attack, Public Enemy. Morphine. Es mi favorito.
And this is my personal favorite.
Y éste es mi favorito.
I mean you got your human-sized Phantoms, and your creepy caterpillary Phantoms and your flying Phantoms and let's not forget my personal favorite the big, fat, giant Phantoms.
Tiene los espectros de tamaño humano y los asquerosos tipo gusano y no olvidemos mis preferidos los espectros gigantescos.
Or third, and my own personal favorite get the Hungry Jack Festive Frozen Turkey Dinners on special promotion for 3.99.
Lawrence o, la tercera, las cenas congeladas de Hungry jack en promoción por 3,99.
And here is my personal favorite.
Éste es mi preferido.
The highest and most difficult to master is my personal favorite :
El más alto y difícil de dominar es mi favorito :
And, of course, my personal favorite, blow.
Y, por supuesto, mi favorita, soplar.
And my personal favorite, "It's a small penis after all."
Es un pene pequeño después de todo.
Here's a small sampling from our collection- - prestige, exhilaration, and, oh, my personal favorite, brash.
Aquí hay una pequeña muestra de nuestra colección- - prestigio, euforia, y, oh, mi favorito personal, descarado.
But my personal favorite is the unique combination of week-old potatoes and tropical heat.
Pero mi favorita es la combinación única de patatas semanas de edad y el calor tropical.
And my personal favorite :
Y mi favorito personal :
And, my personal favorite, x-ray specs.
Y mi artículo favorito, lentes de rayos X.
My personal favorite being llpole in the hole.'l And Neil's- - What was yours?
Eso es verdad, esa película es una especie de realidad de ficción porque hay dos tipos blancos jodiendo detrás del mostrador y no sé, en todos las tienditas del mundo en las que he estado es el "Gracias, vuelva pronto", ya saben.
Oh, and this one's my personal favorite.
Esta es mi preferida.
The human corkscrew, Henry Athol the boneless wonder, and not the least, my personal favorite, Elastic Ed.
El sacacorchos humano Henry Athol, la maravilla sin huesos y no por último, mi favorito personal, Ed Elástico.
My personal favorite biggest objects in the universe... are the Lyman-Alpha blobs... an unpredicted, unexpected phenomenon... where you're catching a galaxy in the first phases... of its formation and collapse.
Mis objetos más grandes favoritos en el universo son las manchas Lyman-Alpha un impredecible, inesperado fenómeno donde vemos una galaxia en la primera fase de su formación y colapso.
And, my personal favorite, Angelina Jolie.
Y mi favorita, Angelina Jolie.
and my sister 48
and my daughter 48
and my husband 46
and my mother 97
and my brother 55
and my best friend 18
and my ex 21
and my family 54
and my friends 35
and my 108
and my daughter 48
and my husband 46
and my mother 97
and my brother 55
and my best friend 18
and my ex 21
and my family 54
and my friends 35
and my 108
and my brother lives with them 20
and my dad 65
and my mom 49
and my friend 37
and my wife 60
and my son 78
and my father 65
and myself 59
and my life 17
my personal favorite 27
and my dad 65
and my mom 49
and my friend 37
and my wife 60
and my son 78
and my father 65
and myself 59
and my life 17
my personal favorite 27
and merry christmas 27
and meanwhile 86
and me 1014
and mean 19
and me too 52
and me included 17
and midnight 57
and men 25
and mine 189
and mrs 1140
and meanwhile 86
and me 1014
and mean 19
and me too 52
and me included 17
and midnight 57
and men 25
and mine 189
and mrs 1140