And then it happened tradutor Espanhol
521 parallel translation
And then it happened that one day They chanced to meet again
Y entonces sucedió que un día Se encontraron de nuevo por casualidad
We were engaged to be married. And then it happened.
Estábamos prometidos cuando le sucedió eso.
Y así sucedió!
And then it happened.
Y entonces ocurrió.
And then it happened.
Y luego pasa esto...
And then it happened.
Y en ese entonces ocurrió.
And then it happened that the other girls and me too, we heard us saying, "We'll stay, too."
Y entonces sucedió que las otras chicas y yo también, que nosotros oímos decir : "Nos quedaremos, también."
And then it happened.
Entonces lo hizo.
And then it happened.
Y luego ocurrió.
And then it happened.
Y se hizo realidad.
And Roberts and I eventually became friends... and then it happened.
Y Roberts y yo nos hicimos amigos, y entonces pasó.
And then it happened,
Y entonces sucedió.
- And then it happened.
- Luego pasó lo que pasó.
And then it happened.
Y entonces sucedio.
You know, you act what's happened... and then you know who's done it, see?
Actúas lo que ocurrió... y entonces sabes quién lo hizo, ¿ ves?
I am living in a new world, a young world and if it wouldn't sound so sentimental then I'd say a miracle has happened to me
Todo lo que me rodea, mis hijos, mi casa, mis libros, mis... colecciones todo eso... no me interesa nada. Estoy viviendo en un mundo nuevo, joven. y... si no sonara tan patético... diría que... me ha ocurrido... un milagro.
In view of what happened to Mr Godley and then Mr Compton I decided it was wiser to get help than to investigate alone.
En vista de lo que les pasó al Sr. Godley y al Sr. Compton... decidí que era más prudente buscar ayuda que investigar sola.
Then they're liable to tell you got dandruff. It's happened time and again.
Y luego son capaces de decirte que tienes caspa.
And then she said, "What happened?" Yeah, it was a girl.
Y luego dijo : "¿ Qué pasó?" Sí, era una chica.
It happened once before, and then I found you. You made my work live again.
Sucedió una vez antes, y te encontré a ti e hiciste que mi trabajo viva nuevamente.
But since I was 12 and the accident happened... Since then I've always hated death. I've never been afraid of it.
Pero desde que ocurrió el accidente, desde entonces, odio la muerte y le temo.
And then it sort of slid to a stop and nothing happened.
Luego, se paró y no pasó nada.
Then I would be the worst thing that happened to you. And I would know it.
Entonces me convertiría en lo peor que te ha ocurrido jamás, y lo sabría.
During the ceremony, my thoughts strayed to the day's events, and it was then I decided to write down what had happened.
Durante la ceremonia, mis pensamientos se perdieron entre los acontecimientos del día y fué entonces cuando decidí anotar lo que había ocurrido.
And if those who happened to believe, as these Hungarian freedom fighters believed, had taken a strong moral stand on their behalf, at the time when it most mattered, then it is more than likely that 20,000 of these people,
Y si esos que lo creen, como estos combatientes húngaros, se hubiesen comprometido en el momento en el que era más importante,
And yet so much has happened since then, that it seems more like an eternity.
Pero, han sucedido tantas cosas desde entonces, que ahora, me parece una eternidad.
Who knows, maybe there was a country where he would be accepted for his heart, and where he would had been able to forget everything he had learned... and then learn it again without embarrassment or offense, in as sweet and natural a way as it should have happened.
Quién sabe, quizás existiera un país donde fuese aceptado de corazón, y donde le hubiera sido posible olvidar todo lo que había aprendido para después re-aprenderlo sin vergüenza ni ofensa, de la manera dulce y natural como debería haber ocurrido.
And then... and that's when it happened.
Y entonces... Y asi sucedió
Then we put it against the wall, because we were not willing to endure abuse, and so what happened happened.
Entonces lo pusimos contra la pared, porque no estábamos dispuestos a soportar abusos, y así ocurrió lo que ocurrió.
And then, not is my fault if it happened right here.
Además, ¿ qué culpa tengo yo si me ha venido antes de tiempo?
Then after some preliminary guessing games, at which I was never very good... it was explained to me by my daughter... that she intended to get married. And that her intended was a young man whom I had never met... who happened to be a Negro.
Después de un juego de adivinanzas, para las cuales no soy muy bueno mi hija me explicó que pretendía casarse y que su prometido era un joven al cual no conocía y que casualmente era negro.
It all happened so quickly. We were arguing, then he came at me, and I stepped aside and then he just fell overboard.
Estábamos discutiendo y se ha echado encima me he echado a un lado y se ha caído por la borda.
I have to take it out. Then I took it out and unbundled it on the couch... in the living room, and I saw what happened to him.
Debía sacarlo, lo saqué y lo puse en el sofá del cuarto y vi lo que le pasaba.
And then it happened The tragedy
Volví a murmurar su nombre cuando nuestros labios estaban... a punto de tocarse, y en el momento preciso en que... mis deseos iban a hacerse realidad, llegó la tragedia.
And then, one morning, when Rabbit was beginning to think he might never be able to use his front door again, - it happened.
Y una mañana, cuando conejo empezaba a pensar... que no podría usar más su puerta.
Then I'll go back and... have a look at where it all happened, I guess.
Luego volveré... y le daré una mirada al lugar de los hechos, supongo.
And then, it happened ; on the dockside in the Crimea, somebody opened one of the new jumbo-sized cans of meat.
Y entonces, sucedió ; en el área portuaria de Crimea, alguien abrió una de las nuevas latas de carne tamaño gigante.
And so, the little villages grew with their huts and their granary and then, almost out of nowhere, it seems, that happened.
Y así fueron creciendo las aldeas con sus chozas y graneros. Y después, de la nada, aparentemente, surgió eso...
What happened then, well that's the play, And he wouldn't want us to give it away.
Qué pasó entonces, ahí nos centramos Pero como no quiere, nada desvelamos
- And since all the victims... participated in the R.O.T.C. Break-in 10 years ago, maybe something happened then... something that requires them all getting back together so it can work itself out.
Y como todas las víctimas participaron en el asalto al edificio hace diez años tal vez ocurriera algo que requiera que estén todos reunidos para poder solucionarlo.
Very well then, Anne, with an "e",... how is it that you happened to be brought and not a boy?
- Muy bien, Anne con una "e". ¿ Cómo es que te mandaron y no a un varoncito?
It was difficult for me to comprehend that people can disappear in this way, and nothing is going to happen, and then there comes the next transport, and they don't know anything about what happened to the previous transport,
Sobre todo los convoyes de judíos de la Europa occidental, que esperaban aquí su turno.
I beg you then, tell me exactly what has happened and what it may lead to.
Le ruego entonces que me cuente exactamente qué ha pasado y a qué puede conducir.
Lord, we were there to secure a bridge, and then, I don't know... it all just happened.
Señor, estábamos allí para asegurar un puente. Y luego no sé, sólo sucedió.
So tell us exactly what happened well we went over to my room yes and I took off my clothes ok And then I took his clothes off go on and then we did it how many times?
Puede decirnos que sucedió realmente. Bueno... estábamos en mi habitación.
And then, when I had told my mother what had happened... she sent for a car and she packed us all into the car... and then we left that very night but it was like a catastrophe.
Y luego, cuando le conté a mi madre lo que había pasado mandó a buscar un coche y empaquetamos todo dentro del coche. y nos fuimos muy de noche pero era como una catástrofe.
My biggest nightmare is that I'll fall asleep, and then I'll have to wake up, and none of this will be as if it ever happened.
Mi pesadilla es que si me quedo dormido, luego tendré que despertarme y nada de esto habrá sucedido.
I have to change what happened, and then after tonight it'll all be over.
Debo cambiar lo de aquel día. Y después de esta noche, todo habrá acabado.
I asked her every now and then about it but she told me that she took notes about things that happened. But, but...
Le pregunté de vez en cuando pero me dijo... que hacía notas de las cosas que sucedían, pero, pero...
I didn't care if I was dying or not. I'd had my revenge. Then suddenly it came to me and I remembered what really happened.
No me importaba morir Me había vengado y de pronto recordé lo que realmente había ocurrido.
I bought the ticket, got on the plane and somehow made it over the ocean. Then an extraordinary thing happened. What?
Así que compré el pasaje, me subí al avión difícilmente atravesé el gran océano azul y luego la cosa más extraordinaria sucedió.
and then 7362
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then what 920
and then i 152
and then some 118
and then we 52
and then finally 32
and then what happened 169
and then you 113
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then what 920
and then i 152
and then some 118
and then we 52
and then finally 32
and then what happened 169
and then you 113
and then there's me 17
and then suddenly 99
and then i said 46
and then there's this 38
and then i realized 60
and then after that 60
and then we'll talk 37
and then this morning 31
and then one day 206
and then all of a sudden 77
and then suddenly 99
and then i said 46
and then there's this 38
and then i realized 60
and then after that 60
and then we'll talk 37
and then this morning 31
and then one day 206
and then all of a sudden 77