As you want tradutor Espanhol
10,241 parallel translation
Blaming your only child for not being as famous as you want to be, it's small, and it's vicious, and it's sad.
Culpar a tu único hijo por no ser tan famoso como tú quieres es pobre, es mezquino y es triste.
You're welcome to stay at our place for as long as you want.
Eres bienvenida a quedarte en nuestra casa el tiempo que quieras.
As you want, I will leave the company but I will stay in Korea.
Si quiere, dejaré la compañía, pero... me quedaré en Corea.
You'll get tipsy and use my body in whatever way you want, as many times as you want.
Te entonarás y usarás mi cuerpo de la manera que quieras, tantas veces como quieras.
Meaning? Meaning that you can stay as long as you want to stay.
Significa que te puedes quedar, siempre y cuando te quieras quedar.
You know you can stay as long as you want.
Sabes que podéis quedaros tanto como quieras.
Mi casa, dude. Stay as long as you want.
Mi casa amigo, quédate el tiempo que quieras.
You can talk as much as you want.
Puedes hablar todo lo que quieras.
It's just like Gandhi always said, eat as much as you want and do whatever, and don't be afraid to hit each other.
Es como decía Gandhi, come y haz todo lo que quieras y no temas golpear a otro.
You can stay as long as you want.
Puedes quedarte todo el tiempo que quieras.
I'm just a little confused as to why you don't want to...
Solo me confunde un poco el por qué no quieres...
Look, if you want to give Casey the heads-up as like a courtesy or whatever, go ahead, but we are going.
Mira, si quieres darle a Casey los encabezados como cortesía o lo que sea, adelante, pero nosotros vamos a ir.
as many times in as many kinky ways as I want, you're shaking your finger at me?
tantas veces y en tantas formas pervertidas como quiero, ¿ estás diciéndome que no con el dedo?
And as much as I had a little hiccup with my friend Seany, it's nothing that can't be worked out, and I want you to know, I'm gonna smooth things over with Seany.
Y aunque haya tenido un problemilla con mi amigo Seany, no es nada que no pueda solucionarse y quiero que sepas que voy a arreglar las cosas con Seany.
You may not want Peter as a friend, but you certainly don't want him as an enemy.
Puede que no quieras a Peter como amigo, pero definitivamente no lo quieres como enemigo.
Look, you can stand out here and discuss this all you want, but as soon as that freezer door closes... there's no getting in.
Mira, puedes quedarte aquí y discutir esto todo lo que quieras, pero tan pronto cierre la puerta del congelador nadie podrá entrar.
I mean, I don't want to weird you out or anything or creep you out, but, I mean, I can't tell you how many afternoons as a kid I spent, like, daydreaming, you know, that, like, me and you were best friends,'cause, like, it seemed like you had the greatest house and the greatest childhood being a munster.
Quiero decir, no quiero espantarte o asustarte, pero, quiero decir, no puedo decirte todas las tarde que me pase de chico, soñando, con que tú y yo fuéramos amigos, porque, parecía que tenías la mejor casa
It's just that you thrive on work, but, yeah, you should take as much time as you need if that's what you want.
Es sólo que a prosperar en el trabajo, pero, sí, usted debe tomar todo el tiempo que usted necesita si eso es lo que quieres.
Is this what you want as well?
¿ Es esto lo que quieres?
If you really want to get as blasted as you say you do, it's time to hit the after-party upstairs. ( instrumental jazz music playing ) MS. EVERS :
Si de verdad quieres pasarlo tan bien como dices es hora de que vengas a la fiesta de arriba.
So if you don't want your reign as queen to be a really short one, you're gonna let them go.
Y si no quieres que tu periodo como reina sea realmente corto, vas a dejarlos en libertad.
I want to get out just as much as you, but not without the others.
Quiero salir tanto como tú, pero no sin los demás.
Soon as you want to. ♪... on the Lord ♪ ♪ Leaning, leaning... ♪
Cuando quieras.
I understand that you want to get as far away from here as possible, but I won't let this happen to France, to you.
Entiendo que quieras huir tan lejos de aquí como sea posible, pero no voy a permitir que esto le pase a Francia, para ti.
We wanna tell you all together so we haven't got that thing where somebody knows before anybody else, cos you're all equally important as one another, and we just want you to know before..... we drop the fucking bombshell on you, that we love you very much.
Queríamos decíroslo a todos juntos de este modo no haremos que alguien lo sepa antes que otro, porque todos sois igualmente importantes para nosotros y solo os queremos decir antes... de lanzar la puta bomba sobre vosotros, que os queremos mucho.
So, I don't want you as my bridesmaid.
No quiero que seas mi dama de honor.
All right. There's a few things I want to say to you as well, do you know what I mean?
Hay algunas cosas que quiero decirte también.
Hey, I want to nail him as bad as you.
Oye, quiero atraparlo tanto como tu.
As one alcoholic to another, I will support you if you want to get sober again.
De una alcohólica a otra, te apoyaré si quieres volver a estar sobria.
( forced laugh ) Make all the goofy noises you want, I'm fine with it as long as I can still promote my book, so... ( buzzing )
Has todos los ruidos tontos que quieras, estoy bien con eso mientras que pueda promocionar mi libro, entonces...
As a matter of fact, why don't you tell Donna I want her to have this?
De hecho, ¿ por qué no le dices a Donna que quiero que tenga esto?
Justin, honestly, I feel bad kicking you while you're down, but since you want to be black, you might as well get used to it, man.
Justin, honestamente, me siento mal pateándote mientras estás en el piso, pero ya que quieres ser afroamericano, deberías acostumbrarte a eso.
You aren't as tough as you'd want people to think.
No es usted tan rudo como quiere hacer pensar a la gente.
You have an accident in one of their parks, they want to know as much detail as possible.
Tienes una accidente en uno de sus parques, quieren saber cada detalle que puedan.
And you sure as hell didn't want to live your retirement out on half your pension in a small rented apartment on the South Side of Chicago.
Estabas seguro de no querer vivir tu jubilación con la mitad de tu pensión en un pequeño apartamento de alquiler En el sur de Chicago.
I'm glad you want to join As a coffin carrier.
Me alegro de que ayudes a llevar el ataúd. Por supuesto.
Do you honestly want to spend your last night as a single man debating my existential crisis?
¿ Realmente quieres pasar tu última noche como soltero debatiendo mi crisis existencial?
So any time you want to clue me in as to where the hell we're going.
Así que si quieres darme una pista de donde demonios vamos.
I... I want vengeance as much as you do, Mother.
Quiero... quiero vengarme tanto como tú, madre.
I want to remember you all like this... as the girls we once were.
Quiero recordaros así... como las muchachas que fuimos una vez.
Look, we can call it whatever you want, baby, as long as you in it with me.
Mira, podemos llamarle como tu quieras, bebe. siempre y cuando tu estes comigo.
With you sweating me over Hakeem and Freda Gatz and whoever else you want, you're forgetting what I need, both as your artist and your son.
Con usted me sudoración sobre Hakeem y Freda Gatz Y quienquiera que desee, se le olvida lo que necesito, Tanto como su artista y su hijo.
Well, yeah, I want you to appoint Dean Lumber as your Major Deputy.
Bueno, sí, quiero que designar a Dean Lumber como su teniente de alcalde.
I want you to appoint Dean as your number two man.
Quiero que designe Dean como su número dos.
If I didn't want to make you my friend back then, didn't spill my secret because I saw you as my friend, and hadn't asked you to keep my secret, then we wouldn't have a reason to meet like this, would we?
Si por aquel entonces no hubiera querido que fueras mi amigo... no te hubiera dicho mi secreto ya que te veía como un amigo... y no te hubiera pedido que lo mantuvieras en secreto... entonces no tendríamos que encontrarnos así, ¿ no?
I want you to take him on as a client.
Quiero que tome él como cliente.
Well, as you all know, I don't want to go, but I've been er, shall we say, politely encouraged to move on.
Bueno, como todos sabéis, no quiero irme, pero he sido... diríamos, animada educadamente a irme.
You'll live, as long as you do what I want.
Vivirás, siempre y cuando usted hace lo que yo quiero.
I'm talking to you as someone who believes in this church and does not want to see you blow this opportunity.
Te hablo como alguien que cree en esta iglesia y que no quiere ver que pierdes esta oportunidad.
I want you to watch this as closely as you can.
Quiero que vea esto lo mas cerca posible.
Which is why I want you as far away as possible.
Que es por lo que te quiero lo más lejos posible.
as you wish 846
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
as you say 390
as you are aware 22
as your attorney 28
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
as you say 390
as you are aware 22
as your attorney 28