As you command tradutor Espanhol
434 parallel translation
As you command, Your Majesty.
Como ordene, Majestad
As you command, General.
Está bien, mi general.
Captain York you may have commanded your own regiment in the late war but so long as you command a troop in mine, you will obey my orders.
Capitán York... habrá mandado un regimiento durante la guerra. Pero mientras sirva en el mío, obedecerá mis órdenes.
As you command, Monsieur Le Comte.
Como ordene, señor conde.
As you command.
Como ordenes.
Lord, as you command.
- Como ordenes, señor.
We will do as you command.
- Estamos bajo sus ordenes.
Very well, as you command!
¡ Pues muy bien, lo que usted diga, mandar!
- As you command.
- Como ordenes.
I command you as your superior officer!
¡ Les ordeno como su superior!
You will do as I command.
Harás lo que te ordene.
You will think as I think, see as I see, and do as I command.
Pensarás lo que yo piense... verás lo que yo vea y harás lo que yo ordene.
Hendry Munn, como jefe de esta asamblea, te ordeno que salgas y despidas a la congregación.
Call a meeting of the princes, give a new constitution to Germany... with you in command as emperor and commander of the federal army.
Tenga un encuentro con ella dele una constitución a Alemania... con vos al mando como emperador y general del ejército federal
I gave orders to close the bar as soon as I heard you took command again.
Di orden de que cerraran el bar cuando me enteré de que volvía.
Enough talk! As long as I'm here to exercise my lord's command, not a single one of you shall pass!
Estoy aquí para llevar a cabo las ordenes de mi Señor ni uno pasará por aquí.
- No. But, as an officer, you surely had to act in an executive capacity you had to command men, be responsible for their morale?
Como oficial, sin duda tuvo que actuar en capacidad ejecutiva.
But as you are a representative of the United States government I pledge you the protection and cooperation of my command.
Pero como representa al gobierno... me comprometo a protegerle y a cooperar.
My wits diseased. But sir, such answer as I can make, you shall command.
Disponed de la que se me alcance.
As air exec you were in command here... the moment Colonel Davenport left.
Como oficial de vuelo estaba Vd. al mando en el momento en que el coronel Davenport se fue.
You're in command as long as you're alive.
Tú estás al mando mientras vivas.
If you're half as good a man as your brother I'll be proud to have you in my command, lieutenant.
Si usted es tan buen piloto como su hermano me sentiré orgulloso de ser su comandante.
Since I am taking command here, you'll act as gun bearer.
Ya que estoy al mando aquí, tú llevarás las armas.
As you can see, I'm being relieved of command.
Como puede ver, he sido relevado del mando.
Col. Marston... as first officer under your command, I request you reconsider your plan... for taking the troops out of this fort.
Coronel Marston... como primer funcionario bajo su orden, le pido que reconsidere su plan... por sacar las tropas de este fuerte.
Ah, he may command me as my sovereign... but you have power in me as a kinsman.
Él puede mandarme como soberano. Pero vos tenéis poder sobre mí como pariente.
He still refuses to fight so long as you're in command... ... and your lovesick jackass of a brother brays upon this beach.
Sigue negándose a luchar mientras tú estés al mando y el imbécil enamoradizo de tu hermano rebuzne en esta playa.
And yet, what if as of this night, I do become Lord of North Garrison, and you command First Fortress...
¿ Qué pasa si esta noche me convierto en señor de la Mansión del Norte y tú en comandante del Fuerte Uno?
I am, as you can hear, in full command of my senses.
Tengo, como puede ver, mis facultades intactas.
I suggest, General, that you return to your command as quickly as possible. And you'd better reappraise the situation.
Le sugiero, general, que vuelva a su puesto immediatamente y mejor sería que analizara la situación.
And the first command you give as a captain is to order a retreat!
¡ Y la primera orden que da como capitán es de retirada!
Staying on as second in command, you mean?
¿ Quiere decir que te quedarás como segundo al mando?
I command you to serve as second for Master Tsugumo.
Actuará como segundo para el ronin de Geishu, Tsugumo.
Taking the situation you're in now, as you send messages to Command and they reply :
Dada la situación actual, en la que envía mensajes al Mando y responden :
From you I'll accept one man with some experience of command... as an acting lieutenant.
De vosotros aceptaré a un hombre con experiencia en el mando... como teniente en funciones.
- If you don't mind, Captain, I'm assuming command as senior officer of the camp.
- Si no le importa, capitán, voy a asumir el mando como oficial superior del campo.
Not everyone sees things my way. You quickly learn you can do as you like and still command respect.
No todo el mundo piensa así, pero se aprende a hacer lo que se quiere, permaneciendo admirado y respetado.
Only one born to command would have charged as you did.
Solo un gran jefe podía salvarse de una situación así.
They actually grow as part of you, and separate on command, don't they?
Creciendo en tu cuerpo y estando a tus órdenes, ¿ no?
If your power of command continues to weaken, you'll soon be unable to function as captain.
Si su poder de mando sigue debilitándose pronto no podrá ejercer como capitán.
Jets have been finally ordered aloft for interception. As you heard earlier, the command was reluctant to order any retaliatory maneuver or interception until there was positive identification of the visitors or at least a silhouette.
Enviaron cazas para interceptar al enemigo,... pero el comandante vaciló, y tubo que ordenar el retorno,... mientras los visitantes no fueron identificados con certeza,... o, por lo menos, localizados.
Only if you command me as king.
Sólo si lo ordenas como Rey.
You will remember... what I, the King, tell you... and do as I command.
Recordarás lo que yo, el Rey, te digo y harás harás lo que te ordeno.
Perhaps you would like to... tell our guests how you could sleep... as your command was being wiped out.
Puede que le gustase explicar a nuestros invitados...
As the new officer in command, do you have any changes in mind?
Como nuevo oficial al mando, ¿ piensa introducir algún cambio?
As strange as it may seem, Mr. Spock, you're in command now.
Extraño como parezca, Sr. Spock, está al mando ahora.
As second-in-command of the Enterprise, you must convene an extraordinary competency hearing.
Como segundo al mando del Enterprise debe convocar una sesión extraordinaria de competencia.
Mr Spock, I am officially notifying you that I'm exercising my option under regulations as a Starfleet commodore and assuming command of the Enterprise.
Sr. Spock, le comunico oficialmente que voy a hacer uso de mi poder como comodoro, según las normas de la Flota, y voy a tomar el mando de la Enterprise.
Mr Spock, I order you to assume command on my personal authority as captain of the Enterprise.
Sr. Spock, le ordeno que asuma el mando bajo mi responsabilidad como capitán de la Enterprise.
I'm also curious as to how you propose to explain to Starfleet Command that a starship will be sent each year to collect our cut.
Además tengo curiosidad por saber cómo explicará a la Comandancia que una nave irá todos los años a cobrar nuestra tajada.
I'm better qualified as a command pilot than you are.
Estoy más calificado como piloto al mando que usted.
as you wish 846
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
as you say 390
as you are aware 22
as you want 26
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
as you say 390
as you are aware 22
as you want 26