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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ B ] / Be off with you

Be off with you tradutor Espanhol

889 parallel translation
¡ Y ahora vete!
Will you stay here talking all night? Be off with you!
¿ Te quedaras aqui hablando toda la noche?
Be off with you!
¡ Largo de aquí!
Be off with you!
¡ Váyanse!
Be off with you.
No molestes.
Now, be off with you.
Ahora vete.
Now, be off with you!
¡ Fuera de aquí!
Be off with you.
Puedes marcharte.
Be off with you. Shoo! Shoo!
- ¿ Una guerra?
Be off with you, my boy, and play with your historic parties... and leading articles and burning questions... and the rest of your toys.
Adelante, chico, vete a jugar con tus partidos históricos... y tus artículos y tus cuestiones espinosas... y tus demás juguetes.
Boys grow fast. Now be off with you!
¡ Los muchachos crecen rápido!
Be off with you, my good man. Mr. Holmes told you that he didn't have a paper.
Ya le ha dicho que no llevaba periódico.
Now be off with you! Or I'll spare your master the trouble of laying your backs bare.
Largo, o le ahorraré a vuestro maestro el trabajo de azotaros.
Be off with you!
¡ Largaos!
"It's no use trying to show off with me, young man... and I'll ask you to be a little more polite."
"No hace falta que te canses conmigo, jovencito. Y te pediría que fueras un poco más educado."
You must be thankful that you've come off with only that.
Debes estar agradecido que sólo te pasó eso.
This is where you wanna be, with a lot of saps like that... yellin'their heads off and thinkin they're enjoying themselves.
Aquí es donde quieres estar, con un montón de lelos como esos que gritan y creen que se están divirtiendo.
I knew you would need more so I happened to be going past a barber shop and I saw some tails of hair hanging in the window with the prices marked on them and I thought it would do my brain good to have my mop cut off.
Sé que necesitas más entonces pasé por delante de una peluquería y vi manojos de cabello en la vidriera con sus precios marcados sobre ellos y pensé que mi cerebro necesita ventilarse un poco.
Now, my dear, I think I've told you everything and it will be a great load off my mind knowing the children are safe with you.
Querida mía, ya estás al tanto de todo y me quitas un peso de encima sabiendo que los niños estarán a tu cargo.
With my one leg, you see, I'd be kind of off-balance.
No, no, no. Tengo cosquillas en la axila.
If you're looking for conversation you'd be better off with us
Si quieres charlar, mejor te quedas aquí. Te ayudaremos con las botellas.
The less you have to do with police, the better off we'll be.
Cuanto menos trates con la policía, tanto mejor.
Don't be silly. I can't go skipping off to the woods with you.
No sea tonto. No puedo ir al bosque con usted.
And they'll all be leveled off and you'll be eye to eye with the rest of them.
¡ Sí! ¿ Y no querrás ser enterrado...
Be off and may luck be with you!
Ve, y que la suerte te acompañe.
I shall be the greatest mind reader in the world. If you're gonna qualify for this act with me you gotta lay off the liquor.
Or you'll be dancing with your feet off the ground, and that's not a pretty sight.
O te colgarán, y eso no es lindo.
You will be the first people with the exception of my wife and my assistant, Dr. Sayles to see the proof that the human brain gives off an impulse that can be recorded.
Serán las primeras personas a excepción de mi esposa y mi ayudante, Dr. Sayles que verán la prueba de que el cerebro humano manda un impulso que puede ser grabado.
How long do you think you'd be in love with me, living off your salary?
¿ Cuánto crees que duraría tu amor viviendo los dos de tu salario?
You boys gonna be out there with a band to see me off?
¿ Vendrán a despedirme con una banda?
Be half-decent and pure about it until she walks off with a bald-headed banker. And sent you back on the booze again.
Decente y puro, hasta que ella se largara con un empleado de banca calvo y te mandará de nuevo a la bebida.
It's true that I think you'll be better off with me, but then I'm prejudiced.
Es verdad que pienso que estarías mejor conmigo, pero soy parcial.
Perhaps he felt you would be better off with his uncle.
Estimaría oportuno que os quedaseis conmigo.
You'll be happy with Mr. Denham, he's very well off.
Le aseguro que será feliz con el Sr. Denham, es muy rico.
You will be surprised, therefore, to learn that I have let him off with a caution.
Se sorprenderán ya que solamente va a recibir una advertencia.
You've got to be careful, Turkey, when you're dickering with these people. You gotta knock'em off while they're hot.
Turkey, cualquier ocasión hay que aprovecharla.
Me. I tell you now, whoever shot Larry Kinkaid ain't coming back here for you to... fuddle with your lawyers'tricks for six months and then be let off because Davies or some other whining old woman claim he ain't bad at heart.
Se lo digo, el que mató a Larry Kinkaid no regresará aquí para que Ud... nos confunda con sus artimañas legales durante 6 meses... y luego lo deje libre porque Davies, o cualquier otra viejita plañidera... alegue que tiene un corazón bueno.
And it's got to be done before that suit of yours comes to trial... and Lola gets a chance to sound off... before they trip you up on the stand, and you start to go in drag me down with you.
Y tiene que ser antes de que empiece el juicio de tu demanda... antes de que Lola abra la boca... te equivoques en tu testimonio y me inmiscuyas en todo esto.
And if he murdered his wife and strangled his children... and ran off to Australia with her it still wouldn't be anything to do with you, so shut up.
Y si él mata a su mujer e hijos y huye a Australia con ella, no es asunto suyo.
And don't forget, you'll be a lot better off dealing with me than you would with the homicide squad.
Y no lo olvide, le conviene más negociar conmigo que con la brigada de homicidios.
You'd be Mrs. Eddie Mars the blonde that was supposed to run off with Regan.
Usted debe ser la Sra. Mars, la rubia que supuestamente se fugó con Regan.
Off with you, me lad, and be lively!
En marcha, muchacho.
You might be better off with Mr Saladine, Jenny.
Estarías mejor con la señora Saladine, Jenny.
You think I can't take care of you and I'd be after running off with you to an island to eat berries and goat's milk.
Crees que no puedo ocuparme de ti, que pretendo huir contigo a una isla a comer bayas y tomar leche de cabra.
Well, I suppose you'll be going off with him any time now.
En fin, supongo que te marcharás con él en cualquier momento.
I suppose you'd think you'd be better off with that lousy saxophone player?
¿ Te habría ido mejor con aquel saxofonista?
In all earnestness, I tell you, gentlemen... that just so long as our workers... can go to their jobs... with the same fervor and self-respect... that they go to their wives... will we be able to fight off the threats of inflation... and avoid the pitfalls of depression.
Con toda sinceridad, caballeros, les digo que mientras nuestros trabajadores puedan acudir a sus trabajos... con el fervor y respeto con el que vuelven a casa con sus esposas, venceremos la amenaza de la inflación y evitaremos el azote de la depresión.
I'd be glad to talk it over with you later, off the record.
Se lo explicaré con mucho gusto después, de forma extraoficial.
In that case, I'd better get on with what I came here for. Because the longer I put it off... the longer he'll be standing on those stairs... between you and her.
En ese caso, mejor que empiece lo que he venido a hacer, porque cuanto más lo posponga, más tiempo se interpondrá en esas escaleras... entre usted y ella.
Isn't he the one always signs off with I'll be seeing you, Susan?
Ese que siempre se despide diciendo... ¡ Hata pronto, Susan!
I'll get my desk cleaned off and be right with you. Now, this is the same envelope, but there's a dummy letter in it.
Es el mismo sobre, pero hemos puesto una carta certificada.

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