Because if you did tradutor Espanhol
555 parallel translation
No, I wouldn't. Because if you did I should have to ask you to leave the room.
Porque en ese caso tendría que pedirte que salieras de la habitación.
Because if you did, you might catch his illness, and then you'd be sick too.
Debido a que tu podrias estar enferma tambien.
I wish that you loved me, because if you did, we could go away somewhere together.
Quisiera que me amaras, porque si así fuera, podríamos irnos juntos.
Because if you did, there's a good chance you're gonna die in about four days.
Porque, si lo hizo, es posible que muera en unos cuatro días.
Now you don't believe that, because if you did... you would have proved it and printed it a long time ago.
Ud. no cree eso, porque si lo creyera, lo habría publicado hace mucho tiempo.
Because if you did...
- Porque en ese caso...
Why, I know you don't, because if you did, I wouldn't be able to follow you.
Ya lo sé, por eso me ha sido posible seguirla.
Because if you did, you'd realise that their health is something precious that has to be constantly guarded.
Si los tuviera, sabría que su salud es algo valioso que debe vigilarse constantemente.
Because if you did, Samantha, you did that kid a big disservice.
Porque si lo hiciste, Samantha, no le hiciste un gran favor.
The truth is, you don't give a damn about me... because if you did, you'd be jealous.
A ti no te importo nada. Si te importara, estarías celosa.
Because if you did... then in a way, you would have lost.
Porque si lo hicieras de cierta manera habrías perdido.
Correcto, porque si lo hubiese sabido hubiera sido Americano, no Británico.
Because if you did that... you'd have to lock up half the U.S. Army, officers included.
Porque si hiciera eso... ... tendría que encerrar a la mitad del ejército, oficiales incluidos.
Because if you did, you'd touch the sky and find out that you were living on a big ball. Not a planet, but a spaceship.
Si lo hiciera y tocara el cielo se daría cuenta de que no está en un planeta, sino en una nave espacial.
You can't love me, Fiore... because if you did... you wouldn't hurt me so much.
No me puedes querer, Fiore... porque si me quisieras... no me harías tanto daño.
Because if you did, you'd know that I much prefer a warm autumn afternoon under the pines... to a wet Saturday night, any day.
Si fuese así, sabrías que prefiero una buena tarde de otoño bajo un pino... que una noche húmeda de sábado.
Because if you didn't say pull over, somebody else did.
Porque si tú no lo dijiste, alguien más lo dijo.
Because if you knew him like I did.
¡ Si lo conocieras como yo!
I don't like curtain speeches or the kind of people who make them, but if I don't come back, I'd like you to know that I did fight against loving her because I respected you.
No me gustan los discursos o la gente que los dice, pero si no vuelvo, me gustaría que supieras que luché por no amarla, porque te respeto.
Because you'd sure tell me if you did.
Porque si así fuera, seguro que me lo habrías dicho.
Because if you are like your brother, and many horrible pranks you did me, you are in your heart unhappy.
Porque si eres como tu hermano y me has gastado muchas bromas horribles, en tu corazón eres desgraciado.
And if i picked on you to talk to, it was because of the ocean in your eyes that did it.
Y si intenté hablar contigo fue porque vi el océano en tus ojos, ¿ entiendes?
If all wives in the world... because of a mere doubt... were to do the same thing as you did... the world would become depopulated.
Si todas las esposas del mundo, por una simple duda... hicieran lo que usted hizo. El mundo estaría despoblado.
Yes. Yes, because if he dies, they'll say you did it.
Sí, si muere dirán que tú lo hiciste.
You see, if she'd slipped from here... or even a few steps down... she couldn't possibly have landed where she did... - because we've tested that... - unless she was pushed.
Mire, si ella hubiera resbalado desde aquí... o incluso desde un poco más abajo... posiblemente no hubiera caído donde lo hizo... porque hemos comprobado eso... a no ser que la empujaran.
Because I want to help you. I want you to feel that even if you think... you did something you shouldn't have, nobody'll punish you here.
Porque quiero que sienta que incluso si piensa que hizo algo que no debió hacer, nadie la castigará aquí.
And if you did, this county would need a new sheriff... because I'd be right there digging with you.
Y el condado necesitaría un nuevo sheriff... porque yo estaría cavando a tu lado.
But I never said anything, because you would have gotten mad if I did.
Pero nunca dije nada, porque te habrías enfadado.
You see, fred, because if i did, then i myself might not want to be an actress.
Mira, Fred, si lo hago, nunca conseguiré llegar a ser una buena actriz.
Because, if you did, you'd have a warrant in your pocket right now.
Porque traería una orden de arresto.
Because if he did win it fair, then why did you go after him for it?
¿ La ganó limpiamente? Porque si la ganó limpiamente, ¿ por qué quisiste quitársela?
Because if I did... that would mean that you were real... that you belonged to me... and that they couldn't take you away from me... whereas now they can send you away... and leave me to wonder if I'll ever see you again... or whether I may wake up... and find I'd dreamed you.
Porque si lo hiciera... eso significaría que eres real... que me perteneces... y que no podrían apartarte de mí... mientras que ahora pueden enviarte lejos de mí... dejándome con la duda de si volveré a verte alguna vez... o si me levantaré... y descubriré que fuiste un sueño.
I don't see that knife Montana, because if I did, I'd have to shoot you.
No veo la navaja, porque si la viese, tendría que dispararle.
Because if it did, even a little, then you'd be a murderer.
Porque... Bastaría la mínima intervención de su voluntad para convertirlo en asesino.
I will be sad if you did not like it, because I gave it my all, as much as any member of my crew.
Si no les ha gustado, me entristecería, porque he puesto en ella todas mis fuerzas...
But if I talk to you so, it's because I don't want my daughter to suffer as I did.
Si te habló así es porque no quiero que mi hija sufra...
No, I did it because I knew if you found out
No, lo hice porque sabía que te preocuparías.
I don't know, but it would be better if you did because you see, you and I can never see each other again, as long as we live.
No lo sé, pero sería mejor si lo hicieras porque verás, tú y yo no podemos volver a vernos jamás, mientras vivamos.
If she told you that's what I did, then she's lyin'. Because that's not true.
Si le dijo que hice eso, está mintiendo.
If you're trying to show me how small you feel because of what you did...
Si está tratando de mostrarme lo pequeña que se siente por lo que has hecho
If you carried that bag a million miles... you did what you were supposed to do... because you brought me into this world... and from that day you owed me... everything you could ever do for me, like I will owe my son... if I ever have another.
Si cargaste ese bolso un millón de kilómetros cumpliste con tu deber porque tú me trajiste a este mundo y desde ese día me debías todo lo que pudieses hacer por mí, como yo se lo deberé a mi hijo si algún día tengo otro.
If you did, I'd feel sorry and sad because I'm your sister.
Si fue por ti, sentiré mucha pena porque somos hermanas.
If you're bothered with this, I did it because of myself.
Si estás preocupado por eso, lo hice por mí.
And you should be glad because, if I did, I might have to fire a few rounds...
y debe ser más amable, porque si no puedo hacer algunos disparos...
Why? Because if I did, it might give you a seizure.
Porque si lo hiciera, podría darle un soponcio.
He doesn't sign it, because if he did you'd throw them out.
No los firma porque, si lo hace, tú los tirarías.
Because... if I did do that... I want you to know... that I did not mean it.
Porque, si así lo hice quiero que sepa que no quise hacerlo.
Because if you can handle these forays into the unknown, maybe I can use you. Did you get what you wanted out of the trip, Mr. Galan?
Porque si no te incomodan estas incursiones en lo desconocido, quizá me vengas muy bien.
If I did that without telling you, it's because... I didn't know how to tell you that I was expecting you too.
Si he hecho esto sin contártelo es porque... no sabía cómo decirte que también te esperaba a ti.
You did not identify him as the one who robbed your bank because you knew he'd talk if you did.
No lo identificaste como el sujeto que asaltó tu banco porque sabías que hablaría si lo hicieras.
But you can meet him because you're his friend And even if you're arrested... They'll think you did it for some personal reason
Y aunque te arresten, creerán... que lo has hecho por algún motivo personal.
because if you don't 161
because if 20
because if i don't 22
because if not 42
because if you do 92
because if you're not 18
because if we don't 23
because if i do 20
because if you are 57
because if it is 53
because if 20
because if i don't 22
because if not 42
because if you do 92
because if you're not 18
because if we don't 23
because if i do 20
because if you are 57
because if it is 53
because if so 25
if you did 198
if you didn't 56
if you did that 17
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if you didn't do it 20
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if you did 198
if you didn't 56
if you did that 17
if you didn't know 17
if you didn't do it 20
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you didn't answer 45
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