If you did that tradutor Espanhol
2,776 parallel translation
You know, I did tell Dan that if you said he has to go, he has to go.
Sabes, le dije a Dan que si decías que se tiene que ir, se tendría que ir.
If I did that secretarial course you said I could go to art college, that were the deal.
Me dijiste que si hacía el curso de secretaria podría ir a la Escuela de Arte, ese era el trato.
Well, did you think about what Dad would say if he found out that you were falling for one of them?
¿ Pensaste en lo que diría papá... si supiera que te estás enamorando de uno de ellos?
If that's what I did, it wasn't for you. It was for Troy.
Si eso fue lo que hice, no fue por ti.
I watched all that stuff you did to try to be a Belle and, uh, well, the fact that you toughed it out and you never quit you know, that is a Wilkes if I ever did see one.
Bueno, he visto todas esas cosas que has hecho para ser una Belle, y, bueno, el hecho de que pasaras por todo y no lo dejaras, eso es ser una Wilkes.
"I'm entitled to infer that you did if you won't say you didn't."
"Tengo derecho a deducir que lo hiciste si no dices que no".
And don't be tempted to wonder if she squidged up her nose for him in that really cute way she used to squidge up her nose for you, cos the chances are, she did.
Y no tener la tentación de saber si se le encogía la nariz así con él, de eso modo tan mono que hacía contigo, Probablemente fuese así.
Did you know that you catch more fish if you take a woman hunchback on your boat and she pees on the nets?
¿ Sabe usted que se pesca más si agarras a una mujer jorobada, la llevas al barco y orina en las redes?
"but, um, he plays pranks on the Internet, " and there's this urban legend that says " if you type'I did it for the lulz'
Internet y existe esta leyenda urbana que... dice que si escribes tres veces "lo hice para perturbarte"... en un Chat un tipo Smiley aparece detrás de la otra persona y...
Hey, did you know that if your hand is bigger than your face, you're gay?
Oye, ¿ sabías que si tu mano es más grande que tu cara, eres gay?
If you're against it, why did you tell me that number?
Si no estás en contra, ¿ por qué me dijiste esa cifra?
- What would you say if I did that?
- ¿ Qué dirías si yo hiciera eso?
Did you know... that if you lay down... and listen to your tummy... you can hear all sorts of machinery down there.
¿ Sabías que si te acuestas y escuchas a tu vientre... se puede escuchar todo tipo de maquinaria ahí abajo...
I don't know how emily found out that it was me On that crisis hotline, But I knew that she was going to tell you If I did it, so I took you out onto the lake
No sé como Emily se dio cuenta de que era yo el de la línea de crisis, pero sabía que iba a decírtelo si lo hacía, así que te llevé al lago para que pudiéramos estar solos.
If we shadows have offended, think but this, and all is mended, that you have but slumber'd here while these visions did appear.
Si nosotros, simples sombras, les hemos ofendido será fácil perdonarnos si piensan que han estado dormidos mientras estas visiones pasaron.
I'm sorry for how it happened, but I love you, Dan, and I don't think that you would've done what you did if you didn't still have feelings for me.
Lo siento por como ha pasado, pero te quiero, Dan, y no creo que hubieras hecho lo que hiciste si ya no sientieras nada por mí.
If I did it, that would be because you cannot win without something big.
Si es que fue así, sería porque Ud. necesita algo grande para ganar.
How did you know that if you can't see him?
¿ Cómo lo sabes si no lo puedes ver?
I don't know if she's sucking me into another lying game, but she did offer me the one thing- - besides you- - that I want.
No sé si me estará arrastrando en otro juego de mentiras, pero me ofreció la única cosa... además de ti... que quiero.
But it ain't because of anything Bowman did if that's what you're thinking.
Pero no es por nada que Bowman hiciera si eso piensa.
So if Tampa ever had a little break from reality... like her mama did that one time, you guys could help?
Bueno, si Tampa alguna vez tuviera un pequeño descanso de la realidad... como su mamá tuvo esa vez... ¿ Me ayudaríais, chicos?
Today we tackle the most terrifying myth in the history of Springfield Elementary, that if you press E-8 on the candy machine, you get electrocuted and die. Wow. Did you invent a robot hand to touch the buttons?
Hoy vamos a tratar de resolver el mito más terrible en la historia de la escuela de primaria de Springfield, si pulsas E-8 en la máquina de los dulces, te electrocutas y mueres. ¿ Has inventado una mano robotizada para pulsar los botones?
Did you know that the trigonometric moment problem has infinitely many solutions if the Toeplitz matrix a is invertible?
¿ Sabes que el problema del momento trigonométrico tiene infinitas soluciones si la matriz Toeplitz es invertible?
So even if he did have an attack, and it was brought on by stress, can you categorically say that calling the ambulance 20 minutes earlier would have saved his life?
Incluso si hubiera sufrido un ataque, y lo hubiera desencadenado el estrés, ¿ puede usted decir categóricamente que llamar a la ambulancia 20 minutos antes le hubiera salvado la vida?
You think if I did something like that I'd be stupid enough to leave a trail?
¿ Crees que si hubiera hecho algo así hubiera sido tan tonto como para dejar un rastro?
If you had just held on just a little while longer, you would've known... that I did it.
Si solo hubieras aguantado un poco más, hubieras sabido... lo que hice.
Well, if that's true, then why did you threaten Stan's wife?
Si es verdad, ¿ por qué amenazaste a su esposa?
And if you sort through all the times in your life that she drove you nuts, what she did, what she said, or how she acted...
y si piensas todas las veces de tu vida que te volvió loca, Lo que hizo, lo que dijo o cómo actuó...
So that breakthrough, you know, that we thought was gonna happen in'88 or'89 if we just worked fast enough, you know, it did happen. But not until'96, and so... You know, a lot of people died.
Ese avance que pensamos iba a pasar en el "88 ó" 89 si hubiéramos trabajado lo suficientemente rápido pasó pero no hasta el " 96 y pues mucha gente murió.
Second, whether such a thing can even be possible and third, if creatures like this did exist, how would that make you feel?
En segundo lugar, si tal cosa puede ser posible y en tercer lugar, si criaturas como esas existieran ¿ cómo os haría sentir eso?
If I did what you asked, you said that there wouldn't be anything else.
Que si hacía lo que me pediste, no haría falta nada más.
Well, if you can't recall, it leaves open the possibility that you did leak them.
Bien, si no puede recordar, deja abierta la posibilidad de que los filtrara.
We don't have no fucking money, we don't have no plan, and if we did have some money, you gonna give it to some nigga that you don't even fucking know?
No tenemos dinero. No tenemos un plan, y si tuviéramos el dinero ¿ se la darás a un tipo que ni siquiera conoces?
Did I ever say that I wouldn't be proud of you if you weren't a cop?
¿ Alguna vez te he dicho que no estaría orgulloso - si no te hicieras policía?
I just said it'd be funny if you did something like that.
Sólo dije que sería divertido si hacían algo así.
I mean, what if children listen to this show? Did you ever stop to think about that?
¿ Todo el tiempo que te has estado en ese programa no te has detenido a pensar eso?
Cos if you did, if you were violent, I don't think I could go along with that. Of course not.
Porque si lo hiciste, si fueras violento, no creo que pudiera seguir con lo nuestro.
But even if that's the case, telling her the way you did, you should be very proud.
Pero aunque ese sea el caso, por contárselo como lo hiciste, deberías estar muy orgulloso.
Did you really think a billion-dollar company that rolls up security firms wasn't gonna notice if you hacked into their V.P.S e-mail?
¿ Realmente pensaste que una compañía de miles de dólares que dirige firmas de seguridad no se daría cuenta que hackeaste su e-mail V.P.S?
But if she did end it, you were thinking that he would be upset and might do something?
Pero si ella lo acabó, ¿ estabas pensando que él iba a estar enfadado y podría hacer algo?
If you check the fine print on the website where you bought your degree, you'll realize that you... I did not buy my degree.
Si revisas el sitio web donde compraste el título, verás que...
And if you keep insisting that I did, then... gonna have to lawyer up.
Y si continúa insistiendo en que sí lo hice, entonces... tendré que pedir un abogado.
If I catch anything from you, I'm gonna kill you! Ow! How did you get that disc?
¡ Si me contagias algo, voy a matarte! ¿ Cómo conseguiste ese disco?
Therefore, if you did accompany Mr Fitzgerald that night, how could you possibly have determined the time on the Post Office clock?
Por lo tanto, si acompañó a Mr. Fitzgerald aquella noche... ¿ cómo pudo determinar la hora en el reloj de la Oficina de Correos?
So if I didn't get the information, how do you know that Patty Hewes did?
Entonces, si yo no recibí la información, ¿ cómo sabes que Patty Hewes si lo hizo?
Hey, Doug, if you didn't hook up with that tranny, then why did you guys leave the club at the same exact moment?
Oye, Doug, si no te enrollaste con esa transexual, ¿ por qué os marchásteis del club los dos en el mismos momento?
If I find out later that you did...
Si luego averiguo que me ocultaste algo, que me mentiste en algo.
Because if you did, not only would that be a direct violation of the board's no-contact rule, but some people around here might get the idea that you were selling them out...
No he tenido contacto con él. Porque si lo hubiera hecho, no solo sería una violación directa del acuerdo de la junta, pero algunas personas de por aquí podrían creer que les estabas vendiendo...
Now if you had read the file like you said you did, you'd know that she'd have massive scar tissue exactly in the area that you're dissecting, so I think going forward with that dissection is a monumentally stupid course...
Ahora si ha leído el archivo como ha dicho que ha hecho, sabría que tiene una enorme cicatriz en el tejido exactamente en la zona donde está haciendo la sección, así que creo que seguir adelante con esa sección sería un proceso estúpido monumental.
And then we look at them all and if we see a bump, some little statistical anomaly there that's significant, then we get excited, and then we go ask the other guys, "Hey, did you guys see that?"
Luego los miramos todos, y si vemos algo raro alguna pequeña anomalía estadística que sea significativa nos emocionamos y les preguntamos a los otros : "¿ Vieron eso?"
But I had come prepared that if you did not accept mine and twinkle's love then I won't also marry twinkle.
Aunque yo había venido preparado porque si tú no aceptabas mi amor por Twinkle entonces tampoco me casaría con ella.
if you want 1750
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you're hungry 89
if you don't 701
if you like 1152
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you're hungry 89
if you don't 701
if you like 1152
if you don't eat 20
if you don't talk 19
if you please 567
if you need anything 442
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you want it 177
if you can't 87
if you don't talk 19
if you please 567
if you need anything 442
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you want it 177
if you can't 87