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Broke girls tradutor Espanhol

69 parallel translation
♪ ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ 2 Broke Girls - S01E18 And the One-Night Stands
2 Broke Girls 1x18 "And the One-Night Stands"
Previously on 2 Broke Girls...
Anteriormente en 2 Broke Girls...
It'll be "Two Broke Girls And A Baby."
Será "Dos chicas sin blanca y un bebé".
I have trust issues. ♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪
Tengo problemas de confianza. 2 Broke Girls 3x05 - "Y los Cronuts"
Personally, I have to get home in time to watch 2 Broke Girls, see what kind of pickle they're in this week, right?
Personalmente, quiero llegar a casa a tiempo de ver 2 chicas sin blanca ver en qué tipo de aprieto están esta semana, ¿ vale?
What's up, four broke girls? Check it out.
¿ Qué pasó, cuatro chicas rotas?
( peter bjorn and John ) ¶ ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ¶ [cash register bell dings]
2 BROKE GIRLS - S04E01. "Y el problema del reality"
( Peter bjorn and John ) ♪ ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh [cash register bell dings]
- = [2 Broke Girls] = - S03E24 | "And The First Degree" ~ SEASON FINALE ~
( peter bjorn and John ) ¶ ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ¶ [cash register bell dings]
2 Broke Girls S04 E05 "Y el trabajo de marca"
( peter bjorn and john ) ♪ ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ [cash register bell dings]
2 Broke Girls S01E02 "Y la cara de DJ"
The girls broke their backs for weeks on end.
Trabajaron como bestias durante varias semanas.
The girls are broke, so we're all chipping in to keep them from being evicted.
Las chicas están sin blanca y si todos contribuimos, no las echarán.
Over the last 11 months 8 girls broke my heart... but only after I won their hearts, no? But one point.
Pero escucha.
Die broke, Peg, but first I'm find a barber, a real man, a man who likes girls but hates women.
Morir en la ruina, Peg, Pero primero debo encontrar un peluquero, Un hombre de verdad,
All the girls broke out in hives everywhere.
Todas nos llenamos de ronchas.
Stop thinking about girls. You're broke. Think about that.
Deja de pensar en chicas.
And then I realized twenty-something girls are just fabulous until you see one with the man who broke your heart.
Entonces me di cuenta : Las veinteañeras son fabulosas a menos que veas a una con el hombre que te rompió el corazón.
Since he broke up with his wife all the girls seems to be beautiful.
Desde que se separó de la mujer todas las minas le parecen hermosas.
I broke up with Tony, when I found out he liked men as much as he liked girls.
fue por eso que rompí con Tony.
One of the girls broke down and tried to escape.
Una de las muchachas no aguantó e intentó escaparse.
These girls were teasing me... and I broke their noses without touching them.
Las muchachas me provocaban y rompí sus narices sin tocarlas.
You may be broke, but girls are odd.
Estás sin blanca pero las mujeres son raras.
I understand that, but the person that broke in here may have left something behind and I can find it making it connect to the girls.
Entiendo eso, pero la persona que entró pudo haber dejado algo y puedo encontrarlo y conectarlo con las chicas.
When they showed up to parties, they immediately broke the girls'hearts... and also the jaws of their jealous boyfriends!
Cuando iban al baile, los corazones de las chicas se rompían... y los dientes de sus novios también.
Girls don't wanna be with a broke musician.
Las chicas no quieren estar con un músico pobre.
Who? You broke those darling little girls'hearts.
Rompiste los corazones de esas lindas niñitas.
I mean he broke the trust for pretty girls.
Rompió la confianza por chicas bonitas.
And the Spice Girls broke up a long time ago.
Y los Spices Girls se separaron.
I mean, he broke the trust for pretty girls.
Rompió la confianza por chicas guapas.
An unknown man broke into the Ranzan Girls High School and took some students hostage.
Un desconocido se ha colado en el Instituto de Chicas Ranzan y las usa como rehenes.
We're flat broke, and you're concerned about girls.
Estamos en banca rota y te preocupan las chicas?
- All the girls you loved broke your heart.
- Las chicas a las que has amado han roto tu corazón.
She also said you broke the barrel girls case.
También dijo que has resuelto el caso de las chicas de los bidones.
I had 30 girls texting me after Milly broke her leg, begging me for the job.
Habían como 30 chicas preguntándome después que Milly se rompió la pierna, rogándome por el trabajo.
Some of the girls were saying that I needn't give myself airs because everybody knew that Daddy was going broke.
Algunas chicas dicen que no necesito darme aires porque todo el mundo sabía que papá está arruinado.
When I first heard that this boy I had held and was part of me, that he could do this, expose himself to girls, it broke my heart.
Cuando escuché por primera vez que este muchacho estaba detenido y era parte de mí, que el podría hacer esto, mostrarse a las niñas, se me rompió el corazón.
Those girls broke her.
Esas chicas la destrozaron.
YOU broke up with her, like he breaks up with all the girls.
Tú rompiste con ella, como siempre rompe con todas.
Then I'll tell you that... I just broke up with two girls.
Entonces yo te diré que acabo de romper con dos chicas.
And girls, sorry to hear your business broke up and you aren't speaking.
Y chicas, siento escuchar que su negocio quebró y que no se hablan.
These other girls broke up with their boyfriends I'm unlike them.
Estas chicas rompieron con sus novios... no me gustan.
♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
2 Broke Girls
And you broke up with Those girls anyway, which means I was right to veto them.
Y tu rompiste con esas chicas lo mismo, lo que significa que tenía razón en vetarlas.
Two-And-A-Half Broke Man-Girls.
Dos transexuales y medio
♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪
- = [2 Broke Girls] = - S03E01 | "Y la Apertura Suave"
- ¶ OOH OOH OOH OOH OOH [cash register bell dings]
2 Broke Girls - S02E22 "And The Extra Work"
You know what girls do when they get their heart broke by a bad fella?
¿ Sabes quá hace una mujer cuando les rompe un corazón un mal novio?
Yeah, we're like dr. Phil but more qualified. ♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Sí, somos como el Doctor Phil, pero más cualificadas. 2 Broke Girls 3x04 "Y el jefe del grupo"
Or picking up the pieces when you broke up with that guy And then this guy and now girls, good God.
Y yo era la que te ayudaba con la tarea, o cuando un chico te rompía el corazón
That was the weekend you went away with the girls up the coast and there was a..... and we had that fight, you broke the green...
Aquel fin de semana que tu te fuiste a la costa con las niñas. y había .. y tuvimos aquella pelea, tu rompiste el...
Girls, I know you're both smart enough to know exactly who broke your things.
Chicas, se que sois lo suficientemente listas para saber como romper vuestras cosas.

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