But there was tradutor Espanhol
16,712 parallel translation
But there was a third.
Pero había un tercero.
Prescribed, but there was none in her system post-mortem.
Tenía recetas, pero no había nada en sus sistema.
OK, he admitted it but there was never any evidence.
No hay pruebas.
Could be wild wolves, but there was overkill.
Podrían ser lobos salvajes, pero hubo ensañamiento.
But there was a company that had something eerily similar.
Pero había una compañía que tenía algo muy parecido.
♪ I wish you could have stayed but there was nothing left ♪ to give or take
Ojalá pudieras haberte quedado, pero ya no quedaba nada para dar o tomar.
But you knew there was some truth to it.
Pero sabías que había algo de verdad en ello.
No, it wasn't an accident- - there was an alarm at 4 : 00 a.m., but no one was in the spent fuel building.
No, no era un accident- - hubo una alarma a las 4 : 00 am, pero no había nadie en el edificio de combustible gastado.
But.. there was no traffic around the PCO from where the call was made.
Pero... no había carreteras alrededor de la cabina desde donde hicieron la llamada.
But then there was that stripper.
Pero luego estuviste con esa desnudista.
So, my co-workers were certifiably insane, but even they thought there was nothing weird about my relationship with Gigi.
Mis compañeros de trabajo estaban definitivamente locos... pero incluso ellos pensaban que no había nada raro... en mi relación con Gigi.
When my family was killed, I thought there was no way I could go on, but I did.
Cuando mi familia fue asesinada, pensé que no podría seguir adelante, pero lo hice.
You did, but apparently there was nothing recorded after midnight.
Lo hiciste, pero aparentemente no hay nada grabado después de medianoche.
But we have an IT specialist trying to determine whether there was a malfunction of the device or...
Pero tenemos un especialista en informática intentando determinar si fue por un mal funcionamiento del dispositivo o...
All the other prisoners perished, but he survived, albeit badly burnt, because there was a tiny grill window in the cell, and he subsequently joined the Barnum Bailey Circus and was exhibited as a celebrity, as the sole survivor of this eruption.
Todos los demás prisioneros murieron, pero él sobrevivió, aunque sufrió quemaduras graves ya que había una ventanita en la celda. Luego se unió al circo Barnum Bailey y lo presentaban como una celebridad porque era el único sobreviviente de esa erupción.
But I wanted you to know that before the horror began, before it all came crashing down, there was a time when capes and cowls and fighting crime really was exciting.
Pero quiero que sepan que antes de que empezara el horror... antes de que todo se derrumbara... hubo una época en que las capas y combatir el crimen... eran realmente emocionantes.
I don't know what it was that bent your life out of shape, but maybe I've been there, too.
No sé qué habrá hecho cambiar tu vida... pero tal vez yo también he estado allí.
Yeah, I was supposed to meet with Mr. Henderson at 6 : 00, but... If you can believe this, there was some strange noise in the engine of my plane, so rather than risk it, we decided to take the limo.
Sí, iba a reunirme con el Sr. Henderson a las 6 : 00, pero hay un ruido raro en el motor de mi avión, así que para no correr riesgos, decidí usar la limusina.
but seeing as how every day I was down there was the same as the one before, it makes for a pretty boring read.
pero ver cómo cada día estaba ahí y era lo mismo todos los días, hace la lectura aburrida.
When I was in there, I could barely remember who I was, and then I was hit with visions and tests, but the worst part of hell isn't what you're going through.
Cuando estuve ahí dentro, apenas podía recordar quién era yo, y luego me vinieron a la cabeza visiones y pruebas, pero la peor parte del infierno no es por lo que estás pasando.
I don't know how much you remember of my father, but he was not a good man, he threw in with Malcolm Merlyn, and all of that being said, there is nothing that I wouldn't do to have him back.
No sé cuánto recuerdas de mi padre, pero no era un buen hombre, se involucró con Malcolm Merlyn, y dicho todo eso, no hay nada que yo no haría por traerlo de vuelta.
I know it seems like hubris, but I've made a difference before, and I can't help think that if I was there, you know, maybe she'd still be here.
Sé que suena presuntuoso, pero ya me ha pasado antes, y no puedo evitar pensar que si hubiera estado allí, sabes, quizás ella todavía estuviera aquí.
There was a time I would have thought this was my fault, that I brought this darkness upon us, but now I know it's not my fault.
Hubo un tiempo en el que hubiera pensado que era culpa mía, que traje la oscuridad sobre nosotros, pero ahora sé que no es mi culpa.
I was gonna give up being the Black Canary, but I realized I didn't know how I could because going out there and fighting alongside you guys, it's what makes me feel alive inside...
Iba a dejar de ser Canario Negro, pero no sabía cómo ya que ir afuera y pelear con ustedes, es lo que me hace sentir viva adentro...
I hacked kuttler's server to see if there was anything in there that could point us to where he would run to, and he cleared the cache, so I can't recover any files, but there is a root directory called Ravenspur.
Hackeé en el servidor de Kuttler para ver si podía encontrar algo que pudiera decirnos a dónde se pudo haber ido, y borró el caché, así que no puedo recuperar ningún archivo, pero hay un directorio raíz llamado Ravenspur.
Actually, there was a direct-to-DVD sequel in 2008, but it was a bomb, too, so that reference still holds.
De hecho, hubo una secuela que salió directo a DVD en 2008, pero terminó siendo una bomba, así que esa referencia aún se mantiene.
I was going to bone my girlfriend, but she told me that if there wasn't vanilla vodka involved, there was no way.
Iba a tirarme a mi novia pero ella me dijo que si no había vodka de vainilla involucrado no había ninguna manera.
But the bat was there, waiting for us.
Pero el murciélago estaba ahí, esperándonos.
There was an allegation, but, um...
Hubo una acusación, pero...
- I had moments... but I knew Crane was out there looking for me.
- Tuve momentos... pero sabía que Crane me estaría buscando.
Right, so there was no way that he could have been involved with the journey to the Catacombs, but here is the thing about Key.
Cierto, por lo que es imposible que pudiera estar involucrado... en el viaje a las Catacumbas, pero hay una cosa sobre Key.
All right, there's a lot of interference at the end but... something... was here.
De acuerdo, hay un montón de interferencias al final pero... algo... estuvo ahí.
Well, now there was a great man... but a great man with legendary halitosis.
Bueno, ahora había un gran hombre... Sino un gran hombre Con la halitosis legendaria.
... but I knew full well there was no time for any rescue.
... Pero sabía muy bien No había tiempo para cualquier rescate.
But there will be a notation in a file that says the player was sat for disciplinary reasons.
Y habrá una nota en su expediente diciendo que se quedó en el banquillo por razones disciplinarias.
Well, I don't know what he was doing, but that's out there forever, all right?
Bueno, no sé lo que estaba haciendo, pero está allí afuera para siempre, ¿ verdad?
But that wouldn't work now, the village sheriff was waiting there.
Pero eso ahora no funcionaría, el policía del pueblo estaba esperando ahí,
We have no way of knowing that, but if there was even the slightest chance that were true, we felt we had a responsibility to call the police.
No tenemos forma de saber eso, pero si hay una pequeña posibilidad de que eso sea verdad, nos sentimos con la responsabilidad de llamar a la policía.
There was some looting, a few protests that turned violent, but most of the violence appears to have been
Hubo algunos saqueos, algunas protestas que se tornaron violentas, pero la mayoría de la violencia parece haber sido
There once was a boy who wanted a father, but instead, he was promised an empire.
Había una vez un niño que quería un padre, pero en vez de eso, le prometieron un imperio.
I was supposed to be there at 7 : 50. But the bus didn't come.
Yo tenía que estar allí a las 7 : 50 pero el autobús no vino.
The success of the company was tremendous, but on a personal level there were some, I'd say, difficulties.
El éxito de la compañía era tremendo. Pero a nivel personal había algunas digamos, dificultades.
I don't know, Liam, but she seemed so scared and there was nothing I could do.
No lo sé, Liam, pero ella parecía tan asustada y no había nada que pudiera hacer.
Dentze was there, wounded, but I saw enough to say that Salazar was armed and helped Skony.
Dentze estaba allí, herido, pero vio lo suficiente como para decir que Salazar estaba armado y ayudó a Skony.
But what you said back there was really cool.
Pues, lo que dijiste ahí estuvo bien bien.
So, we know that he was a Marine recruit, and we know that he went in as a kid, but there's no evidence that he actually served.
Sabemos que fue un Marine y que entró siendo muy joven, pero no hay pruebas de que haya servido.
There's a discrepancy, which is good, but... it's still their word against Frank's, who was also shot in the head.
Hay discrepancia, lo cual es bueno, pero igual es su palabra contra la de Frank, quien recibió un tiro en la cabeza.
Jesus. Brett said there was shit going down, but he didn't say this.
Brett dijo que pasaba algo, pero no dijo qué.
But no one else was there.
Pero nadie más estaba ahí.
But maybe, just maybe... hear me out... there was a secret one.
Quizás, solo quizás, escúchame, había una salida secreta.
Whoever shot him knew about Palmetto, but he says that no one should have known he was there.
El que le disparó sabía de Palmetto, pero dice que nadie debería haber sabido que estaba allí.
but there was no answer 20
but there was a bit of a mix 41
but there are 38
but there's more 55
but there 57
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there's a 20
but there was a bit of a mix 41
but there are 38
but there's more 55
but there 57
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there's a 20
but there it is 67
but there's nothing here 17
but there's something 16
but there are limits 17
but there you go 27
but there's not 22
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's no time 25
but there's nothing 25
but there is 63
but there's nothing here 17
but there's something 16
but there are limits 17
but there you go 27
but there's not 22
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's no time 25
but there's nothing 25
but there is 63
but there are others 19
but there we are 16
but there isn't 28
but there you are 27
but there's 84
there was this 68
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
but there we are 16
but there isn't 28
but there you are 27
but there's 84
there was this 68
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
there was an explosion 49
there was an accident 105
there was a boy 17
there was nothing 90
there was a girl 56
there wasn't time 38
there was one 46
there wasn't any 16
there was a break 38
there was an explosion 49
there was an accident 105
there was a boy 17
there was nothing 90
there was a girl 56
there wasn't time 38
there was one 46
there wasn't any 16
there was a break 38