Could i tradutor Espanhol
248,921 parallel translation
- I could invent something.
- Podría inventar algo.
Oh, excuse me. Could I ask you a question?
Disculpe. ¿ Puedo hacerle una pregunta?
- How could I not see this coming?
- ¿ Cómo no lo he visto venir?
Mitchell, could I speak to you in private, please?
Mitchell, ¿ puedo hablar contigo a solas, por favor?
I just thought the two of you could get together sometime and...
Pensé que podrían reunirse en algún momento y...
It could also help me identify my enemies, discover their fears and then... I could use those fears to destroy them.
También podría ayudarme a identificar a mis enemigos, descubrir sus miedos y entonces... podría usar esos temores para destruirlos.
Maybe I could use it to understand why women keep dumping me.
Quizá la pueda usar para entender porqué las mujeres me siguen dejando.
Maybe I could even get them all together, sort of like a... a focus group, to find out what's wrong with me.
Quizá podría inclusive reunirlas todas juntas, más o menos como un grupo focal, para averiguar qué me pasa.
I'm not saying you have to ask my permission, but you could have talked to me about it before you said it was okay.
No estoy diciendo que debas pedirme permiso, pero podrías haberme dicho al respecto antes de decir que estaba bien.
There have definitely been days when I was sad and you could tell.
Definitivamente han habido días cuando estaba triste y pudiste notarlo.
Well, I mean, I could tell you all about how I teach, but it'd be easier just to show you.
Bueno, mira, podría contarte cómo enseño, pero sería más fácil enseñártelo.
I could never leave my baby.
Nunca podría dejar a mi bebé.
Well, except for my editor, who they think could be dead by the time I get there.
Bueno, excepto para mi editora, quienes piensan que estará muerta para cuando llegue allá.
Well, you know, with... with all this talk about "Get Laid" chicken, I looked at Kiki, saw she was alone, and... thought as a fun, sexy story, for... our book, um, I could find her a boyfriend, and I did!
Bueno, sabes, con... con toda la charla del pollo "Para Coger", miré a Kiki, vi que estaba sola y... pensé como una historia sexy y divertida para... nuestro libro... sería encontrarle un novio, ¡ y lo hice!
I think I could have picked my time a bit better.
Creo que podría haber elegido el momento un poco mejor.
Yeah, she just got held up at the library, so I said I could come and swing round, I don't want to keep you waiting.
Sí, se detuvo en la biblioteca, así que dije que podía... venir y dar una vuelta, no quiero que sigas esperando.
Not easily, I mean, you could check...
No es fácil, quiero decir, podrías comprobar...
I could never have pulled that off if I'd been obsessing over it for days.
Nunca podría haber sacado eso... si Hubiera estado obsesionada durante días.
Well, I could have got all tongue-tied, but I didn't think that'd reflect well on you.
Bueno, podría haberme atado la lengua, pero no pensé que eso se reflejara bien en ti.
I could do with seeing you.
Me vendría bien verte.
I want a baby, I just think I could have picked my time a bit better.
Quiero un bebé, sólo creo que podría haber elegido el momento un poco mejor.
If I could do the same, I would.
Si pudiera hacer lo mismo, lo haría.
If I could not have to listen to one more fucking platitude about my loss?
Si pudiera no tener que escuchar más tópicos de mierda... sobre mi pérdida.
How could she believe I would do that?
¿ Cómo podía creer que yo haría eso?
I wish I could be like you.
Ojalá pudiera ser como tú.
It was all I could do to persuade them that I could look after her.
Era todo lo que podía hacer para persuadirlos de que yo podía cuidarla.
Oh, I could put you in touch with some people if you like?
Oh, podría ponerte en contacto con algunas personas si quieres.
The good news was that I found out that I could draw and it was almost by accident.
La buena noticia era que descubrí que podía dibujar y fue casi por accidente.
I just wouldn't just, like, tell him what I thought, I would also draw and write down some of my, I guess you could say, interpretations of his design.
No solo no quería decirle lo que pensaba sino que también solía dibujar y escribir algunas de mis interpretaciones de sus diseños.
The first person I talked to about it was really developer Tiffany Beers, to see if we could even entertain the idea of starting a project like this.
La primera persona con la que hablé fue una desarrolladora, Tiffany Beers para saber si podría considerar la idea de un proyecto como este.
I remember somebody telling me it'd be great if Nike could do shoes that were invisible and I drew the Invisible Man.
Recuerdo que alguien me dijo que sería genial si el calzado de Nike fuera invisible y dibujé al Hombre Invisible.
I just felt like maybe something that would happen in the future... Shoes would be smart and could sense who you were and when you put it on, it comes alive and shapes to your foot.
Sentí que quizá algo que sucedería en el futuro iba a ser un calzado inteligente que pudiera sentir quién eres y que, cuando te lo pusieras, cobrara vida y se amoldara a tu pie.
We were becoming close enough over these years that I could communicate with him on a different level.
Nos habíamos vuelto muy cercanos con el paso del tiempo y me podía comunicar con él en un nivel diferente.
Even though I'm not finished, I'd reached this point where I could continue to be creative and design products, but the next step is to actually be a mentor and a teacher and maybe inspire people as well.
A pesar de no haber terminado he llegado al punto donde puedo seguir siendo creativo y diseñar productos pero el próximo paso será ser un mentor y profesor y quizá también inspirar a la gente.
I started to realize that I could start designing a symbol that would represent each and every one of those stories.
Y comencé a notar que podía diseñar un símbolo que podría representar cada una de estas historias.
You know, I was thinking tonight maybe we could bury the ashes in the back yard after we get back from your dad's.
¿ Sabes? Estaba pensando que esta noche quizá podríamos enterrar las cenizas en el patio cuando lleguemos de casa de tu padre.
I could lose an afternoon.
Podría perder una tarde.
Yeah, wondering if I could get a couple tickets for the show tonight.
Sí, me encantaría conseguir un par de entradas para el espectáculo de esta noche.
Like last Thursday when I stalled Jay at the club so you could get Joe out of the doggy door.
Como el pasado jueves cuando dejé encerrado a Jay en el club así podría sacar a Joe por la puerta del perro.
Here I was beating myself up because I couldn't be alone, and... one could argue that everybody in this house is a little better off because of it.
Aquí estaba machacándome porque no podía estar solo, y... uno podría argumentar que todos en esta casa están un poco mejor a causa de ello.
There's... there's something old us could never do without tears and screaming that I think new us might be able to handle.
Hay algo que los antiguos nosotros nunca podrían hacer sin lágrimas y gritando y creo que los nuevos nosotros pueden ser capaces de manejar.
Everything I could find on Dr Atwell and Ivy Franklin.
Todo lo que he podido encontrar sobre el Dr. Atwell e Ivy Franklin.
I think the same could be said of all of us.
Creo que lo mismo podría ser dicho de todos nosotros.
But I thought Dwayne and I could go back first thing tomorrow and speak to them before they head out for the morning catch.
Pero pensé que Dwayne y yo podíamos volver mañana temprano Y hablar con ellos antes de que salgan para la pesca de la mañana.
Well, I started looking on the internet for tulip logos to see if there was one that could match this one, and I came across this...
Empecé a buscar en Internet logotipos de tulipán para ver si había uno que coincidiera con este, Y me encontré con esto...
I asked him if we could use his boat the next day for a fishing trip for a party of five, he said yes and to meet him at the harbour at two o'clock the following day.
Le pregunté si podíamos usar su barco el siguiente día para un viaje de pesca para unas 5 personas, él dijo sí... y que lo encontráramos en el muelle a las 2 el siguiente día.
I mean, if we... if we could just work out how he did it, then I'd say we've got our man.
Si pudiéramos descubrir como lo hizo, entonces diría que tenemos a nuestro hombre.
I wonder if I could fit that on a cookie.
Me pregunto si eso entraría en una galleta.
I have no doubt that you have it in you to die a hero's death, but, for the time being, I'd appreciate it if you could stay alive to help me examine the dead.
No tengo dudas de que está hecho para morir de una forma heroica pero, por ahora, le agradecería que siguiera vivo para ayudarme a examinar a los muertos.
I could do this all night long.
Podría pasar la noche diciendo frases de esas.
You know, I did read that people could develop allergies to their pets.
Sabes, leí que mucha gente puede desarrollar alergias a sus mascotas.
could i ask you something 32
could i have a glass of water 17
could i ask you a question 18
could it be 107
could it 82
could i talk to you 20
could i just 20
could i speak to you 16
could i talk to you for a second 33
could i have a word with you 33
could i have a glass of water 17
could i ask you a question 18
could it be 107
could it 82
could i talk to you 20
could i just 20
could i speak to you 16
could i talk to you for a second 33
could i have a word with you 33
could i have your attention 27
could i talk to you for a minute 21
could i have a word 57
i don't care how long it takes 27
ines 33
i mean 97485
i know 63170
i lost my mind 16
it's fine 7136
i love you 17750
could i talk to you for a minute 21
could i have a word 57
i don't care how long it takes 27
ines 33
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i know 63170
i lost my mind 16
it's fine 7136
i love you 17750
i love my sister 16
irene 487
i don 542
i'm fine 13072
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i do 17590
i don't think so 6892
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ivan 848
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i don't think so 6892
i just 13298
ivan 848
it is 11007
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iris 595
irma 94
imbecile 102
idea 68
in fact 10253
i'm too old for this shit 16
internet 115
india 252
invasion 24
iris 595
irma 94
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idea 68
in fact 10253
i'm too old for this shit 16
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invasion 24