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Edgar allan poe tradutor Espanhol

164 parallel translation
By Edgar Allan Poe
Por Edgar Allan Poe
It's almost the equal of Edgar Allan Poe.
Es casi igual a Edgar Allan Poe.
I wish in the future you won't treat me like something out of Edgar Allan Poe.
ojalá en eI futuro no me traten como a un personaje de Edgar allan Poe.
And I have always believed in the theory originally projected by Edgar Allen Poe, the American writer, that the best place to hide anything is where everyone can see it.
Siempre he creído en la teoría de Edgar Allan Poe... el escritor americano... EI mejor lugar para esconder algo es a la vista de todo el mundo.
Only Mr. Edgar Allan Poe could do justice to it.
Sólo don Edgar Allan Poe podría hacerle justicia.
There's nothing in the books to suggest for one second anything so Edgar Allan Poe-ish.
No hay nada en los libros que lo sugiera, desde Edgar Allen Pooish...
It's a scene out of Edgar Allan Poe.
Parece un cuento de Edgar Allan Poe.
But facts, not fantasies straight out of Edgar Allan Poe.
¡ Hechos, no cuentos a la Edgar Allan Poe!
Edgar Allan Poe, of course.
Edgar Allan Poe, por supuesto.
If this house was good enough for Edgar Allan Poe... it's good enough for us.
Si esta casa estaba bien para Edgar Allan Poe... está bien para nosotros.
It's not every day that Edgar Allan Poe shows up in London.
No sucede todos los días que Edgar Allan Poe se encuentre en Londres.
Why not your old nimbus, the one that so inspired Edgar Allan Poe.
¿ Y tu antigua personalidad, la que tanto inspiró a Edgar Allan Poe?
A cartoon balloon from the raven's mouth, Edgar Allan Poe style :
Con un texto saliendo de la boca del cuervo, al estilo Edgar Allan Poe :
The poems of Edgar Allen poe.
Los poemas de Edgar Allan Poe.
I thought Edgar Allan Poe was a crackup.
¡ Yyo creía que Edgar Allan Poe era un loco de remate!
Boy, they're like something out of Edgar Allan Poe.
Son personajes de Edgar Allan Poe.
Edgar Allan Poe, Miss Kitka.
Edgar Allan Poe, Señorita Kitka.
"Tales of Mystery And Imagination by Edgar Allen Poe."
Cuentos de misterio e imaginación, de Edgar Allan Poe.
A great rarity to the collector of Edgar Allan Poe.
Una grandiosa rareza para el coleccionista de Edgar Allan Poe.
My whole life is centered around Edgar Allan Poe in every respect.
Mi vida entera se centra alrededor de Edgar Allan Poe en todo aspecto.
Let us drink to the immortal Edgar Allan Poe.
Bebamos por el inmortal Edgar Allan Poe.
One of the graves he opened was the last resting place of Edgar Allan Poe.
Una de las tumbas que abrió resultó ser la última morada de Edgar Allan Poe.
He even collected Edgar Allan Poe himself.
Incluso coleccionó al mismo Edgar Allan Poe.
To preserve the works of Edgar Allan Poe for the world is the work of God, not the devil.
Preservar las obras de Edgar Allan Poe para el mundo es el trabajo de Dios, no del Diablo.
Is that not a good ending for the last story of Edgar Allan Poe?
¿ No es un buen final para el último cuento de Edgar Allan Poe?
You, uh... seem to be a devotee of Edgar Allen Poe.
Usted, eh... parece ser un devoto de Edgar Allan Poe.
Edgar Allan Poe was like that during his old age.
Igual que Edgar Allan Poe.
Edgar Alan Poe "Os Horrendos Crimes da Rua Morgue"
Richard Wagner, Edgar Allan Poe.
amo a Richard Wagner, a Edgar Allan Poe, el escritor,
That's my Edgar Allan Poe award, given me by the Mystery Writers of America for one of Merridew's greatest triumphs, The Slaying of Jack Sprat.
Es el premio Edgar Allan Poe, de los escritores de misterio americanos por mi gran éxito "La muerte de Jack Sprat".
It reminds me of that Edgar Allan Poe short story, The Cask of...
Me recuerda el cuento de Edgar Allan Poe, The Cask of...
Of tony jacklin, anthony barber, edgar allan poe, katy boyle Reginald maudling and a looney.
Edgar Allan Poe, Katy Boyle, Reginald Maudling i un chiflado.
I assume you realize the blood of Edgar Allan Poe courses through my veins.
Supongo que te das cuenta de que la sangre de Edgar Allan Poe corre por mis venas.
Vincent's favorite author is... Edgar Allan Poe.
El autor preferido de Vincent es Edgar Allan Poe.
His voice was soft and very slow, as he quoted "The Raven" from Edgar Allan Poe.
Su voz era suave y muy lenta, Como él citó el Raven de Edgar Allan Poe,
THE PENDULUM, THE PIT AND HOPE based on short stories by Edgar Allan Poe and Villiers de I'lsle-Adam
EL PÉNDULO, EL POZO Y LA ESPERANZA basado en cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe y Villiers de I'lsle-Adam
Did I mention that Edgar Allan Poe stayed here?
¿ Sabe que E. A. Poe se alojó aquí? Harry.
These are some of the original beams. And there's a picture of good old Edgar Allan Poe himself.
Hay vigas originales y un retrato del mismísimo E. A. Poe.
It's straight out of an Edgar Allan Poe novel,... like the awesome House of Usher.
Es como si hubiera salido de una de las novelas de Edgar Allan Poe, como la pavorosa casa de Usher.
The only one I think I can deal with is Edgar Allan Poe's daughter.
Sólo quiero tratos con la hija de Edgar Allan Poe.
Do you know Mr Edgar Allan Poe?
? Conoce al Sr. Edgar Allan Poe?
What is he, Edgar Allan Poe, this guy?
¿ Quién es este tío, Edgar Allan Poe?
[Man Narrating] To Edgar Allan Poe, whose stories have inspired this motion picture.
Dedicado a Edgar Allan Poe cuyas historias inspiraron esta película.
For your information, I'm about to read a tale by Edgar Allan Poe.
Para tu informacion, Estoy a punto de leer un cuento de Edgar Allan Poe.
Adapted tale EDGAR ALLAN POE
Adaptado del cuento de EDGAR ALLAN POE
Troy, I brought with me the gravestone... of author and troubled soul, Edgar Allan Poe.
Troy, he traído conmigo la lápida del autor y alma perturbada, Edgar Allan Poe.
And your next quiz will be on the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe.
Y su siguiente examen será sobre Las obras completas de Edgar Allan Poe.
Immersing myself in the tranquillity... of my rose garden... in the vain attempt to offset my evening ahead... drudging through two dozen sixth-grade essays... on Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven."
Sumergirme en la tranquilidad... de mi jardín de rosas... en el vano intento de compensar mi noche por delante - sumergido en docenas de ensayos de sexto grado... sobre "The Raven" de Edgar Allan Poe
that was edgar allen poe.
Era Edgar Allan Poe.

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