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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ F ] / Fare you well

Fare you well tradutor Espanhol

123 parallel translation
- But, fare you well.
- Mas queda con Dios.
But fare you well.
Yo me despido.
Convey them with safe conduct. Fare you well.
Conducidle bajo segura escolta.
And so, Mountjoy, fare you well.
Así pues, Montjoy, que os vaya bien.
Fare you well, my dove.
¡ Id con Dios, mi paloma!
Fare you well.
- Fare you well.
- Adiós.
So, fare you well at once, for Brutus'tongue hath almost ended his life's history.
Adiós... pues la lengua de Bruto casi ha llegado al final de sus días.
Fare you well, my lord.
Adiós, señor.
Till then, my lady, fare you well.
Hasta entonces, señorita. Cuídese mucho.
Fare you well.
Que os vaya bien.
Fare you well, my dove!
¡ Adiós, querido mío. Adiós!
Fare you well.
Seguid bien.
O, give me the spare men, and spare me the great one Fare you well.
Dadme tropa de deshecho y quedaos con los elegidos. ¡ Seguid bien, hasta pronto!
- Fare you well.
- ¡ Seguid bien!
Fare you well, my dove.
Adiós, querido mío.
So, Montjoy, fare you well.
Así pues, Montjoy, que os vaya bien.
Fare you well, my lord.
Que sigáis bien, mi señor.
Fare you well, my dove. Hadst thou thy wits and didst persuade revenge it could not move thus.
Si estuvieras en tu juicio y pidieras venganza no conmoverías tanto.
Fare you well.
Que te vaya bien.
But fare you well!
Pero ve con Dios.
But fare you well.
Pero ve con Dios.
Fare you well, my dove
Ten buena ventura, mi paloma.
"Goodbye, fare you well".
"Adiós, que les vaya bien"
Goodbye, fare you well.
Adiós, que te vaya bien.
Oh, yeah, well, why didn't she send you your fare?
¿ Por qué no ha pagado tu viaje?
Well if you must have the horrible truth the taxi fare is $ 3 : 80.
Por si lo quiere saber, el taxi cuesta 3,80 dólares.
I notice you didn't fare so well with him yesterday.
Me fijé que no les fue muy bien ayer.
Well, I'll be off unless you have a fare for me.
Me retiraré a menos que haya un viaje para mí.
I will requite your loves. So fare you well.
Sabré recompensaros.
Ill call upon you ere you go to bed... and tell you what I know. Fare you well, my liege.
Dios os guarde, señor.
Well, it... It looks like you're stuck for one round-trip plane fare.
Pues la broma te cuesta un billete de vuelta.
Say, now, you didn't think I was going to let you walk out of here without even a fare-thee-well, did you?
No pensarías que iba a dejarte marchar sin decirte adiós, ¿ no?
Well, Libby, you pay the fare.
Libby, paga tú.
I hope you will fare well.
Espero que te vaya bien.
Fare thee well, dear girl of mine, You'll stay behind till I come back...
# Adiós, alegría de mi vida, sé que te irás sin mí #
Well, you may be entirely correct, Watson, but don't forget that cabs that cater to the railway trade invariably return to the terminal after they've dispensed with their fare.
Quizás tenga razón, Watson pero no se olvide que todos los coches que prestan servicio en las estaciones, vuelven a ella, al terminar sus viajes.
You won't get any of your fancy French kickshaws here, I'm afraid, Poirot, just good, well-cooked English fare.
Aquí no encontrará ninguno de sus sofisticados platos franceses, Poirot, sólo buena comida inglesa bien guisada.
Fare you well.
Id con Dios.
Well, it's better than our usual Friday-night fare sitting around watching you and Buck play Don't Blame Me, It Was Him.
Pues bien, es mejor que nuestro usual rutina de noche de viernes holgazanear mirandote a tí y a Buck interpretando "No me culpa a mí, fue él".
Well, fare you well, my lord.
¡ Bien, pues adiós, señor!
Fare you well, boy.
Adiós, muchacho.
Fare you well now.
Adiós pues.
While you are in it, you fare well.
Mientras estás en él, te va bien.
I guess this is fare thee well between you and me.
Supongo que ésta es nuestra despedida.
How'd you fare so well?
¿ Cómo es que usted está tan bien?
So fare you well.
Id con Dios.
God be wi'you. Fare ye well.
Ve con Dios.
Kaspar, if you play well, you'll enjoy the finest fare.
Kaspar, si tocas bien, comerás los mejores manjares del mundo.
As you know, my sole concern is for your personal well fare.
Como ya sabe, mi única preocupación es por su salud personal.
As I told you, in Rose Red's heyday men didn't fare well here.
Como dije, en el apogeo de Rojo Rosado los hombres no eran bien recibidos.

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