For my wife tradutor Espanhol
3,905 parallel translation
Convenience forever, freshness never! Uh-huh. Would you sign this for my wife Marge?
¡ El provecho, siempre, la frescura, nunca! ¿ Podría firmarme esto para mi esposa, Marge?
I left the house today to get 50 votes for my wife.
He salido de casa hoy para conseguirle a mi mujer 50 votos.
I have to do it for my wife.
Tengo que hacerlo por mi mujer.
I'm trying to do something for my wife, and you keep...
Estoy intentando hacer algo por mi esposa, y tú sigues...
For my wife to hold the map so everyone in the car wouldn't see my cash and prizes.
Para mi esposa para celebrar el mapa para que todos en el coche no lo haría ver mi dinero en efectivo y premios.
In exchange for my wife, they get their spy back, a crate of Hollister sweatshirts and a signed headshot of Don Johnson.
A cambio de mi mujer, ellos tendrán su espía de vuelta, una caja de camisetas Hollister y un primer plano firmado por Don Johnson.
I did it for my wife and kid.
Lo hacía por mi mujer y mi hijo.
For my wife.
Por mi mujer.
And most of all, I give thanks for my wife.
Y sobre todo doy gracias por mi mujer.
She'll cook for me till my wife comes back.
Ella cocinará para mi hasta que vuelva mi esposa.
Leaving home for three months, leaving your wife with four kids, it was - - you know, it was for my dream.
Dejar mi casa tres meses, dejar mi mujer e hijos, fue por mi sueño.
"Alec, while I'm away in India, can you ensure that all is well at Polstrey and that my new wife wants for nothing?"
"Alec, mientras estoy en la India ¿ puedes asegurarte de que todo va bien en Polstrey y de que a mi nueva esposa no le falta de nada?"
" Alec, while I'm away in India, can you ensure that all is well at Polstrey and that my new wife wants for nothing?
" Alec, mientras estoy en la India ¿ puedes asegurarte de que todo va bien en Polstrey y que a mi nueva esposa no le falta de nada?
My wife and I cleaned him up, fed him, and waited for someone to get in touch. Mm-hmm.
Mi mujer y yo lo lavamos, le dimos de comer y esperamos a que alguien se pusiese en contacto.
My wife is waiting for me to die.
Mi esposa está esperando que me muera.
My wife, uh, she's never forgiven me for not being there.
Mi esposa, nuca me ha perdonado que no estuviera allí.
My wife is responsible for all of this.
Mi esposa es la responsable de todo esto.
I wish it never happened for the sake of my current wife
Ojalá que esto nunca hubiera sucedido. Por el bien de mi actual esposa.
For the last time, I loved my wife.
Por última vez, yo amaba a mi esposa.
I would like to thank the police, again, for finding the man who killed my wife.
Me gustaría dar las gracias a la policía, de nuevo, para encontrar al hombre que mató a mi esposa.
Sorry to barge in on you like this, but my wife made this for you guys.
Siento interrumpirle así, pero mi mujer les ha hecho esto.
For killing my wife?
¿ Por matar a mi mujer?
I want Frankie Diamonds and anyone else responsible for killing my wife and my unborn child.
Quiero a Frankie Diamonds y a cualquier otro responsable del asesinato de mi mujer y mi hijo nonato.
I want Frankie Diamonds and anyone else responsible for killing my wife, and I give you the rat at your table.
Quiero a Frankie Diamons y a cualquier otro responsable de matar a mi mujer, y te daré a la rata de tu mesa.
I want Frankie Diamonds and anyone else responsible for killing my wife.
Quiero a Frankie Diamonds y a cualquier otro responsable de matar a mi mujer.
And only you can take my tantrums that's why I respect you... but only if you had got something for me from your home when you got married... it would have been nice... when Vicky wife will get nothing for you... then you'll know how much it hurts
Y sólo tú puedes soportar mis rabietas Es por eso que te respeto Pero si sólo hubieras tenido algo de mí..
Boy, if I had a dollar for every time I've been asked to reverse one of my procedures, my bitch ex-wife would be a millionaire.
Chico, si me dieran un dólar por cada vez que me han pedido que revierta uno de mis procedimientos, la zorra de mi ex-mujer sería millonaria.
But for me and my wife, it's gonna be a game room.
Pero para mi y mi esposa, será un salón de juegos.
An occasion for celebration was... turned into one of terror when a bullet clearly intended for me hit my wife instead.
Una ocasión para la celebración fue convertida en una de terror cuando una bala claramente dirigida hacia mí, impactó en cambio en mi esposa.
Did you just use my wife for political purposes?
¿ Acaba de usar a mi esposa para propósitos políticos?
James, can I tear my wife away from you for a moment?
James, ¿ puedo robarte a mi mujer un momento?
You're still paying for that condo and my ex-best friend is probably sleeping with my soon-to-be ex-wife in it.
Aún estás pagando por ese apartamento y mi ex-mejor amigo está probablemente acostándose con mi pronto-ex-mujer en él.
My wife used to make them for me... After we were married.
Mi esposa me los hacía... después de casarnos.
It was stupid. But I won't apologize for defending my wife.
Pero no voy a pedir disculpas por defender a mi esposa.
That was exactly what my wife told me when I worried for nothing.
Eso era exactamente lo que mi esposa me decía cuando me preocupaba por nada.
You see, my wife wants me away from the house for like three hours, so what do you got that kinda fills that time?
Ves, mi esposa me quiere lejos de la casa como por tres horas, ¿ Entonces qué tiene que rellene ese tiempo más o menos?
My soon-to-be ex-wife's sharks are looking for chum.
Mi futura ex-mujer está al acecho buscando carnaza.
James was incapable, my wife was under the influence, so I took the nearest car and drove Ellen home for her baggage.
James no era capaz, mi esposa estaba ebria, así que tomé el coche más cercano y llevé a Ellen a casa por su equipaje.
And I wanted to take my wife someplace nice for dinner.
Y yo quería llevar a mi esposa lugar agradable para la cena.
That he locked my wife away in a goddamn asylum for seven months!
¡ Que encerró a mi mujer en un maldito manicomio durante siete meses!
And the fear for what would become of my wife and kids after I was gone had blindsided me.
Y que el miedo por lo que le ocurriría a mi mujer y a mis hijos después de que muriera me había descontrolado.
I bought you for my son, and not to be his slave, but to be his wife.
Te compré para mi hijo, y no para que fueras su esclava, sino su mujer.
But speaking for myself, I wouldn't let a woman like that get by, even if she was my brother's wife.
Si fuera por mí, no dejaría que una mujer saliera adelante así, aunque fuera la mujer de mi hermano.
And I'm sure my mother wouldn't want me to babysit for him so he can go see Wife Number One.
Y estoy segura de que mi madre no querría que hiciera de canguro para que él pueda ir a ver a la Esposa Número Uno
My son Dave and his wife, Kim, after they'd been married for a while, they decided to move back to Raleigh.
que llevaban un tiempo casados decidieron mudarse a Raleigh.
I need you to tell my wife that it's better for my son to be uncircumcised.
Toenes que decirle a mi mujer que es mejor que mi hijo no sea circuncidado.
And "The Voice"... for me, it's about my son's future, about my wife's future, about what I can give them.
y "The Voice" para mi, es el futuro de mi hijo. El futuro de mi esposa, y lo que yo les pueda dar.
My wife is in an asylum, and she has been for some years.
Mi esposa está en un manicomio y ha estado por varios años.
For your sins, you will come to dinner tonight with me and my wife.
Por sus pecados, vendrá a cenar esta noche conmigo y mi esposa.
My wife is waiting for me.
Mi esposa me está esperando.
I want to thank you ladies And you gentlemen for the Adventure and for allowing me to See my wife.
Quiero darle las gracias, damas. Y a los caballeros, por la aventura. Y por permitirme ver a mi esposa.
for my sake 90
for my sins 26
for my brother 22
for my family 45
for my 40
for my birthday 43
for myself 88
for my part 45
for my money 29
for my son 32
for my sins 26
for my brother 22
for my family 45
for my 40
for my birthday 43
for myself 88
for my part 45
for my money 29
for my son 32
for my father 30
for my mother 25
for my daughter 16
my wife 1458
my wife and i 71
my wife left me 55
my wife is pregnant 19
my wife is dead 28
my wife is 20
my wife died 39
for my mother 25
for my daughter 16
my wife 1458
my wife and i 71
my wife left me 55
my wife is pregnant 19
my wife is dead 28
my wife is 20
my wife died 39
wife 1732
wife and kids 16
for me 3075
for men 33
for me too 49
for more than 22
for many years 59
for many 20
for mom 21
for money 108
wife and kids 16
for me 3075
for men 33
for me too 49
for more than 22
for many years 59
for many 20
for mom 21
for money 108