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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ G ] / Get dressed

Get dressed tradutor Espanhol

5,248 parallel translation
Take a nice shower, and get dressed...
Toma una buena ducha, y vístete...
I'm gonna get dressed.
Me voy a vestir.
Wait, I've got to get dressed.
Espera, tengo que vestirme.
- Get dressed.
In fact, I must get dressed.
De hecho tengo que vestirme.
We'll get dressed up, too.
También nos pondremos elegantes.
Get dressed, I'll drop you off.
Vístete, te llevaré.
You think only girls can take hours to get dressed?
¿ Tú crees que sólo a las chicas les toma horas estar listas?
Get dressed and get out.
Vístete y vete.
I'm going to get dressed.
Me voy a vestir.
Help mrs xiao get dressed
Ayuda a la señora Xiao a vestirse.
Get dressed.
I'm gonna go get dressed, and then I'm gonna drive you home.
Voy a ir a vestirme, y luego te llevaré a tu casa.
" Moira, get dressed.
" Moira, vístete.
- I think I'd better get dressed.
- Será mejor que me vista. - ¿ Qué?
You can get dressed now, love.
Puedes vestirte ya, cariño.
Alexei. Get dressed, will you?
Alexsei, ¿ te vistes?
I'll get dressed.
Voy a vestirme.
So please get dressed.
Así que vete a vestirte, por favor.
Why don't you get dressed, and we'll talk about it?
¿ Por qué no te vistes, y hablamos de eso?
Come on, go get dressed.
Vamos, vístete.
Was about to get dressed before you turned up.
Estaba a punto de vestirme antes de que aparecieras.
♪ We get dressed up and we go ♪ Out, baby, for the night
Nos arreglamos y salimos, nena, a pasar la noche
When you don't have to get dressed for work, it's a slippery slope, Marty.
Cuando no tienes que vestirte para ir a trabajar, es todo cuesta abajo, Marty.
Get dressed.
Now you've gotta get dressed if you're gonna make your call time.
Ahora ve a vestirte para llegar a horario.
You are gonna get off your ass, get dressed, and we are going to move.
Vas a levantarte, vestirte y nos vamos a mover.
All right, sir, I'll let you get dressed.
De acuerdo, señor... lo dejaré que se vista.
- Get dressed.
- Vtstete.
You need to get dressed.
Tú necesitas verterte.
I got to get dressed and go.
Me voy a vestir e irme.
Okay, you can get dressed now.
Venga, ya te puedes vestir.
Get dressed, let's go.
Vístete, venga.
You can get dressed.
- Puedes vestirte.
I did not get dressed up to argue with you.
No me he arreglado para discutir contigo.
You need to get dressed.
Necesitas vestirte.
Yeah, she's helping him get dressed in my room.
Sí, ella lo está ayudando a vestirse en mi cuarto.
The academy didn't teach you how to get dressed?
¿ No te han enseñado a vestirte en la academia?
Get dressed, we're leaving!
¡ Vístete, nos vamos!
Now, you get dressed.
Ahora vístete.
- I'll just get dressed.
- Ahora mismo me visto.
So what, you want to get dressed up, put on smoky eyes and fall in love?
Entonces, ¿ necesitas vestirte, maquillarte y enamorarte?
Get in the shower, get dressed, get in my car, start driving to the store.
Me metí en la ducha, me vestí, tomé el auto y me fui a la tienda.
We need to get this sore dressed.
Tenemos que tener esta llaga tapada.
And with you dressed like that, gonna get yourself some attention.
Y con vestido así, va a obtener un poco de atención.
We got dressed up, found out we could get into a club.
Nos vestimos, averiguamos que podíamos entrar en un club.
I was just thinking how glad I am I don't have to get all dressed up and go.
Estaba pensando lo contenta que estoy de no tener que arreglarme e ir.
Come on, get dressed!
¡ Ve a vestirte!
Well, did you get her dressed?
Bueno, ¿ la vestiste?
- You ready to get up? Wait, why are you- - why are you all dressed?
Espera, ¿ por qué... por qué estás toda vestida así?
I'll get her dressed.
Yo la vestiré.

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