Got to admit tradutor Espanhol
1,136 parallel translation
Oh, come on Molly, you've got to admit she's a little bit weird.
¡ Vamos, Molly, tienes que admitirlo! Ella es un poco rara...
You got to admit, that's one special wacko chick.
Es una chica muy especial.
You got to admit, it's a bond.
Debes admitirlo. Es un vínculo.
I've got to admit, the damn thing caught me by surprise.
Debo admitir que la decisión me tomó por sorpresa.
Well, now I've got to admit I'm confused, sir.
Bueno, tengo que admitirlo, estoy confundido, señor.
- Huh? - I got to admit it.
Lo admito.
Your mother never forgave me, but I got to admit I was kind of proud.
Tu madre nunca me lo perdonó, pero reconozco que me sentí orgulloso.
You've got to admit, that's a bit unusual.
Debes admitir que es un poco rara.
Got to admit, you and Brennan is not exactly a natural combination.
Debo admitir que es bastante extraño que tú y Brennan se lleven bien.
You got to admit it was generous of Katherine to give her land away.
Tienes que admitir que Katherine fue generosa al dar sus tierras.
You've got to admit, she definitely had a sense of style.
Hay que reconocer que tenía estilo.
You are dangerously cute, baby, I got to admit it.
Tengo que admitir que eres peligrosamente dulce.
I got to admit it, Vi, Philip says I'm too easy on them.
Tengo que admitirlo, Vi. Philip dice que los consiento mucho.
You've got to admit that.
Tienes que reconocerlo.
Got to admit, the kid is sharp.
Hay que reconocer que es perspicaz.
Well, I've got to admit- - it's a catchy slogan.
Tengo que admitir... que es una consigna pegadiza.
But I got to admit, it's a beaut.
Pero debo reconocer, es sobresaliente.
I've got to admit the truth.
Tengo que reconocerlo :
I got to admit... you're the last one I ever thought would go quality-of-life on me.
Debo admitir... que jamás pensé que tú optarías por una mejor calidad de vida.
It is kinda scary, you got to admit.
Da miedo, debes admitirlo.
I've got to admit, I'd as soon... not have any more bounty prisoners coming through Dodge any time soon.
Lo tuve que admitir, después no iba a tener más excusas... vamos por Dodge.
But God has a strange sense of humor, you got to admit.
Pero Dios tiene un raro sentido del humor, ¿ verdad?
But I got to admit, since they been hanging around the old bat boy... they've gotten clever.
Pero debo admitirlo, dado que estuvieron con el viejo murciélago... ahora serán más listos.
You've got to admit, he's not too crazy about you.
Has de admitirlo, no está muy loco por ti.
Well, I've got to admit, the hotel deal threw me a little.
Bien, tengo que admitir, que el asunto del hotel me sorprendió un poco.
You've got to admit, most celebrated man in England.
Está escrito en la palma de su mano. El hombre más famoso de Inglaterra.
I got to admit it.
Tengo que admitirlo.
I've got to admit it, Selma... he's a once-in-a-lifetime catch.
Selma, debo admitir que es una oportunidad única.
You've got to admit.
Tienes que admitirlo.
Andrea, I'm your husband, I love you, but you got to admit, you thrive on this stuff.
Andrea, soy tu esposo y te amo pero tienes que admitir que estas cosas te motivan.
I, I got to admit, since my birthday was last week and no one said anything, I, I thought you forgot.
Yo, yo tengo que admitir, ya que mi cumpleaños fue la semana pasada y nadie dijo nada, Yo, yo pensé que se habían olvidado.
I got to admit, the same thing occurred to me.
Tengo que admitir que se me ocurrió lo mismo.
Now, Lois, you've got to admit, the idea of you spending a night... just relaxing is a little farfetched.
Debes admitir que la idea de pasar una noche de relax es un poco extraña.
You've got to admit.
Tienes que admitir...
You've got to admit it's beautiful.
Tienes que admitir que es hermoso.
You have to admit things got a little out of control this morning.
Debes admitir que las cosas se descontrolaron esta mañana.
Our guvnor has only got our suspect to admit to six charges of murder!
¡ Nuestra jefa logró que el sospechoso admita los seis cargos de homicidio!
OK, I still live with my parents, which I admit is both bogus and sad, but I've got an amazing cable access show, and I still know how to party.
Vivo con mis padres, lo que es malo y triste. Pero por lo menos tengo un show increíble y aún sé pasarla bien.
It's horrible to admit, but everybody has got a cross to bear, and you're my damn cross.
Me molesta admitirlo, pero todos tenemos que cargar nuestra cruz. Tú eres mi maldita cruz.
You're just like us, only you ain't got sense enough to admit it!
No recuerdas nada. Eres como nosotros sólo que no puedes reconocerlo.
We got the hottest spot in all Locash. I have to admit this is a wonderful place. But what you've got to remember is Wackee Dee is more than a rapper.
Tenemos el mejor local de Locash tengo que admitir que es un lugar maravilloso pero lo que tienes que recordar es que el Loco D es más que un rapero el Loco D es lo mejor ¿ cierto cariño?
All boys secretly want to dress up like girls, but only a few like Tom have got the guts to admit it.
Todos los chicos en secreto quieren vestirse como chicas, pero solo unos cuantos como Tom tienen el valor de admitirlo.
So what you got to do is to get him to admit on tape, all right?
¿ De acuerdo? Así que lo que consiga es lo que conseguimos... ¿... para probarlo en la cinta, bien?
At least Ben got her to admit it.
Al menos, Ben hizo que lo admitiera.
Yes. Yes, I'll admit they're getting scared, but they've got no cause to be.
¡ Sí, sí, admito que tienen miedo, pero no tienen motivos!
In my refrigerator we've got this mayonnaise jar... that nobody wants to admit is empty.
En mi frigorífico, tenemos un tarro de mayonesa... que nadie quiere admitir que está vacío.
Duncan wants to get together with me and her. He's gonna try to get me to admit I got a head start. I don't think she believes me.
Duncan quiere que almorcemos juntos y que admita que hice trampa, parece que ella no me cree.
I admit it took me a while to recover from the wedding, but eventually life got back to normal, which is exactly the way I prefer life to be.
Reconozco que me tomo tiempo recuperarme del matrimonio, Luego mi vida volvio a su curso normal, tal como me gusta.
I'll admit we got a little carried away, and it wasn't even all Franck's fault, although God knows I tried to blame him.
Admito que nos dejamos llevar, y no todo era culpa de Franck's, aunque yo siempre trate de echarle la culpa.
But if I can get him to admit his connection with Seiko then at the very least, we got ourselves a prime suspect.
Pero si puedo hacerle admitir su conexión con Seiko... Entonces por lo menos, nos conseguimos un sospechoso principal.
Besides to raise a consensual... defense we'd have to admit the act and we've got a client... that says he didn't do it
Tendremos que admitir el acto y tenemos un cliente que niega haberlo hecho.
got to run 48
got to go 423
got to 47
got to say 57
got to hand it to you 21
got to be 28
got to be kidding me 19
admit 17
admit it 794
admittedly 124
got to go 423
got to 47
got to say 57
got to hand it to you 21
got to be 28
got to be kidding me 19
admit 17
admit it 794
admittedly 124
admit what 28
admit what you did 23
got them 50
got that right 36
got that 323
got the money 16
got this 24
admit what you did 23
got them 50
got that right 36
got that 323
got the money 16
got this 24