He's my kid tradutor Espanhol
376 parallel translation
You bring him here dressed fancy every month, Or I'll know the reason why! He's my kid!
Si no me lo traes bien vestido cada mes sabré lo que has hecho. ¡ Es mi hijo!
He's my kid, you hear me? ! You'd better go now, ma'am.
Vale más que se vaya, señora.
My lord's father died when he was a kid.
El padre de mi Lord murió cuando era pequeño.
I live in a shack in Potter's Field, my wife ran away three years ago and took the kid, and I ain't never seen you before in my life, see?
Vivo en un barracón de Pottersville, mi mujer me abandonó hace 3 años con el niño, y no le he visto a usted en toda mi vida.
He's a brave kid, my son.
Es un chico valiente.
Joe, that's my kid, he brought this junk back f rom Japan.
Joe, mi hijo, trajo toda esta basura de Japón.
There's a cute kid from the chorus I've had my eye on for some time.
Quiero que escuches a alguien del coro que he estado observando.
Wherever my kid is, I hope that he's well and happy.
Donde sea que esté mi hjo, espero que esté bien y feliz.
Oh, I'd like to have a picture of my kid brother's face when he saw it.
Me gustaría tener una foto de la cara de mi hermano cuando lo vio.
- My little kid. He's had mumps.
- Mi hijo, ha tenido paperas.
Oh, yeah, my Dad used to take me to all these places when I was a kid, and he said it's very important to socialize.
Ah, sí, mi padre me traía a estos sitios cuando era niño. Decía que era importante hacer vida social.
He's my kid, too! Why blame me?
También es mi hijo.
He's my kid brother.
Es mi hermano pequeño.
I ask you because you're this kid's mother,... and since he speaks wonders of you... and the truth that since my Virgin is out there in Spain, she won't hear me,... so I'm asking you to help me find him,... then I'll make myself your son, and this kid, let him make himself son of my father.
Se lo pido a usted porque es la mamá de éste, y como él dice que si usted es lo esto, y que si usted es lo otro... y la verdad que como mi Virgen se ha quedado allá en España no me oirá, y le pido que sea usted la que me ayude a encontrarlo, pues yo me hago hijo suyo, y éste que se haga el hijo de mi padre.
- Because he's my kid, that's why.
- Porque es mi hijo, por eso.
That's not my deal, kid. - Is not?
Yo no he hecho ningún trato, hijo.
- If he's my kid, I wanna see it, don't I?
- ¡ Si es mi hijo, tengo derecho a verla!
- He's just a kid from my home town.
- Un chico de mi ciudad natal.
This kid makes a couple of bucks a week, but he's been putting aside nickels and pennies... and stealing my poker winnings.
Sólo gana un par de dólares semanales... y ha estado guardando los centavos... y robándose mis ganancias del póquer.
Listen, he's my kid and I want him and I am gonna get him.
Oye, es mi hijo, lo quiero y lo recuperaré.
A year ago - it's really horrible - they kidnapped my kid brother in an amusement park... and he was found 2 days later, behind a fence.
Un año atras - esto es realmente horrible - ellos secuestraron a mi hermano en un parque de diversiones... y lo encontraron 2 dias despues, detrás de una cerca.
My dad used to tell me when I was a young kid... I'd look at a job that had to be done, and he'd say, "Nothing's impossible."
Cuando era pequeño y contemplaba... un trabajo que debía realizar, mi padre solía decirme : "Nada es imposible."
If this kid has your good looks, your good brains and my good left hook he's really gonna be something.
tu buen cerebro y mi bien gancho izquierdo va a llegar lejos.
Once, In an orphanage in Brazil, I picked up a bread that a kid had dropped, and he looked at me and said in Portuguese "He's is my daddy."
Una vez, en un orfanato en Brasil, recogí del suelo un sándwich que se le había caído a un niño. Y el niño me miró y dijo en portugués : "Ese es mi padre".
I said, "Hey, this kid's my cousin, he's my uncle's son."
Que eres mi primo, el hijo de mi tío.
He's my biggest kid of all.
Lástima que Bert no pueda estar aquí. Es mi niño más grande.
Nobody is gonna come into my showroom... and buy a $ 10,000 foreign automobile... from a kid who looks like he just got his driver's license.
Nadie vendrá a mi salón... y comprará un auto importado de $ 10.000... de un chico que parece que recién se sacó su licencia.
Then my brother Don's kid, he goes and runs off and joins... some dirty hippie commune.
Entonces el chico de mi hermano Don, va y se escapa y se une... a alguna mugrienta comuna hippie.
- He's my kid, Jurel, I'll handle him.
- Es mi hijo, Jurel, yo me encargaré.
You see that kid that's fighting right now? He will be fighting tonight in South Miami, and my brother will be there.
El muchacho que está boxeando ahora, boxeará esta noche en Miami Sur... y mi hermano estará allí.
My goddamn kid, he's got her picture tacked up on the wall!
Mi hijo tiene tu fotografía pegada en la pared.
My kid is getting his tonsils out, he's scared.
Van a operar a mi hijo de amigdalitis. Tiene miedo.
When I was a kid, my grandfather used to say to me that a fella's life wasn't worth mentioning if he hadn't shared it with some folks along the way.
Cuando era niño, mi abuelo me decía que la vida de un tipo no vale si él no la comparte con otros.
Look, Tommy, that's my brother, he had another kid and Angela, she's his wife, wants to move the twins back into Gail's room and put Sally in the den, so I lose the couch.
Mire, Tommy, ese es mi hermano, tuvo otro hijo... y Angela, es su esposa, quiere que se muden al cuarto de Gail... y poner a Sally en el estudio, así que me quedo sin sillón.
If you want to believe some Italian kid you think you know after two days because he's an international superstar, is really rich and has nice hair, be my guest.
Si quieres creer que algún chico italiano que crees conocer después de dos días porque él es una superestrella internacional, es realmente rico y tiene buen pelo, está bien.
I'm sorry, he's happy when I smile and kiss his belly he's happy, my kid's happy!
Es feliz cuando le sonrío y le beso en el ombligo. ¡ Mi hijo es feliz! ¡ Mi hijo es feliz!
It's about my kid. He's a real problem. He does terrible things.
Se trata de mi hijo es un problema hace cosas terribles
Some wise guy's gonna come up to him cos he's my kid and try to bang him out.
Algún listillo querrá meterse con él porque es mi hijo y provocarlo.
My kid's at a difficult age where he just might turn into a you.
Mi chico está en una edad difícil quizá podría ser alguien como tú.
He's not my kid.
No es mi hijo.
"Murray, the kid is burning my ass." "Shelly, he's gone."
"Murray, el chico me mata." "Shelly, lo despediremos."
For God's sake, he is my kid.
Por el amor de Dios, es mi hijo.
That's the best-looking kid I've ever seen in my life.
Es el chico más guapo que jamás he visto.
Don't you see I treat that kid like he's my son?
¿ No ves que trato a ese niño como si fuera mi propio hijo?
She was always my favorite when I was a kid and now I see she's the most beautiful thing I ever saw.
Fue mi especie favorita desde niño. ... y ahora veo que es la cosa más linda que he visto.
He's my sister's kid...
Es hijo de mi hermana. No tiene padre.
He's not my kid!
También el niño no es mío.
- He's my kid too.
También es mi hijo.
I didn't even get my kid's belt back.
No he recuperado el cinturón de mi chico.
He's my kid, so why don't you go fuck yourself.
Es un niño. Es mi hijo, así que jódete.
I went to the doctor with my wife, and it was an awful experience, because the doctor walks out, and there's the kid, your beautiful child, and he's no bigger than the size of an aspirin.
Fuí al médico con mi mujer, y fue una experincia horrorosa, porque el médico sale, y ahí está tu niño, tu precioso niño, y no es más grande que una aspirina.
he's my uncle 44
he's my husband 167
he's my brother 335
he's my baby 20
he's my best friend 106
he's my cousin 54
he's my dad 94
he's my man 22
he's my hero 20
he's my friend 298
he's my husband 167
he's my brother 335
he's my baby 20
he's my best friend 106
he's my cousin 54
he's my dad 94
he's my man 22
he's my hero 20
he's my friend 298
he's my father 168
he's my little brother 20
he's my nephew 35
he's my boyfriend 93
he's my partner 54
he's my son 345
he's my responsibility 17
he's my ex 34
he's my family 23
he's my 53
he's my little brother 20
he's my nephew 35
he's my boyfriend 93
he's my partner 54
he's my son 345
he's my responsibility 17
he's my ex 34
he's my family 23
he's my 53
he's my patient 35
he's my boss 62
he's my lawyer 20
my kids 138
my kid 42
kids 3937
kidnapped 91
kidding 343
kidney 43
kiddo 1305
he's my boss 62
he's my lawyer 20
my kids 138
my kid 42
kids 3937
kidnapped 91
kidding 343
kidney 43
kiddo 1305
kidnapping 177
kido 24
kidd 49
kidnap 23
kidneys 71
kiddos 37
kiddies 78
kids these days 25
kidney failure 24
kidding me 38
kido 24
kidd 49
kidnap 23
kidneys 71
kiddos 37
kiddies 78
kids these days 25
kidney failure 24
kidding me 38