He is a tradutor Espanhol
85,323 parallel translation
I understand he is a passionate man of God.
Entiendo que es un hombre apasionado de Dios.
then he is a deaf fool! These women are confessing to murder!
Entonces es un tonto sordo. ¡ Estas mujeres están confesando asesinato!
He is a young man, not disimilar to myself.
Es un joven, no diferente a mí.
He is a good man, and I love him.
Es un buen hombre y le quiero.
That fire is still under investigation, and he is a person of interest.
Ese incendio sigue bajo investigación, y él es una persona de interés.
While the sun nourishes, protects and warms us, the sun is also all powerful, and if he chooses, may decimate his enemies.
Mientras que el sol nutre, protege y nos calienta, el sol también es todo poderoso, y si así lo desea, puede diezmar a sus enemigos.
Sire, the Lord is speaking to you as he spoke to Elijah, in a still, small voice.
Sire, el Señor os está hablando como le habló a Elías, con apacible y maravillosa voz.
He might be... the sun, my dear, but you are the star and it is time you showed your brother how brightly you can sparkle.
Èl podría ser... el sol, querido mío, pero tú... eres la estrella... y es el momento de mostrarle a tu hermano. cuán brillante puedes ser.
He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
El que esté libre de pecado, que tire la primera piedra.
Yet there is a traitor in your midst, seeking to destroy everything I've built.
Sin embargo, hay un traidor en medio de vosotros, buscando destruir todo lo que he construido.
If he is gone, you must have chosen another.
Si él se fue, debéis de haber elegido a otro.
If you ever need advice on how to win a war, he is the person to talk to.
Si alguna vez necesitas consejo de cómo ganar una guerra, es con la persona que tienes que hablar.
What sort of a man is he?
¿ Qué clase de hombre es?
And I should remind His Majesty that he married a Spanish Infanta, but he is now at war with Spain.
Y debo recordarle, majestad, que usted se casó con la infanta española, pero ahora está en guerra con España.
He was taken under the wing of a certain De Witt, who is currently leader of the government.
Lo acogió un cierto de Witt, que actualmente es el líder del gobierno.
He is killing my wife.
Él está matando a mi mujer.
Sure, but the thing is he's got to get it back, so if you could strip a little more in our direction...
Claro, pero el tema es que debe recuperarlo, así que si pudiera lanzar la ropa un poco hacia nosotros...
Pied Piper, just like yourselves, has reached the Hooli app store's top 500 list, and you guys are aware that you are all directly above us on the list, which is why you should know that a patent troll named Stewart Burke has recently demanded that I pay a $ 20,000 licensing fee, and if I pay, he's gonna come and ask you guys for more money.
Y todos saben que están un lugar arriba de nosotros en la lista, por lo que deben saber que un trol de patentes, Stewart Burke, me exigió que le pagara 20.000 por una licencia y, si le pago, les pedirá más dinero a ustedes.
Stu is saying that since all eight companies have now licensed the patent, he has a stronger case against us, so, um, he'd actually like m-more money.
Stu dice que como las otras empresas ya tienen la licencia, su caso contra nosotros es más fuerte, entonces quiere más dinero.
Um, that is a bill from Ron Laflamme for the paperwork he had to do to put your coalition of companies together.
Es la factura de Ron Laflamme por haber armado tu coalición de empresas.
He bragged to a sales rep at LaCroix about doing it to Sonia Sotomayor, so Ed is no longer with us.
Alardeó con un representante de ventas de LaCroix sobre haberse acostado con Sonia Sotomayor, así que Ed ya no está con nosotros.
20 of etomidate, 100 of sux. - Is he gonna be okay?
Tiene mejores posibilidades de pegarle a la lotería que coincidir con otro corazón
Gabe's tumors are shrinking because he didn't get the chemo. Okay? Gabe is gonna get better!
¡ Gabe va a mejorar!
He is going to die.
Va a morir.
Worst case, Josh loses a leg, but there is no question he has the best chance of survival.
En el peor de los casos, Josh pierde una pierna, pero no hay duda de que tiene la mejor probabilidad de sobrevivir.
The doctors have their opinion, but it is a decision you and your husband should make, and he's still in surgery.
Los doctores tienen su opinión, pero es una decisión que usted y su marido deben hacer, y él todavía está en cirugía.
Right now, he is hour to hour, and that is a very good first step.
Ahora, es cosa de hora a hora y ese es un primer paso muy bueno.
Is he gonna pull through?
¿ Va a recuperarse?
- Is he gonna be okay?
- ¿ Va a estar bien?
And he's negative for the usual suspects, so if his MRI is positive, we'll have to start looking for less common causes.
Ademas dio negativo en las principales causas, por lo que, si su resonancia magnetica es positiva, tendremos que empezar a buscar causas menos comunes.
We won't know about his neurological function until he wakes up, but this is definitely a step in the right direction.
No sabremos acerca de su funcion neurologica hasta que despierte, pero este es definitivamente un paso en la direccion correcta.
Obviously, Brandon's health is our primary concern, but yes, he may grow at a more rapid rate once the blood flow issue is corrected.
Obviamente, la salud de Brandon es nuestra principal preocupación, pero sí, debería crecer a mayor velocidad una vez que el flujo sanguíneo sea corregido.
Well, he is exhibiting signs of depression, and there is a high rate of suicide among pilots.
Bueno, está mostrando signos de depresión y hay un alto índice de suicidio entre los pilotos.
This is a serious threat we're facing, which is why I've assembled you all here today.
Nos enfrentamos a una amenaza seria, por eso os he hecho venir a todos.
I love Billy, but he is not a fighter.
Quiero a Billy, pero no es un luchador.
I've built a world where death is obsolete.
He construido un mundo donde la muerte está obsoleta.
This is a message. He wants me to find something here.
Quiere que encuentre algo aquí.
If for no other reason than this... through all the insane crap we have gone through, the one thing I've known, without a doubt, the whole time... is you and Fitz belong together.
Si no es por otro motivo... a pesar de todo el demencial montón de mierda por el que hemos pasado... lo único que he sabido... sin duda, siempre... es que Fitz y tú debéis estar juntos.
This is not a social visit. Oh, Jemma, if only you knew the trials and tribulations I've endured.
Oh, Jemma, si supieras las pruebas y tribulaciones que he pasado.
I understand he's done some bad things here, but something must have changed him, because the Fitz I know is a kind, caring person, someone who helps people.
Entiendo que ha hecho algunas cosas malas... pero algo ha debido cambiarle... porque el Fitz que conozco es una persona amable y cariñosa... alguien que ayuda a la gente.
You have to come to terms with the reality that he is willing to die in here with her.
Tienes que enfrentarte a la realidad... de que está dispuesto a morir aquí con ella.
And my vengeance is going to make you suffer the way that I have suffered.
Y mi venganza va a hacerte sufrir... de la forma que yo he sufrido.
I am, uh... I'm so very grateful that, um... that we live in a country where a man is presumed innocent until he is proven guilty.
Estoy agradecido por que vivimos en un país donde un hombre es inocente hasta que se demuestre lo contrario.
The truth is he didn't need anyone, and neither do I.
La verdad es que él no necesitaba a nadie y yo tampoco.
All he'll ever know about you is that, one night, you up and disappeared without a trace.
Todo lo que sabrá de ti es que, una noche, saliste y desapareciste sin dejar una pista.
Maybe Paul is worried about how he's going to feel when he sees it.
Tal vez Paul está preocupado por cómo va a sentirse cuando lo vea.
- Everyone knows Wave. - Is he the leader?
- Todo el mundo conoce a Wave. - ¿ Era el líder?
And you're going to need all your strength to get through this funeral and, to be frank, the last thing you need is to be looking at his coffin and wondering if he was corrupt.
Y vas a necesitar toda tu fuerza para pasar por ese funeral... y, para ser franco, lo último que necesitas es mirar su ataúd... y preguntarte si era corrupto.
Is he to be my keeper?
¿ Él va a ser mi guardián?
Unless you're the subject of it, which he always is.
Hay muchas cosas inapropiadas en su invitada, pero seguramente su inteligencia de palabras y su humor son algo que admirar. A menos que seas el objeto de sus bromas, lo que él siempre es. A menos que seas el objeto de sus bromas, lo que él siempre es.
Few people think Sir George is very clever, but he's solved the eternal mystery of how to tame a shrew in one afternoon.
( risas ) ( risas ) Poca gente piensa que Sir George es muy inteligente, aunque pudo resolver el eterno misterio de cómo domar a una arpía en una tarde.
he is alive 57
he is a doctor 16
he is a good man 47
he is a monster 21
he is mine 25
he is my brother 37
he is so cute 33
he is not 130
he is fine 24
he is gone 57
he is a doctor 16
he is a good man 47
he is a monster 21
he is mine 25
he is my brother 37
he is so cute 33
he is not 130
he is fine 24
he is gone 57
he is 2605
he is my friend 35
he is lying 27
he is handsome 23
he isn't 329
he is here 120
he is dead 154
he is cute 35
he is my husband 34
he is sick 32
he is my friend 35
he is lying 27
he is handsome 23
he isn't 329
he is here 120
he is dead 154
he is cute 35
he is my husband 34
he is sick 32
he is innocent 28
he is gay 17
he is not here 37
he is good 43
he is coming 31
he is my son 48
he isn't here 52
he is there 24
he is dangerous 29
he is now 35
he is gay 17
he is not here 37
he is good 43
he is coming 31
he is my son 48
he isn't here 52
he is there 24
he is dangerous 29
he is now 35