He is lying tradutor Espanhol
618 parallel translation
He is lying to you.
Le está mintiendo.
He is lying.
But nothing proves that he is lying.
Pero nada prueba que él mienta.
He could have scraped the ice on his way to the bottom where he is lying right now completely silent.
Ha podido raspar el hielo al bajar al fondo donde se encuentra ahora, completamente en silencio.
If he climbs out, then we know he is lying.
Si lograba salir, sabíamos que mentía.
If he is lying, he will die.
Si miente, morirá.
For he is lying there in wait for you inside that bottle of whiskey, waiting for you to take him into your mouth...
El diablo está al acecho dentro de esa botella de whisky, esperando que lo acojan en su boca...
He is lying, Comrade Prosecutor!
Miente, camarada procurador.
He is lying, I swear.
Está mintiendo, lo juro.
I'll tell you if he is lying.
Yo te diré si miente.
He is lying! He is lying!
¡ Miente!
- That man is lying! He's a bad person! - What are you doing?
¡ Por favor, señorita!
"I was lying... Percy is still alive."
"He mentido, Percy está vivo."
- No, I ain't lying. - Where is he?
- No estoy mintiendo.
Now, the worst part of it all is that he's been lying to his mother.
Ahora, lo peor de todo es que le ha estado mintiendo a su madre.
A hunter lying in wait is busy, even if he looks idle
El cazador esperando a la perdiz está muy ocupado aunque no haga nada. Esperas a Josefa.
He's Lying out of discretion. Don't you know what a Lie is?
Está mintiendo por discreción.
He asks if I know what Lying is!
¡ Me preguntas si sé cuando es una mentira!
All you've got to do is get him so enthused over what life insurance would do for him that he can see himself lying in his grave glorying in the physical comfort of his family.
Sólo deben tenerles tan entusiasmados... con lo que sus seguros de vida harán por ellos que puedan verse a sí mismos en sus tumbas glorificando el bienestar de sus familias.
He is looking and then he remembers in a flash what he saw lying on the table.
Estaba buscando... Y recordó en un instante lo que vio en la mesa.
All I can think of is, "Is he dead?" "Is he lying dead in the mud in the woods?"
Pensando si estará muerto, caído en el barro, en el bosque
He is trying to make you think I'm lying because of that
Intenta hacer creer que miento por ese motivo.
The victim is me, he's lying!
- La víctima soy yo. Le ha mentido...
No... he's better as he is... Just lying quiet...
No... está mejor como está, descansando.
But kneeling, sitting, standing or lying down, he is still 24 and I am 20.
Pero de rodillas, sentada, de pie o tumbada, él sigue teniendo 24 y yo 20.
We heard he was hurt a little, but you know how he is - you're lying.
Se hizo un poco de daño, pero sabes cómo es. Mientes, está muerto.
You think he's lying, and I know he is.
Usted cree que miente y yo lo sé.
We think he's a man with mental trouble in the background - a paranoiac, believing that the world is against him, that people are lying about him.
Creemos que es un hombre con un problema mental en su historial, un paranoico, que piensa que el mundo está en su contra, que la gente miente sobre él.
I've realized that what's important is not lying to oneself.
Me he dado cuenta de que lo que importa es no mentirse a uno mismo.
Mama, fred isn't... well, i don't suppose he is, but i can't leave things like this lying around for anyone to walk in, help themselves to.
- Mamá, Fred no es... - Ya me lo supongo. Pero no puedo dejar estas cosas por ahí tiradas para que llegue alguien y se las lleve.
Is he lying, or are there any other people?
¿ Miente o hay otros supervivientes?
Your father enters... he locks the door behind her and relaxes on the sofa... not knowing that his wife is lying dead upstairs.
Su padre entra cierra la puerta con llave y se relaja en el sofá sin saber que su esposa está muerta arriba.
Well, there is one way to find out if he's lying.
Hay una forma de descubrir si miente.
Mr Wooley, I told him that you said you loved him too, because that is what he wanted to hear. Please forgive me for lying.
Sr wolley, le dije que Ud tambien lo amaba porque es lo que el queria escuchar... por favor perdoneme por mentir
If a woman says she has had intercourse with a certain man who is proven fertile, though no evidence is found in the woman's body could a lawyer, a prosecuting attorney could he use this as evidence that the woman is lying?
Si una mujer dice que ha mantenido relaciones sexuales con un hombre... que está demostrado es fértil, aunque no se han encontrado pruebas en la mujer, ¿ podría un abogado, un fiscal, podría utilizarlo como prueba de que la mujer está mintiendo?
You're lying. Where is he?
Mientes. ¿ Dónde está?
Any businessman who says he's always straight is lying
Cualquier hombre de negocios que diga que siempre ha hecho lo correcto, está mintiendo.
My point is he should've told the committee... he had flirted with communism instead of lying.
El punto es que debió decirle al comité que había flirteado con el comunismo, en lugar de mentir.
Did you know that inspector Mora... is lying seriously wounded in hospital, due to the beating he received... at this nightclub that you are talking about?
¿ Saben ustedes que el inspector Mora se halla gravemente herido en un hospital a consecuencia de la paliza que recibió en ese local nocturno del que ustedes hablan?
The third is the man's death, and he's lying there on that bed breathing five by five.
Una es la ionización, y eso no ocurrió. La otra son las manchas solares, y eso no ocurrió.
Suppose Kissoff is lying, that he's looking to clobber us...
Suponga que Kissoff miente, que nos quiere dar una paliza...
He is under oath he knows the consequences for lying.
Está bajo juramento... y sabe qué consecuencias le acarrearía mentir.
We also know that he is not lying in his coffin.
Y que no está en el ataúd.
- No, no, I'm not lying. He is!
- No, no miento. ¡ Es él!
- He had Captain Anders'orders but is he Captain Anders, or is Captain Anders lying dead somewhere?
- Tenía órdenes para Anders. Pero el verdadero Anders puede estar muerto "en tránsito".
Dr Sapirstein is either lying, or he's...
El Dr. Sapirstein es un mentiroso, o está...
All you're telling me is, on the one hand, he may be lying, on the other...
Lo único que dicen es que puede estar mintiendo o...
Look, I'm not lying. I don't know where he is.
- No sé dónde está.
O'Malley's a rotten, thieving, lying - it doesn't matter what he is.
- O'Malley es un mentiroso ladrón... - No importa lo que sea.
He's not likely to leave anything immportant just lying around, is he?
No es probable que deje nada importante tirado por aquí alrededor, ¿ verdad?
What's more to the point, is that if we pursue it, he'll not only take Mr. Bellamy to court, he'll try to make out that your master has some sort of interest in lying.
Pero lo peor es que si insistimos, no sólo demandará al señor Bellamy... sino que dará a entender que tenía interés en mentir.
he is alive 57
he is mine 25
he is my brother 37
he is so cute 33
he is a doctor 16
he is fine 24
he is not 130
he is gone 57
he is my friend 35
he is 2605
he is mine 25
he is my brother 37
he is so cute 33
he is a doctor 16
he is fine 24
he is not 130
he is gone 57
he is my friend 35
he is 2605
he is handsome 23
he isn't 329
he is here 120
he is dead 154
he is cute 35
he is a 27
he is my husband 34
he is sick 32
he is innocent 28
he is gay 17
he isn't 329
he is here 120
he is dead 154
he is cute 35
he is a 27
he is my husband 34
he is sick 32
he is innocent 28
he is gay 17