He loved it tradutor Espanhol
1,080 parallel translation
He loved it.
Lo amaba.
He loved it enough to build a bomb he despised.
Lo amaba lo suficiente como para construir una bomba que detestaba.
- Oh, he loved it.
Sí, y a nuestro invitado también.
Sometimes I think he loved it more than he loved me.
A veces pienso que lo quería más que a mí.
He loved it, so I bought about thirty.
Le gustaban y yo le compré unos treinta.
He loved it.
A él le gustaba este jardín.
And he loved it here!
¡ Y le encantaba aquí!
- Enthralled? - He loved it!
- ¡ Le ha encantado!
- No, thank you. It has to be said that he loved Cecilia very much.
Hay que decir que Cecilia sabe hacerse querer, ¿ eh?
Then do you think he loved you because he knew it would kill him?
¿ Crees, entonces, qué el te hacía el amor para que lo matases y que tú eras un medio del que él se servía..
If you should discover that your god loved others as much as he loved you, would you hate him for it?
Si descubrieras que tu Dios ama a otros tanto como a ti, ¿ le odiarías por ello?
L tell you, it was the greatest thing I ever saw in my life, and the people loved it.
Les digo, fue lo más grandioso que he visto en mi vida y a la gente le encantó.
He can wail, and the kids loved it.
Nos puede salvar, los chicos lo adoran.
Oh... it was my hair he loved.
Le encantó mi cabello.
He thought it was subtracting you one more thing he loved.
Pero se convirtió en nuestro campo de batalla.
I've loved every moment of it.
He disfrutado mucho.
You just loved it when he spilt the s?
¿ Que le encanta cuando derramo... cuando él derrama la s...?
He killed the man I loved. He'll kill you as well if you don't do it.
Mató al hombre que amaba y te matará a ti si no actúas.
You who have been with me so long who have given up all to follow me who walk with me down all those dusty roads through it all you have been my friends. And I have loved you.
Vosotros que habéis estado conmigo tanto tiempo que habéis dejado todo para seguirme que habéis caminado conmigo por caminos polvorientos a lo largo de todo, habéis sido mis amigos y os he amado.
It's because I loved you...
Lo he hecho porque te quiero.
I have always loved you. Why not get that money, you come to live with me, and I'll keep it?
Yo siempre te he querido. ¿ Por qué no sacas ese dinero, te vienes a vivir conmigo, y yo te lo guardo?
It just so happened that a man here and a man there loved some book. And rather than lose it, he learned it.
Pero un hombre por aquí, otro por ahí... amaba algún libro, y para no perderlo, prefirió aprendérselo.
He was loved and he resents it.
Fue amado y se ofende.
It's my fault, I've loved her, I'm the one who killed her!
Es culpa mía. Yo le quería, y sólo yo le he matado.
I've always loved life so much and it was unbearable to love it no more.
Yo siempre he amado tanto la vida y me resultaba insoportable no poder amarla más.
I thought he loved you, that it'd be real on screen.
Pensaba que él te quería y que los dos seríais muy reales en la pantalla.
I was trying to do my butch voice, you know,'what the jury must understand', and they loved it, you know.
He hecho aquella voz de hombre : "El Jurado tiene que entender..."
Hogue loved the desert loved it deeper than he'd ever say.
Hogue amaba el desierto lo amaba más de lo que decía.
Would it make any difference if he loved you?
¿ Cambiaría algo si él la amase?
It doesn't matter because I have loved them.
No importa, porque los he amado.
And underneath it, stood the little boy he had loved.
Y a sus pies se erguía el pequeñuelo amado del gigante.
It may be that I have loved thee too much.
Quizás te he amado demasiado.
Friends, I loved Don Santino... and if he wanted me to be his consigliori, it was because he knew that if anything ever happened, I would be able to find a solution... that would be fair and honourable for our family.
Amigos, yo lo queria a Don Santino... y si él me nominó su Consejero, fue porque sabía que si algo pasaba, yo sería capaz de encontrar una solución... que sería justa y honorable para nuestra familia.
But he just loved it to death.
Pero se moría por él.
I did it because I loved her she was suffering like a wounded animal an animal wounded to death
Lo he hecho por que la amaba He sufrido como un animal herido, herido de muerte.
It was in a dish of mushrooms, which he loved, and out of which she'd bean eating.
Era un plato de setas. A Claudio le encantaban y ella estaba comiendo de ese plato.
I always judged those I loved until it hurt.
siempre he juzgado a la gente que amo hasta lastimarme.
Oh, my dear, it was 40 years ago when he loved me.
¡ Ah, amiga! Hace 40 años que yo fui amada por él.
I've always loved you and couldn't help it and can't help it now.
Siempre te he querido, no podía ni puedo evitarlo.
It was now time to bring in a medium, a willing soul that would allow Binder to communicate with the people he missed and loved.
Era hora de consultar con un medium, un alma voluntaria que le permitiría a Binder comunicarse con la gente que perdió y amó.
It wasn't easy getting a place for her in the Montmartre cemetery, but I insisted, because she loved this neighborhood.
Me ha costado mucho conseguir una plaza en el cementerio de Monmartre. Pero... Lo he conseguido porque...
My husband loved England. He loved his father. It grieved him that he was alienated from that.
Mi esposo amaba inglaterra, amaba a su padre, pero fue negado desde su nacimiento
I also loved him for this, actually... Therefore it's a sentimental picture. That's why you took it, because he was there...
Es algo que siempre he envidiado mucho... la gente que tiene tierra..., un lugar..., propiedad..., yo nunca los he tenido.
To possess his property and to be loved for it because he treats his property kindly!
¡ Poseer su propiedad y esperar que ella lo ame porque la trata con amabilidad!
But it's important because it serves as a reminder to those who loved what he was.
Pero es importante porque sirve como recuerdo para aquellos que amaron lo que él era.
¤ I love my Dad... ¤ because he's a good man, and everyone knows it,... ¤ but I love him even more, I love him even more... ¤ because he loved my mother so much.
# A mi padre y yo lo quiero # # porque es bueno, y todos saben, # # pero mucho más lo quiero, pero mucho más lo quiero # # porque amó tanto a mi madre. #
¤ I love my Dad... ¤ because he's a good man, and everyone knows it,... ¤ but I love him even more, I love him even more... ¤ because he loved my mother so much. ¤
# A mi padre yo lo quiero # # porque es bueno, y todos saben, # # pero mucho más lo quiero, pero mucho más lo quiero # # porque amó tanto a mi madre. #
She's the most beautiful woman I've ever loved, and I think she knows it.
Es la mujer más maravillosa que nunca he amado, y creo que lo sabe.
Then it made all the sense in the world... because although he wanted to be loved... craved to be loved... there was also something in him... that desired immersion in the mass and anonymity.
Tenía mucho sentído entonces. Porque aunque sólo quería amor deseaba amor tambíén había algo en él que deseaba la ínmersíón en las masas y el anonímato.
And he told me he loved me and... then it was over.
Me dijo que me queria, y todo acabó.
She loved me, and I blew it.
Y yo la he cagado.
he loved you so much 17
he loved her 42
he loved you 93
he loved me 72
loved it 68
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
he loved her 42
he loved you 93
he loved me 72
loved it 68
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
item 93
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itis 22
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it's been so long 173
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it's warm 139
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italian 217
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it's all right 8832
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it's about damn time 34
italian 217
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itch 25
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