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He said nothing tradutor Espanhol

1,124 parallel translation
He said.... He said nothing can ever separate us from him again.
Dijo que nada volvería a separarnos de él.
He said nothing as terrible.
No dijo nada tan terrible.
- He said nothing that obliges him to stay.
- Nadie le dice que se quede.
But he said nothing of killing.
El no habló de matar.
And he said nothing? Not a word?
¿ No dijo nada?
Now, he said nothing happened. Maybe you would have believed him.
- Él no vio nada, podría creerle.
He said nothing, respectable major lord.
No ha dicho nada, honorable Comandante.
He said nothing during our ride.
Durante el pequeño viaje, él nada dijo.
He said nothing had changed.
Dijo que nada cambió.
-'cause what he said, he said nothing. - You know what I resented?
Porque no dijo nada.
He said nothing, except some nonsense.
Y no ha hablado. Solo cosas sin sentido.
Well, nothing specific but he said Barrass, meeting, and something about a sinking ship.
Nada concreto, pero habló de Barrass, la reunión... Y algo sobre un barco hundiéndose.
- Like I said, there's nothing there.
- Como he dicho, no hay nada.
We stay togheter for 2 months now, and you said almost nothing. What have i done to you?
Hemos estado juntos durante 2 meses y casi no ha dicho nada. ¿ Qué le he hecho?
He was examined at the hospital but the doctors said nothing.
Lo examinaron en el hospital, pero los médicos no dijeron nada.
The café owner said nothing, he was afraid of a scandal.
El dueño de café dijo nada, tuvo miedo de un escándalo
I said nothing.
Yo no he dicho nada.
Ay, and I have said nothing but what I protest intendment of doing! [IAGo YELLS]
Sí, y nada he dicho que no vaya a llevar a cabo.
He said it contains nothing new but is proof of his good faith.
Dijo que no contiene nada nuevo pero que es una prueba de su buena fe.
He said there was nothing more humiliating than envy, and that some day people will get rid of it.
Decía que no hay nada más humillante que la envidia, y que algún día la gente se desharía de ella.
To prove to his wife that nothing had happened, he said,
Para demostrar a su mujer que no había pasado nada, el jefe le dijo :
I've known for a long time, and I've said nothing hoping it would change.
Lo he sabido desde hace mucho, pero no dije nada esperando que la cosa cambiaría.
... who pleased you and I said nothing.
... y no he abierto la boca.
I said nothing tonight.
- No he dicho nada esta noche.
Yogoro has said nothing, but he wouldn't be happy marrying a lord's mistress who has borne a child.
Yogoro no ha dicho nada pero no sería feliz casándose con una Dama que tiene un niño.
Nothing I have said so far is capable of proof.
Nada de lo que he dicho hasta ahora está probado.
- Nothing, I said what I wanted to.
- Nada, he dicho todo lo que quería.
Mobbed at Ephesus. And still he said, "Nothing shall separate us from the love of God."
Y dijo, "Nada nos separará del amor de Dios."
He said they had nothing to do with that.
Dicen que no han sido ellos. Les creo.
Said he had nothing to do.
Dijo que no tenía nada que hacer.
He said that nothing meant for the embellishment of life would ever consent to live with the new master of that house.
Dijo que nada que hubiese sido hecho para embellecer la vida cuadraría con el nuevo dueño de la casa.
I said nothing.
Pero no he dicho que no.
Even Socrates said, he knew nothing.
Hasta Sócrates decía que no sabía nada.
Jamie, I said it was nothing.
Jamie, he dicho que no era nada.
He said he's been eating nothing but snowballs since the strike was on.
Dice que sólo ha comido nieve, desde que la huelga comenzó.
Well... There's nothing wrong about what I said.
Bueno, no hay nada malo en lo que he dicho.
He said that at this point there's nothing left to do,... but whatever you need, you speak to him.
Que en este punto no hay más nada que hacer, pero que cualquier cosa que necesites, te dirijas a él.
I said nothing bad, that's a very normal and... healthy foot.
No he dicho nada malo, es un pie muy normal y sano.
He got up, stood to attention, and said nothing.
Se levantó, se puso firme, y no dijo nada.
I said there's nothing new.
Te he dicho que no hay nada nuevo.
Oh, he said there was nothing wrong with me physically...
No te preocupes Alex puedo solucionar ésto yo mismo.
Oh no! I told them they were five old women I said that they were afraid of you that you were tall and strong and feared nothing...
Les he dicho que eran 5 mujeres viejas, les dije que deben temerte, que eres grande y fuerte, que no tenías miedo de nada.
You heard what he said, there's nothing we can do.
Oíste lo que dijo, no hay nada que podamos hacer.
- Doctor said he did nothing.
- El médico dice que no la tocó.
"Lat," he said to me, " There's nothing I got left except this one spur.
"Lat", me dijo " no me queda nada excepto esta espuela.
He always said "Hi" and now - nothing.
Siempre decía "hola". Ahora no dice nada.
He said there was nothing else in that car except a suitcase, a coat and a box of cigars.
Me dijo que no había nada en él excepto una maleta, un abrigo y una caja de cigarros.
He never said nothing about selling.
Nunca me dijo nada de vender.
I said he should be flogged... to me, he was nothing but a drunkard who promised rewards in brothels... once the Brazilian Republic would be proclaimed.
Dije que azotasen a ese bribón... por ser un borracho que prometía premios en casas de meretrices... cuando se hiciese una República en el Brasil.
He has said nothing against you.
Él no ha dicho nada en contra tuya.
I should be punished ten thousand times more than she... because I am a vile coward, I said nothing.
Y debo ser castigado mil veces más que su madre... porque he sido un cobarde, porque he callado.

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