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He was a jerk tradutor Espanhol

228 parallel translation
I told you he was a jerk.
Ya te dije que era un tipejo.
Oh, poor Manuel, he was a jerk but he was good man.
Ay, pobre Manuel, era idiota pero buena gente.
- He was a jerk?
- Él era un idiota?
Because he was a jerk.
Porque era idiota.
To me he was a jerk.
Para mi era un gilipollas.
He was a jerk.
Un imbécil.
He thought he was. He was a jerk.
Supongo que eso creía él.
He was a jerk, Carla.
Es un pedazo de idiota, Carla. Es muy guapo.
Other than that, he was a jerk.
Aparte de eso, era un cabrón.
He was a jerk anyway.
Bueno, era sólo un idiota.
Oh, he was a jerk anyways.
Era un pajero en definitiva.
Look, he was a jerk, okay?
Mira, él era un imbécil, ¿ de acuerdo?
He was a jerk who blew himself away, that's who he was.
Era un imbécil que se disparó, ese era él.
Look, I'm real sorry about that sailor, but he was a jerk.
Lamento lo de ese marinero, pero era un idiota.
- Of course he was a jerk.
- Por supuesto que era un idiota.
He was a jerk, but maybe I made a mistake.
Era un tonto, pero quizá cometí un error.
Told you he was a jerk.
Te dije que es un imbécil.
- I told you he was a jerk!
- ¡ Es mi casamiento! - ¡ Te dije que era un idiota!
He was a jerk. I couldn't stand the guy.
Era un payaso. No Io aguantaba.
We realized he was a jerk.
Nos pareció un imbécil.
They just assumed because he was kicking the back of Nate's seat that he was a jerk because he was pushing his call button that he was bothering the flight attendant because he was trying to get into the lavatory
Ellos solo asumieron que como estaba pateando el asiento de Nate, era un imbécil, porque estuvo presionando su botón de llamada que molestaba a la aeromoza, porque intentaba entrar al lavatorio, estaba haciendo una escena, porque iba y venia por el pasillo,
He was a jerk. He used you and he was going to dump you. We understand that.
Era un cerdo, la utilizó y no cumplió su trato.
He was wonderful... and he was a jerk.
Era maravilloso... y un imbécil.
You knew he was a jerk, didn't you?
Sabias que era un idiota, cierto?
I know he was a jerk to Jen, but.... l think that was more out of fear than anything else.
Sé que se portó mal con Jen, pero creo que fue por temor.
- He was a jerk!
- ¡ Era un imbécil!
He was a jerk.
Era un "tunto".
You and Giancarlo are good friends? If he were my friend, I'd go. But you know that he was such a jerk to you that night, that I couldn't.
En el fondo tú y Giancarlo sois amigos, si lo fuera mío iría yo, y eso que aquella noche estuvo a un tris de hacer el cretino contigo.
A jerk like you... who thought he was smart.
Un idiota como usted... que se creía listo.
- Anyway, he was being a jerk.
- De todos modos es un imbécil.
He was a soda jerk.
Servia los refrescos.
What a jerk! To spit his own father when he was at his worst.
Qué basura, escupir a su padre.
Good, because he was a real jerk.
Qué bueno, porque era un idiota.
No, he's not gonna listen to me, because you told me I had to act... like I was on the side of that jerk Tom!
No me escuchará porque me dijiste que actuara... como si apoyara a ese imbécil de Tom.
He was a real jerk.
Es un verdadero idiota.
She's always telling me what a jerk he was.
Siempre dice que era un imbécil.
- He was a real jerk
- Un completo tonto.
A guy died, and you're talking about what a jerk he was.
Un chico ha muerto y tú hablas de lo cretino que era.
I was a real jerk today.
Me he portado como un cerdo.
Billy can be sort of a jerk sometimes. Thinks he's, you know.... It's colder out here than it was before.
Billy a veces se pone muy pesado, él se cree... hace más frío que antes, parece que está helando.
The driver was a jerk named Anthony Shlosser. He's a lackey in the mayor's office.
Él era un idiota, Anthony Schlosser, que trabaja en el despacho del rector.
But. no. actually he was- - he was just a real jerk.
Pero, no, en realidad él era era un patán, ¿ sabes?
He was totally nice to you and you were a big jerk.
Fue bueno contigo, y tu fuiste una idiota.
Eric, Joel was kind of a jerk yesterday... the way he was making fun of you in front of everybody like that.
Eric, Joel fue un cretino ayer... por burlarse de ti delante de todos tus compañeros.
It was right he got one, the jerk!
Me parece bien que le zumbasen a ese mamón.
And the security guard was a jerk, man. He pushed her around, then he spit on her.
El guardia es un imbécil, la molestaba y luego la escupió.
He was totally nice to you and you were a big jerk.
Se porto bien contigo y tu fuiste una estupida.
You said he was a conceited jerk.
Tú habías dicho que era un idiota engreído.
I admit, when I first got here, I was a jerk.
Admito que me he portado como un imbécil.
We went out for a few months and he was just a jerk when he ended it.
Y, al cortar, se portó como un cerdo.
He was such a jerk in o-chem today.
Hoy se comportó como un idiota en química orgánica.

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