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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ H ] / Hit me with it

Hit me with it tradutor Espanhol

297 parallel translation
Hit me with it and keep it here.
Pégueme con eso y déjelo aquí.
She hit me with it once when I was flirting with a girl in the show.
Una vez, me pegó con ella en la cabeza. Creyó que coqueteaba.
- hit me with it.
- Suéltalo.
Hit me with it?
¿ Pegarme con ella?
Hit me with it.
Dime la verdad.
And then, he hit me with it.
Y entonces, me lo soltó.
I've been hit with a carload of horseshoes and I know it.
Me han dado con un carro lleno de herraduras.
- It'd make a hit with me if you will. - Very well.
- Quisiera que hiciese eso pa'mí.
Now, if I try to hit you here... you block it with this hand.
Si yo intento pegarte aquí, tú me paras con esta mano.
It makes an awful, awful, awful hit with me
Me parece emocionante
- You don't know it but you hit a lot of beachheads with me.
- No lo sabes pero tuviste buena puntería conmigo.
Here, take my club and hit me right on the head with it.
Mira, toma mi bate y pegame justo en la cabeza. Adelante.
Take my club and hit me on the head with it!
Toma mi palo y pegame con el!
I asked him about it and he hit me with a chicken.
Se lo pedí y me pegó con un pollo.
Forget it. I always hit it well with women!
A mi me va bien siempre con las mujeres!
Let me hit the street with it by seven.
Déjalo para la edición de las siete.
I'm glad you hit me over the head with it. I can take it there.
Menos mal que me diste en la cabeza.
Well, it came about that close or he'd hit me in the back with a shotgun.
Estuvo así de cerca de alcanzarme en la espalda con disparo de su escopeta.
I won't be wearing it all my life. One of these days my luck will hit, and I'll take the track home with me.
Pero si no paro un momento el día menos pensado cambiará mi suerte.
She picked up a poker, tried to hit me over the head with it.
Ella tomó un atizador y trató de pegarme en la cabeza con él.
The wacko said "yes" and I hit the road with the babe... Isn't it, Said?
El tío dice que sí y me llevo a la muñeca, ¿ verdad, Said?
Before I went to Lisbon, MacLean and I were talking about it and he was worried they were playing cute with us but I figured if they had their 15th army dug in at Pas de Calais the odds were against them expecting us to hit at Normandy.
Antes de ir a Lisboa, MacLean y yo hablábamos sobre eso y él estaba preocupado que ellos jugaran astutamente con nosotros pero me figuré que si ellos tuvieran su 15vo ejército en el Paso de Calais las ventajas estaban contra ellos esperando que atacáramos en Normandía.
If you want to hit him, it's all right with me.
Si quieres darle una bofetada, adelante.
It happened in the East, in a partisan battle, when I was hit in the eye with a rifle-butt.
Ocurrió en el Suroeste, durante un combate contra guerrilleros. Me golpearon en el ojo con la culata de un fusil.
The way I saw it, I got hit with- -
Como yo lo vi, a mí me dio el...
If you hit me with that spittoon, I'm not gonna like it.
Si me das con esa escupidera no me va a gustar.
I thought it was a disturbed patient, and I was dealing with it when this shorter, rounder one hit me.
Pensé que era un paciente alterado. Trataba de controlarlo cuando el bajo y gordo me pegó.
It's that nigger that hit me on the head with the shovel!
¡ Es el negro que me pegó con una pala en la cabeza!
It's the greatest punch I've ever been hit with.
Es el mejor golpe que me han dado en la vida.
First, whoever hit Zenobia is going to pay for it... with the skin off their tail when I find out who it is... because me and her is tight.
Primero, el que asaltó a Zenobia la va a pagar con el pellejo porque ella y yo somos uña y carne.
When Reavis hit me with that first installment of $ 10,000 to keep quiet about a murder I had absolutely nothing to do with tried to implicate me in it well, let's just say I was not unhappy when he met with that most unfortunate accident.
Cuando Reavis vino a mí con ese primer pago de 10000 dólares para callar sobre un homicidio con el que yo no tenía nada que ver y trató de implicarme en él bueno, digamos que no me desagradó que él hubiera sufrido ese desafortunado accidente.
This stuff dies painless with me. Don't know what hit it.
Esto sí que me hace efecto.
Well, it hit rock bottom with me.
Ese nombre no me ha traído suerte.
Tell me, does it hurt when you get hit with a hammer?
Dígame, ¿ le duele cuándo es golpeado con un martillo?
Once, I had hit my leg with a big axe and I didn't realize it... until my entire boot was filled with blood.
Una vez me di en el pie con un hacha enorme y no me enteré hasta que la bota estaba llena de sangre.
And i have to say that I was ugly about it. But he came out and hit us over the head with a bass.
Debo admitir, que fue feo de mi parte, pero el salto y me golpeo la frente con el bajo.
If it was raining anchor ladies, I'd get hit with Walter Cronkite.
Si lloviera locutoras, a mí me caería encima Walter Cronkite.
When I was a kid my father told me, "Never hit anyone in anger... unless you're absolutely sure you can get away with it."
De pequeño me dijo mi padre : " "Nunca le pegues a nadie... a no ser que estés seguro de que no te va a pasar nada" ".
I'm just hoping that I can hit it off with him.
Espero que me caiga bien.
No. I hit a rock, and the bike came down with me under it.
Choqué con una piedra y la moto me cayó encima.
When he decided to run for supervisor, he did call me... and I went in to meet with him... and we just hit it off instantly.
Cuando decidió lanzarse para supervisor, él me llamó... y fui a reunirme con él... y nos caímos bien de inmediato.
Listen, I used to have a butler who would take my hat off all the time... and hit me over the head with it and call me a little shit!
Oye, yo tenía un mayordomo que me quitaba mi sombrero... me golpeaba con él y me decía : ¡ enanito!
It's different when I'm with you... you want me to hit it.
Contigo es distinto, tú quieres que le dé.
Lesko hit me with some of that Paradise, but I think I burned it out of my system.
El Paraíso Azul de Lesko me bloqueó, pero lo saqué de mi sistema.
Ever hear of it? Trying to hit me with a baseball bat?
Intentó golpearme con un bate de béisbol.
You hit me with a little, I buy it.
Me lanzas un poco y la atrapo.
I went to see this group show with photographers and I hit it off with a lady in the show.
Una vez, fui a ver una exposición colectiva de fotógrafos, y me enrollé con una mujer de la exposición.
The woman who got hit with it found my name, called me, and we met.
Le pegó a una mujer en la cabeza, y me llamó.
When I saw how he was with you, how well you two complemented each other... it finally hit me that T.S. is a great catch.
Cuando vi cómo era contigo, lo bien que se complementaban... finalmente comprendí que T.S. Es un buen partido.
By the time I became a graduate student we were no longer living together and by the time I had entered my doctoral program it was over between us. But I pressed on with what I was doing and one day years later, it hit me.
Worf utilizó su influencia con el Consejo Supremo klingon y nos permitieron entrar en el sistema bajorano.
That kid stole my party blower. Instead of asking for it back, I hit him in the head repeatedly... with a hammer.
Ese niño me quitó mi silbato, y en vez de pedírselo, le di varios martillazos en la cabeza.

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