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Hop it tradutor Espanhol

777 parallel translation
You hop it.
Go on, hop it.
Vamos, zumbando.
Here, Citizen Victor, hop it and buy yourself a bottle of cognac.
Toma, ciudadano Victor, ve y cómprate una botella de coñac.
Hop it. Get me?
Lárgate... ¿ Entendido?
Come on, give us a kiss and hop it.
Dame un beso, no tiene sentido que te quedes.
Hop it, lads.
En marcha, muchachos. Dispérsense.
- Hop it.
- Muévete.
- Then take it and hop it.
- Entonces lárgate.
Go on! Hop it!
¡ Fuera!
Hop it!
¡ Fuera!
Hop it now, up to your room.
Ahora sube a tu cuarto.
There was a continuity to the way he travelled - it's not the hop, skip and jump of the world travelling Cartier-Bresson.
Hubo una continuidad en la forma en que viajó, no es el salto tras salto de los viajes por el mundo de Cartier-Bresson.
Hop to it, kid.
Venga, muchacha.
Ah, corta con eso.
All right, hop to it.
Pues ponte con ello.
It would be different if you had that shot of hop handy.. So you could pump yourself full of enough guts to shoot somebody in the back.
Ni tenéis a mano esa dosis que os da fuerza para disparar por la espalda.
Hop to it.
Date prisa.
None of them ever carried any disease where it could hop onto me.
Ninguno me contagió nunca.
Hop to it.
Hop to it, Jim.
A por ello, Jim.
Right, I'll hop to it.
Vale, estoy en ello.
Go on, hop to it.
Vamos, vamos.
"Love Triumphant." Go on, hop to it.
"El amor triunfa". Vamos, a por ello.
You better hop right to it, Mr Corrigan.
Mejor se pone con ello, Sr. Corrigan.
All right now, honey-bunch, hop to it, and give.
Muy bien, preciosa, sube al escenario y muéstrales.
I've got it fixed up for a job in Chicago. We'll hop the night train -
Conseguí un trabajo en Chicago.
- Now hop on it.
- A trabajar.
Go on hop it!
¿ Quieres algo?
It's only a short hop and a tussle to town.
- La ciudad queda muy cerca.
It isn't an easy job like picking up some gunman. Or a maniac full of hop.
No es como pillar a un asesino, o a un loco perturbado.
Hop to it and get the lowdown.
Pégate a él y estate alerta.
We'd better hop to it.
It's all in your wrist...
Hice así, y ¡ hop!
- We'll hop right to it.
- Enseguida.
Hop to it.
Hop off it, me lad.
Bájate, muchacho.
Súbete a un mercancías y guarda el dinero para comida.
Hop to it.
Bien, a trabajar.
Now hop to it, will you?
Ahora, a trabajar
It's hardly time for hop-scotch.
No es hora de jugar a rayuela.
Hop to it, you blokes.
¡ Ya es hora, idiotas! ¡ Vamos!
I'm Russian, Your Majesty, it doesn't befit me to hop after Frederick. That's my cavalry on the battlefield! I've had enough of your impertinence!
es acaso mi caballería en el campo de batalla... tu impertinencia va más allá de toda medida!
Now hop it, before I -
Ahora, lárgate de aquí antes...
I was just discussing it with Lance and it would be better if you didn't make this hop.
Acabo de hablarlo con Lance. Sería mejor que no hicieras ese vuelo.
That's the first time I ever heard your mother tell you to do something... and you didn't hop to do it.
Es la primera vez que oigo que tu madre te dice que hagas algo y no saltaste para hacerlo.
If you want to tell the board I'm obstructing justice and ask them to revoke my license, hop to it.
Si quiere acusarme de obstrucción a la justicia... y pedir que me retiren la licencia, hágalo.
" You hop off while it is going.
" Salta mientras está andando.
Hop to it.
Wait till the guards are round the other side and then make a dash for it.
¡ Cuando el guardia se de la vuelta, hop!
Hop on it. Bring plenty of flashbulbs.
Toma muchas fotos.

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