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I think you're wrong tradutor Espanhol

833 parallel translation
I may be wonderful, but I think you're wrong, Ravelli.
Puede que sea estupendo, pero creo que se equivoca, Ravelli.
Creo que te equivocas, Wallace.
You know, mother, I think you're about the only person in the world who's never wanted to go the wrong way.
Sabes, madre, creo que eres la única persona en el mundo que nunca ha querido ir por el mal camino.
You may think, Miss Barrett, that this is the first time that I've been here, but you're quite wrong, you know.
Piensa Srta. Barrett, que es la primera vez que estoy aquí, pero está equivocada.
I think you're all wrong to be afraid.
Creo que todos se equivocan al tener miedo.
I think you're off on the wrong tack, Regi.
Creo que va mal encaminada, Regi.
Oh, I was wrong to think that you're cruel and brutal, darling.
Me equivoqué al pensar que eras cruel y despiadado, querido.
That cat. If you think I'm going to let a cheating, lying wretch like that upset my plans, you're wrong.
Si crees que dejaré que una desvergonzada como ella eche a perder mis planes, te equivocas.
Oh, I think you're wrong there, old chap.
Creo que se equivoca, amigo.
- I think you're wrong. - Wrong?
- Creo que se equivoca.
I guess you're not far wrong. But first I think I'll go to Maxford House and pick up that cheque.
No se equivoca, Sr. Baxter... pero primero iré a Maxford House a buscar ese cheque.
I think you're on the wrong track, sir but I've completed the list of what you term "copperheads" or "rebels."
Creo que está tras una pista falsa, señor pero he completado la lista de los que llama "simpatizantes" o "rebeldes".
Well, in the first place, I think you're going about this thing all wrong.
En primer lugar, me parece que está totalmente equivocado.
And if you think I want you to come back again, ever, you're wrong!
Y si crees que quiero que regreses alguna vez, ¡ estás equivocada!
Abby, dear, I think you're wrong.
Abby, querida, creo que te equivocas.
I think you're wrong.
Creo que se equivoca.
- I think you're wrong.
- Creo que se equivoca.
If you think I did it, you're wrong.
Si cree que yo lo hice, se equivoca.
If you think I was her lover, you're wrong.
Si sugiere que era su amante, está equivocado.
Pardon my abruptness, but I think that you're on the wrong track.
Perdone que sea abrupto, pero creo que está equivocado.
I think you're handling it wrong.
Déjeme hacer. Si ha sido él, lo atraparé.
Si cree que voy a... a rebajarme a pelear con usted, está equivocado.
It's a very very clever bit of... - No, no, I think you're wrong.
Es una idea muy hábil para...
- No, but I still think you're wrong, mister. - We'll see.
- No, pero pienso que se equivoca.
If you think I'll share you with that old bugger, you're wrong.
Si crees que te compartiría con ese viejo asqueroso, te equivocas.
I don't want to insist, but I think you're wrong lt doesn't start in that way, it starts with her saying she has had enough lt starts like that.
¿ Ah, sí? Pues creo que se equivoca, señora. No quiero insistir, pero me temo que se equivoca.
I think you're wrong about the boy, Rennick.
Creo que te equivocas respecto al muchacho.
I think you're wrong.
Creo que te equivocas.
No, I think you're wrong.
No, te equivocas.
I think you're wrong, Jo.
Creo que te equivocas, Jo.
I think you're wrong.
Creo que estás equivocado.
If you guys think this means I'll step into a ring, you're wrong.
Si creéis que esto significa que subiré al ring, estáis equivocados.
But you're wrong if you think it's money I'm after.
Pero si crees que es por dinero, te equivocas.
I still think you're wrong.
Aún creo que se equivoca.
If you think what I'm doing doesn't hurt... you're wrong.
Si piensas que lo que estoy haciendo no me duele... te equivocas.
If you think I'll change that, you're wrong.
Si crees que puedo cambiar eso, estás equivocado.
You think you know. I'm telling you you're wrong.
Crees que lo sabes, pero estás muy equivocada, Ellen.
It's not my business, but I think you're wrong.
No me incumbe, pero creo que se equivocan.
I think you're fixin to raise the wrong hair.
Creo que no eres lo suficientemente fuerte como para poder con ella.
You know, I really think you're wrong about Brett Ashley.
¿ Sabes? Creo que estás equivocado con Brett Ashley.
If you don't think I expect someone to try to put a bullet in me, you're wrong.
Si crees que no espero que alguien me mate, te equivocas.
If you don't mind my saying so, I think you're handling this thing all wrong.
Si me permite, creo que está manejando mal todo esto.
I think you're on the wrong track.
Creo que sigue una pista errónea.
- I think that you're wrong, Koji.
- Me parece que te equivocas, Koji.
If you think I'm ashamed, you're wrong.
Si piensa que me averguenzo de mi negocio, está equivocado.
I think you're going the wrong way about this.
Creo que está haciendo las cosas mal.
I think you're wrong.
Te equivocas.
- Well, I think that you're both wrong.
- Yo en cambio creo que os equivocáis las dos.
I think that's because you're in the wrong line of work.
Creo que es porque estás en la profesión equivocada.
If it's love you're looking for, I think you're in the wrong racket.
Si es amor lo que buscas, te has equivocado de negocio.
If you think I'm kidding, you're wrong.
Si crees que estoy de broma, te equivocas.

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