I was saying tradutor Espanhol
7,891 parallel translation
Well, as I was saying...
- ( CARRASPEA ) - Bueno, a lo que íbamos.
I was saying that I think that it's going pretty well.
Decía que creo que está yendo bastante bien.
So, look, what I was saying...
Mira, lo que estaba diciendo...
If I was saying that, then that's what I would have said.
Si yo estaba diciendo eso, entonces eso es lo que yo he dicho.
I was saying we should go-anna get some lunch.
Estaba diciendo que debemos cazar unas ranas.
I was saying it was me who taught him to ride a horse and to shoot and many other things...
Le estaba diciendo que yo le enseñé a montar, a disparar... - Sí. - Y muchas otras cosas.
- As I was saying, we at the Ilaria Corporation held out hope that nature would take care of itself, but overpopulation, diminishing resources, and drastic climate change have forced our hand.
- Como estaba diciendo en la Corporación Ilaria mantenemos la esperanza de que la naturaleza se haga cargo de sí misma pero la superpoblación, la disminución de los recursos y el drástico cambio climático han forzado nuestra mano.
Sorry about the stuff I was saying about, uh... the mentally insane...
Pete, Perdón por las cosas que estaba diciendo acerca de.. uh.. lo de mentalmente loco...
About the defendant, as I was saying, his cousin, who is here in the court for him, is the chief of staff for the New York City Planning Commission.
Sobre el acusado, como iba diciendo, su primo, que está en esta sala, es el jefe de departamento de la Comisión de Planificación de la ciudad de Nueva York.
See that's what I was saying.
Vez es lo que yo estaba diciendo.
I was saying the facetiously.
Era una ironía.
I forgot what I was saying.
Me he olvidado que estaba diciendo.
So, as I was saying... we need to come up with a list of commandments so that they know we're for real.
Así que que como iba diciendo... necesitamos crear una lista de mandamientos para que se enteren de verdad.
As I was saying, we gotta think of this as the first test, like the Jews wandering the desert, or the early Christians, wherever they wandered.
Como estaba diciendo, tenemos que pensar en esto como la primera prueba, como los judíos cuando cruzaron el desierto, o los primeros cristianos, sea lo que sea lo que cruzaran.
As I was saying, you're all here because you're interested in transformation.
Como decía, ustedes están aquí porque desean transformarse.
It was like I was saying last night, you know?
Es como lo que te decía anoche, ¿ entiendes?
But I was saying something... Yes...
Pero yo estaba diciendo algo.. sí.
I feel like it was just, you know, yesterday when we were kids, just... laughing and just saying stupid stuff.
Me siento como si fuera sólo, ya sabes, ayer cuando éramos niños, simplemente riendo y diciendo cosas estúpidas.
I guess there was an email saying she left, not exactly sure.
Hubo un email que explicaba que se había ido, no estoy seguro.
I've gut the call saying that my car was rerouted.
Tengo destripar la llamada diciendo que mi coche fue desviado.
All of a sudden I was just thinking about everything you've been saying... about how strong we are, and how we can handle it.
De pronto, me puse a pensar en todo lo que decías sobre lo fuertes que somos, y que podemos con esto.
Are you now saying you knew I was telling the truth and yet you did nothing about it?
¿ Dices que sabías que yo decía la verdad? y aun así no hiciste nada?
I was just saying that, like, you know, when bad things go down, sometimes your kid brain computes it as, like, um... I don't know.
Solo estaba diciendo que, como, ya sabes, cuando pasan cosas malas, a veces tu cerebro de niña lo calcula, como, no lo sé.
Well, I'm not saying what we did was out of bravery.
Bueno, no estoy diciendo que lo que hicimos fue por valentía.
I was just saying, um, working together... I thought it was going to be harder, uh, after everything and especially given the fact that I'm pregnant.
Solo estaba diciendo que, trabajar juntos... creí que iba a ser más difícil, después de todo y especialmente teniendo en cuenta que estoy embarazada.
I'm just saying he didn't know what it was.
Solo estoy diciendo que no sabía lo que tenía.
I'm not saying I've made up my mind but if he was gonna cooperate, work with the government, he would've done it already.
No he tomado una decisión, pero si él quisiera colaborar, ya lo habría hecho.
- I did. What was he saying? Did you hear what he was saying?
- ¿ Oíste qué decía?
And I'm not saying he was the reason, but, ugh, talk about going out with a whimper, literally a whimper...
Y no estoy diciendo que él fue la razón, pero, hablar de salir con un quejumbroso, literalmente un quejumbroso...
Uh, I was just saying if you want, we're happy to go with you.
Sólo decía que, si quieres, nos gustaría ir contigo.
I was too young to understand much of what you were saying, but I did understand it was about race.
Yo era demasiado joven para entender mucho de lo que estaba diciendo, pero yo entiendo era sobre la raza.
Father was saying that I hog all day.
Padre dice que hago el perro todo el día.
All I'm saying is, they did some kind of voodoo spell on Vee, and, boom, bitch was gone.
Lo único que digo es que le hicieron un hechizo vudú a Vee, y, pum, la perra desapareció.
I was just saying, I hope you're preparing him for Sipi.
Estaba diciendo que espero que lo estés preparándolo para Sipi.
Well, I was gonna say "gay," but Charmaine has a more colorful way of saying things.
Bueno, iba a decir "gay", pero Charmaine tiene una manera más coloreada de decir las cosas.
I've got witnesses saying she was all over the shop.
Tengo testigos que dicen que estaba descontrolada.
I was just saying it's getting a little electric in here.
Solo digo que se está haciendo un poquito eléctrico aquí.
- I was just saying if I just...
- Sólo estaba diciendo si sólo...
I've just gone through customs when I got a WeChat message... saying that Xing was being prosecuted.
Apenas había acabado de pasar por la aduana, cuando recibí un SMS... diciendo que habían acusado a Xing.
And I especially apologize for not saying I was sorry at the time.
Pero sobre todo te pido disculpas porque... no te pedí disculpas en su día, en su momento. Sobre todo por eso...
What was I saying?
¿ Qué te estaba contando?
I'm saying it looks like it was grabbed from the sky and ripped to shreds.
Digo que pareciera que fue tomado desde cielo y rasgado en pedazos.
We are not saying I was the problem.
No vamos a decir que yo era el problema.
That's what I was saying :
A esto me refiero.
Not since he texted me saying he was coming to meet and never showed the fuck up. Look, t, i'll be strapped.
No desde que me mandó un mensaje diciendo que venía a verme y el cabrón nunca apareció.
I was just saying that to be nice.
Solo lo decía para ser amable.
I think that was his way of saying he cares what happens to us.
Creo que fue su modo de decir que le importa lo que nos pase.
She was saying, "I'm so sorry, Gal."
Ella decía : "Lo siento mucho, Gal".
No, I'm just saying this battle, it was the last big battle before the end of the- - And what came after- - whew!
No, se lo estoy diciendo esta batalla, que era la última gran batalla antes del final de el- - Y lo que vino despues- - ¡ menos mal!
Sorry, was I saying "fucking" too much?
Lo siento, estaba yo diciendo "puto" demasiado?
I was just saying that I think you're right.
Sólo estaba diciendo que yo creo que tienes razón.
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was kidding 211
i was just passing by 33
i wasn't talking to you 127
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was kidding 211
i was just passing by 33
i wasn't talking to you 127