If you don't come tradutor Espanhol
3,241 parallel translation
So if you need to come into our room In the middle of the night to get something, Maybe you could- - I don't know- -
Así que si tienes que entrar en nuestra habitación en mitad de la noche a buscar algo, quizás podrías...
Ozgur, don't be angry, but if you can come back sometime.. -... before that shop's rented. I..
Ozgur, no te enfades, pero si pudieras volver en algún momento antes de que la tienda este alquilada.
Sweetie, if you don't have somewhere to stay you can come to my place.
Mi amor, si no tienes donde quedarte puedes venir a mi casa.
If you don't come in and get that ointment... That herpes will never clear up.
Si no entras y te llevas la crema el herpes nunca desaparecerá.
If you don't talk to me, I'm gonna come in here every day and say embarrassing things in front of your friends.
Si no hablas conmigo, voy a venir cada día y diré cosas embarazosas en frente de tus amigos.
And anyways if I don't come in the competition then who will explain you the game
Y de todos modos si no vengo a la competición entonces, ¿ quién te explicará el juego?
If you really killed her, how come you don't have any scratches on your face?
Si de verdad la mató, ¿ cómo es que no tiene ningún arañazo en su cara?
We'd like you to come down to the station, and if you don't mind, remove your shoes.
Nos gustaría que viniese a la comisaría, y si no le importa, quítese los zapatos.
Oh, come on. Don't you want to know if Sarah could possibly be Brody's daughter?
¿ No quieres saber si Sarah podría ser hija de Brody?
You see, if you don't come back to me, I'm going to the newspapers with a cracking story and I'd like to bet the Grantham's won't survive it.
Verás, si no vuelves conmigo, voy a ir a los periódicos con una historia excelente y me gustaría apostar a que los Grantham no sobrevivirá.
I will give you today, Hector, but if you don't come home...
Te daré de plazo hasta hoy, Héctor.
If you're leaving now, you don't need to come back!
¡ Si te vas ahora, mejor que no vuelvas!
But if you do change your mind about Jim or find a better dog please, call me to come get him, don't put him to sleep.
Pero si cambias de parecer sobre Jim o encuentras un perro mejor, por favor, llámame para que venga a buscarlo, y no lo sacrifiques.
If you don't come out before the deadline, he'll send in Special Forces, the most lethal men he has.
Si no salís antes del plazo, enviará las Fuerzas Especiales, los hombres más letales que tiene.
They said that if we don't do this, they're gonna come after you.
Dijeron que si no hacemos esto, van a venir tras de ti.
I swear, if you don't come out this minute.
Lo juro, si no sales en este instante.
If I don't come back, you know who's to blame.
Si no vuelvo, ya sabes a quién culpar.
If you don't come clean, we can't help you with the state.
Si no dices la verdad, no podemos ayudarte en el juicio.
Hotch asked me to try all your numbers, and I have this as an old listing, and you probably don't even use it anymore, but if it is you and you're out there, come home, please.
Hotch me pidió que intentase llamarte a todos los números, y tengo este en una lista antigua, y probablemente ya no lo uses, pero si eres tú y estás por ahí, vuelve a casa, por favor.
Okay, I don't know what the rules are where you come from, but here on Earth, if you tell that to your girlfriend, she's just gonna run you over with her car.
De acuerdo, no se cómo serán las reglas de donde tú vienes, pero aquí en la tierra, si le dices eso a tu novia, te va a atropellar con su coche.
I'll wait even if you don't come...
Esperaré, aunque no vengas...
If you hadn't come over I don't know what I'd have done.
Si no llegas a venir, no sé que hubiera hecho.
Look, I don't know what this guy's problem is, but if he came at me, he might come at you.
- Mira, no sé cuál es el problema de este hombre, pero si vino a por mi, podría ir por a ti.
And that man's gonna come back and ask more if we don't get some information, so we need to know if you would be able to help us.
Y ese hombre va a volver y seguir preguntando si no le damos algo de información, así que necesitamos saber si puedes ayudarnos.
If you don't tell us what you know, that man is gonna come back and make you tell us.
Si tú no nos dices lo que queremos saber, este hombre va a volver y obligarte a que nos lo digas.
I don't know what your name is, if you don't adjust you'll come good in life.
No sé cuál es tu nombre, si no te ajustas no triumfarás en la vida.
Come on now. You're not gonna get better if you don't cooperate.
Vamos, no te vas a mejorar si no cooperas.
I thought if you don't come along, it won't be half as fun.
Creo que si tu no vienes no será ni la mitad de divertido.
And if you ever come to Karol Baug.. .. then don't forget to drop in. - Okay.
Y si alguna vez vienes a Karol Baug no olvides entrar.
I need you to come to the ballroom with me, if you don't mind.
Necesito que vengas al salón conmigo. Si no te importa. Escuche, Srta. Sumac...
The deputies that I'm leaving behind, they don't know you as well as I do, and they're not gonna give a rat's tail if those boys come back.
Los encargados que estoy dejando acá, no te conocen tan bien como yo, y no les va a importar un comino si esos chicos regresan.
Come on, Nick, if you don't tell me the cops are gonna drag it out of you.
Venga, Nick, si no me lo dices... los policías te lo van a arrancar.
If you don't come to her, My mom will definitely come to you, and nobody wants that.
Si no vas a ella, mi madre definitivamente vendrá a ti, y nadie quiere que pase eso.
Even if I don't, I'll still come with you.
Aunque no confíe, voy contigo.
If she does come over, don't say you're my date, right?
Si viene, no digas que eres mi cita, ¿ vale?
If I don't come with, when you fail, you'll pretend you never tried.
Si no vienen con, cuando fallan, fingiras que nunca lo has hecho
I don't think you wanna throw a shower for Adrian, because if you did, you would've come up with a list of girls to invite.
No creo que desees cancelar la fiesta de Adrian, porque si lo hicieras, tú tendría que traer una lista de las niñas a las que invitar.
Come on, geek. Don't you need your book for class? - Hey, if you're so desperate for books, you can have mine.
- Si estás tan desesperado por libros... toma el mío.
Your daughter will be hurt, if you don't come.
Herirás a tu hija si no vas.
No, it's better if you stay nervous. Otherwise I don't know what you will come up with again.
No, es mejor para ti estar nervioso... ya que no sabemos qué es lo que tirarás esta vez.
because if you don't bend, it's all gonna come crashing down around you.
Si uno no cede, todo se le derrumbará.
What if you don't come back?
¿ Y si no vuelves?
I'll come with you if you don't mind.
Iré contigo si no te importa.
But you know I'd like to come back, so if you go to the new job and you don't like it and you change your mind...
Pero tu sabes que me gustaría que volvieras, así que si has ido a un nuevo trabajo y no te gusta y tu cambias de opinión...
If someone had come to me asking for planning permission to alter an E-type Jaguar, I'd have said no, don't be stupid, you'll mess it up!
Si alguien viene y me pregunta por permisos de obras para modificar un Jaguar E-type, le diría no, no sea estúpido, lo arruinará.
Come aboard if you want to.. Or else I will call back the blonde. - Don't be so pushy.
Sube a bordo si quieres o vuelvo a llamar a la rubia.
It is breaking my heart, and it'll break her heart if you don't come.
Me rompe el corazón y romperá el suyo si no vienes.
If you don't hear from me, you don't come back at all.
Si no sabes nada de mi, no vuelvas.
So this might come as a shock to you but if at the age of 26 you really don't need Botox.
Puede que esto te choque, pero a los 26 años no necesitas botox.
What would be the best- - well, if you don't mind, may I send you the offers that have come in,
Cual sería la mejor... Bueno, si no te molesta, ¿ puedo enviarte las ofertas que me han llegado
If you don't come with me, I'm going by myself.
Si no vienes conmigo, iré sola.
if you don't come back 18
if you want 1750
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you like 1152
if you're hungry 89
if you want 1750
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you like 1152
if you're hungry 89
if you don't eat 20
if you don't 701
if you don't talk 19
if you please 567
if you need anything 442
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you want it 177
if you don't 701
if you don't talk 19
if you please 567
if you need anything 442
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you want it 177