If you don't eat tradutor Espanhol
641 parallel translation
You won't grow up to be a big strong boy like grandpa here if you don't eat your din-din, Fred.
No te harás grande y fuerte como el abuelito si no te comes la comidita, Fred.
No, but it'll put red spots on your liver. Especially if you don't eat something.
Mío no es, pero sí de tu hígado sobre todo si no comes nada.
- If you don't mind, I think I'll eat.
- Si no te importa, creo que voy a comer.
You can't win races if you don't eat.
No se ganan carreras sin comer.
- Meanwhile, what are you going to do? - First, I'll eat my haddock. Then... if you don't turn me out into the street, have a good night's rest.
- Primero comerme el pescado, luego... si no me echa, dormiré toda la noche.
If you don't stay and help us eat it, we'II have ham for a week.
Si no se quedan, tendremos para comer toda la semana.
For if you don't, i must eat my 28th, And i own to being weary of the exercise.
Porque si no lo hacen, debo comerme mi vigesimoctava, y confieso que estoy harto del ejercicio.
If you don't eat it,
Si no la comes,
I got enough for one more, if you don't eat too much.
Tengo suficiente para uno más, si no come mucho.
Well, if you don't want to throw them, eat some of them.
Si no quiere tirárselas, pique unas pocas, la calmarán.
Well, I don't eat, but if I ever start again, I'll keep you in mind.
- Yo no como. Pero si vuelvo a comer, te recordaré.
Food seems so much more dry if you eat without wine... don't you find?
Comer así es más seco... ¿ No te parece?
If you don't mind a yank's glove. Belle, you remember that funny-looking classmate of mine who used to eat 18 of mammy Lou's hotcakes for breakfast?
Belle, ¿ recuerdas aquel compañero de clase al que le gustaban tanto las tortitas de Mammy Lou?
"We won't eat here." You say, "If you don't, somebody else will."
Si dice "No cenaremos aquí"... di "Si no lo hace, otros lo harán".
Le sentará bien por su talla, si no come demasiado.
Si no bebes, al menos come.
- If you don't mind, I'd rather eat in Connecticut.
Si no le molesta, prefiero comer en Connecticut.
And if you don't bring me back something to eat, I'll die.
Pero si no me traes algo de comer me moriré.
But you don't need to pay attention if you'd prefer to read while you eat.
Pero puede leer si prefiere.
You can't get your strength back if you don't eat something.
No recuperará las fuerzas si no come algo.
- If you don't like it, don't eat it.
¡ Si no os gusta, no comáis!
If you don't eat, Dedée, you'll lose weight.
Si no comes, adelgazarás demasiado.
Joe, I'm not going to eat If you don't eat.
Si tú no comes, yo tampoco.
And if you don't eat, you must drink some sugar-water.
- No se deshace. - ¡ Dame el vaso!
If you don't get through, eat it.
- Si no pasas, cómetelo.
If you think it's there, don't eat it.
Óyeme. Si crees que tiene la muerte, mejor no te la comas.
If you don't like'em, eat'em anyway! Think of them like medicine!
¡ Fuérzate, tiene vitaminas!
But if you like chicken so much, why don't you eat it more often?
Pero si tanto le gusta el pollo, ¿ por qué no lo come más a menudo?
You'll be ill again, if you don't eat.
Si no comes, enfermarás otra vez.
I'll sto if you don't eat.
Si no comes, yo tampoco.
And, brother, if I don't eat, you starve.
Y si yo no como, hermano, tú te mueres de hambre.
If you've gotta eat sardines, why don't you find a closet =?
Si va a comer sardinas, ¿ por qué no se mete en un armario?
You won't get better if you don't eat
Si no comes, estarás peor.
If you don't like the food, don't eat it.
Si no te gusta la comida, no te la comas.
Mother if you don't eat...
Madre, si no comes...
If you don't like it, don't eat it.
- Basta con... - Si no te gusta no lo comas.
If you're late to the table, you don't eat.
El que no está en la mesa a esas horas, pues no come.
You eat when you need to, if not, you don't.
Come cuando tiene qué comer, y cuando no, no come.
So why did you eat so much, if you don't like it?
¿ Y por qué has comido tantas, si no te gustan?
You can't grow up if you don't eat
No puede crecer si no come
If you don't, you put my source in danger. You needn't eat anything.
Si no, pondrá a mi fuente en peligro.
I'll eat it if you don't want to.
Entonces me lo como yo.
If you don't go, they'll eat that as well.
Si no vas se lo van a comer también.
If you don't pull the net, you don't eat the fish. That's hukilau.
Si no tiras de la red, no comerás pescado.
If you don't eat you won't be beautiful to watch.
Si usted no come, no estará bella.
You're in luck to be hungry. The way I feel I don't care if I ever eat again.
Tienes suerte de tener hambre De la forma como me siento me da igual si no vuelvo a comer nunca más
If you don't eat well, how will you manage?
Si trabajas tanto debes alimentarte bien.
I'll have a bite to eat if you don't mind.
Si me permitís, comeré algo.
- If you don't mind, I eat.
- Si no le importa, comeré. - No, coma usted.
If you don't eat, you'll just collapse.
Si no come se colapsara.
We're going to eat here, if you don't mind.
Cenaremos aquí, si no te importa.
if you want 1750
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you're hungry 89
if you don't 701
if you like 1152
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you're hungry 89
if you don't 701
if you like 1152