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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / Including yourself

Including yourself tradutor Espanhol

97 parallel translation
I'd slit the throat of anyone who double-crossed me, including yourself.
Le cortaré el cuello a quien me traicione. Incluido tú.
Including yourself, eh?
- ¿ Incluido usted?
Yet you say everyone in house, including yourself, hate Mr. Harper.
Pero usted dijo que todos en la casa, usted incluido, odiaban al Sr. Harper.
My wish is for everyone, including yourself and Boss Turi Passalacqua to be put under the protection of the law, even if I have to do it myself.
Querría que todos, incluyendo a usted y al colono Turi Passalacqua,... se pusiesen bajo la protección de la ley o si no, de la mía.
Well, if this is a charge, you had better arrest most of the men in town... including yourself.
Si eso es una acusación, debería arrestar a casi todos los hombres de la ciudad... incluyendo a usted mismo.
including yourself?
¿ lncluyéndolo a usted?
Now, look, Ellen, Ford has a whole army of people working for him, including yourself.
Mira, Ellen, Ford tiene un ejército de personas a sus órdenes, tú incluida.
To all persons concerned, including yourself?
¿ Para todos los involucrados, incluido usted?
- Including yourself?
- ¿ Usted incluido?
I don't think you know what's best for Papa, for me or for anybody including yourself.
No creo que sepas qué es lo mejor para papá, para mi o para nadie incluso para ti misma.
- Including yourself, Mr. Judd.
- Y Ud. era uno de ellos.
Including yourself, Comrade Major :
Incluyéndolo a usted, Camarada Comandante.
Everyone including yourself.
Para todos, incluida usted.
It can only harm any number of people, including yourself.
Sólo puede hacer daño a mucha gente, incluido usted.
I mean, everybody in this list here, including yourself.
O sea, todos los de esta lista usted incluido.
You see, when I go, half this bloody country goes with me including yourself.
Verás, si me muero, la mitad de este maldito país se muere conmigo... inclusive tú.
Down to the very last painting and the very last restorer, including yourself.
Desde el último cuadro hasta el último restaurador. incluido usted.
Including yourself.
Ni tuya.
But somehow it seems that the whole point of the work that you did in those workshops... when you get right down to it and you ask what was it really about... The whole point, really, I think... was to enable the people in the workshops, including yourself... to somehow sort of strip away every scrap of purposefulness... from certain selected moments. And the point of it was so that you would then all be able to experience... somehow just pure being.
Parece que el objetivo de tu trabajo en los talleres, si te preguntas cuál era el objetivo, consistía en que aquellas personas y tú mismo... eliminarais los objetivos... de algunos momentos, para que pudierais experimentar el hecho de ser y nada más.
- Including yourself?
- Incluyéndote? - Si.
Including yourself.
Incluido usted principalmente.
Not including yourself there.
No incluye a ti mismo allí.
[Whistles] With a character that nobody, including yourself, knows anything about.
Con un personaje del que nadie sabe nada.
You're gonna have to take care of things including yourself.
¡ Tú te ocuparás de todo, incluso de ti misma!
Well, you got everybody, including yourself.
Bueno, llegaste a todo el mundo, incluso a ti.
When you deceived everyone including yourself.
Cuando usted engañó a todos incluso a sí misma.
- Including yourself?
- ¿ Incluida usted?
And on this Friday evening, everyone is invited to a party, including yourself and your sister, Mademoiselle Theresa.
Este viernes se celebra una fiesta a la que todos están invitados incluidos usted y su hermana, mademoiselle Theresa.
It exists if a majority of the cabinet, including yourself, says it exists.
Lo está si la mayoría del Gabinete, con Ud. incluida, dice que lo está.
I hope you're not including yourself in that statement!
Espero que no te incluyas en esa declaracion!
Y de muchos más, incluido tú.
Pay everyone I owe, including yourself.
No, but look around. Everybody's exhausted, including yourself.
Todos están cansados, incluyéndote a ti.
You had the Alliance on you criminals and savages half the people on this ship have been shot or wounded, including yourself and you're harboring known fugitives.
Tenía a la Alianza encima.. Criminales y salvajes. La mitad de la tripulación resultó herida. incluso usted... y está dándole asilo a fugitivos conocidos.
- including yourself?
- incluido tú mismo?
Including yourself?
¿ Incluida tú?
I appreciate you including yourself... but everybody knows it was me who let the suspects go with the victim in their trunk.
Te agradezco que te incluyas... pero yo dejé ir a los sospechosos con la víctima en el maletero.
Including yourself?
¿ Incluyéndote?
You including yourself in that?
¿ Te incluyes a ti misma en eso?
Darren, when are you going to realize that nobody has to get hurt - including yourself - in order for you to get what you need?
Darren, ¿ cuándo te vas a dar cuenta que nadie tiene que resultar herido, incluido tú, para que obtengas lo que necesitas?
Most people, including Johnny and yourself, make a big mistake about Julia.
La mayoría de la gente, incluidos Johnny y tú, se confunde con Julia.
Love, honor, for better, for worse - including the times when he's worried and moody - after all, you're no easy dish yourself.
amor, honor, en la alegría en la adversidad. Incluso cuando él esté preocupado llorando. Después de todo, tú tampoco eres nada fácil de soportar.
Yes, your brother has stated the case most clearly... including the fact that you have voluntarily committed yourself here.
Sí, su hermano nos ha explicado el caso claramente. Incluyendo el hecho de que usted viene a recluirse voluntariamente.
You've been involved since Richard and I got together including the time that you threw yourself at him like a desperate maniac.
Has estado involucrada desde que Richard y yo nos pusimos de novios incluyendo esa vez que tú te tiraste un lance como una maníaca desesperada.
You never thought anybody was good enough for me, including for yourself.
A ti nadie te parecía suficientemente bueno para mí, incluido tú.
I notice you're still including'yourself.
Veo que todavía te incluyes a ti mismo.
None, including yourself.
Tú tampoco.
You see, any of your men could have killed Laius at... the crossing, including you yourself.
Así que cualquiera de sus hombres lo pudo haber matado... en la encrucijada, incluso usted mismo.
You are too wrapped up in yourself to see anything around you, including us.
Estás tan absorto en ti mismo que no ves nada a tú alrededor. Incluidos nosotros.
This is a chance for you to change everything bad about yourself, including the drug dealing.
Esta es una oportunidad para que cambies todo lo malo de ti mismo, incluyendo el tráfico de drogas.
Maybe you should just do it for yourself, for your pride, and the rest will come, including the girl.
Quizás deberías hacerlo por ti... por tu orgullo, y el resto vendrá solo, incluida la chica.

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