It was just me tradutor Espanhol
6,914 parallel translation
I don't remember the last time it was just me and him.
No recuerdo la última vez que estábamos solos él y yo.
When they found out it was just me and Gazelle, they...
Cuando se enteraron de que Gazelle y yo estábamos solos, me...
I told you. It was just me.
Solo fui yo.
It was just me and Myleka.
Fuimos Myleka y yo.
My associate had only just told me that he was having an affair, and I wanted to believe that it wasn't true, that the test was gonna show that he wasn't the father.
Mi asociada acababa de contarme que tenía una aventura... y quería creer que no era verdad, que la prueba iba a demostrar que él no era el padre.
My mind was just racing, so I took it out on you.
Estaba muy nerviosa y me desquité contigo.
He was just acting mute and testing me ls it?
Él simplemente actuaba de mudo y me estaba probando. Ah, ¿ sí?
"You're pretty cute," and I was really interested in her daughter and one night, me and the daughter were getting on and her mum walked in and I just said, "It's all right, you can stay if she's all right with it,"
Creo que el amor es una gran parte importante de ello.
Like in porn, the fluffer or whatever you call it, I was just like...
Me encantan los chicos que se depilan ahí abajo pero, lo siento, ¿ por qué te lo depilarías en forma de flecha?
I mean, I was mad at my mommy when she told me I was going straight to hell, but now I just know it was because she was stressed about me being in love with my brother and my daddy being gay.
Quiero decir, yo estaba enfadada con mi madre cuando me dijo que iba a ir directa al infierno, pero ahora sé que lo dijo porque estaba estresada porque yo estaba enamorada de mi hermano y mi padre era gay.
It was a woman just like you shot me up the first time.
Fue una mujer como tú con la que me inyecté la primera vez.
I was just trying it on one more time... you know, make sure it was perfect.
Solamente me lo estaba probando una vez más... ya sabes, para asegurarme de que era perfecto.
Oh, that was just the sound of me cocking a pistol, putting it to my head.
Ese fui yo preparando una pistola y apuntándola a mi cabeza.
Uh, just this morning, Sheldon wouldn't let me put almond milk on my Grape-Nuts because he said it was a theoretical nut conflict.
Justo esta mañana, Sheldon no me dejó poner leche de almendras en mi cereal con nueces porque dijo que causaba un problema "nuezteorético".
He, uh... he told me that you ran off or something, and that it was mainly just him and his mom and brother.
Él... me dijo que usted huyó o algo, Y se quedaron solos él, su madre y su hermano.
It was just something I threw on.
Solo es algo que me he puesto.
But I'd slip in when he was out at the fields, just to hold it for a few moments.
Pero me colaba cuando estaba fuera en el campo, solo para sujetarla unos segundos.
You know, one day she just said it was over and that was it.
Un día me dijo que todo se había terminado y fue el final.
When I found out his name was Scott McCall, just couldn't believe it.
Cuando descubrí que su nombre era Scott McCall, no me lo podía creer.
It was just a throwaway comment the Nawab made to me on the way up.
Era sólo un comentario que el Nawab me hizo en el camino.
I guess I just convinced myself it was true.
Creo que me convencí de que era cierto.
The shade she was throwin me tonight made it seem like it was more than just the usual.
fue más de lo habitual.
Hell, if they gave me red hair, bangs, glasses, took a foot off my height, and made me a woman, it'd be just like I was looking in a mirror.
Infierno, si me dieron pelo rojo, flequillo, gafas, tomó un pie fuera de mi altura, y me hizo una mujer, sería igual que yo estaba buscando en un espejo.
It was him who decided we should steal from fires, and I just went along,'cause if anyone is the candy-ass here, it's me.
El fue quien decidió que robáramos en los incendios, y yo sólo lo seguí, porque si hay algún cobarde aquí, soy yo. - Eso es lo que dije.
It was only when I heard that Mona was missing that I realized that this was just a trap set by "A."
Fue cuando me enteré de que Mona había desaparecido cuando me di cuenta de que A me había tendido una trampa.
And when he was done, he looked at me and said if I really wanted to, I could just pick it up and play it.
Y cuando terminó, me miró y me dijo si realmente quieres, puedes cogerla y tocarla.
It's just we've been trying for a really long time, and I got tested first, and everything was fine, so it was the next step.
Y es que hemos estado intentándolo por tanto tiempo, y me hice antes la prueba a mí, y todo estaba bien, así que era el siguiente paso.
This morning I realised it's just what I was born to do.
Esta mañana me di cuenta de que es justo lo que nací para hacer.
I used to get him his drugs, and in return he would dip his erect penis in those drugs and let me feel just how good it was.
Solía conseguirle sus drogas, y a cambio bañaría su pene erecto en esas drogas y me dejaría sentir lo buenas que eran.
We were just messing around, and Nina saw you guys parked, and I didn't even realize it was you until...
Estábamos haciendo el tonto, y Nina os vio aparcadas, y no me di cuenta de que eras tú hasta...
Not that I wouldn't love to ask him what it was like to just face off against Brandon James, but, you know, boundaries.
No es que no me gustaría preguntarle como fue enfrentarse a Brandon James, pero ya sabe, límites.
He was like a son to me. It was just the two of us.
Era como un hijo para mí, éramos apenas nosotros dos.
I was. It's just that... and Gravely can back me up on this... we are hot on the trail...
Lo hice, es sólo que...
I really thought she was doing all this just to get back at me, but, wow. She's taking it a little far.
De verdad pensé que estaba haciendo todo esto solo para vengarse de mí, pero... lo está llevando un poco lejos.
It was just a guy like me Who fooled her and took her... [voice breaking] no.
No, sólo era un tipo como yo que la engañó y se la llevó...
I know that if it was you that had fainted just before you were to marry me, oh, dear, I'd be absolutely sure that you hated me and that you didn't want anything to do with me.
Si hubieras sido tú quien se desmayara justo antes de casarnos, estaría segura de que me detestas y de que no quieres nada conmigo.
I just told myself that it would be okay, because Shawn was still sleeping.
Me dije a mi misma que todo iría bien, ya que Shawn estaba ya durmiendo.
And believe me, it's not just the homos that she has a problem with, because it took that bitch 50 years to talk to a black person, and it was her mailman, and then she accused him of stealing her Christmas cards.
Y créeme, no es solo tiene problemas con los gays, porque esa zorra tardó cincuenta años en hablar con una persona negra y fue con su cartero, a quien luego acusó de robarle sus tarjetas de Navidad.
You know, when I was in high school, and I had all these big Broadway dreams, I just got used to everyone laughing at me. And I figured one day I would make it, and I would show them that I'm not a joke anymore.
Cuando estaba en el instituto y tenía todos estos grandes sueños sobre Broadway, me acostumbré a que todos se rieran de mí e imaginaba que un día lo conseguría y les enseñaría que ya no soy una broma.
And... and he just couldn't stop thinking about me And before I even knew it I was forgiving him for 2 years of resentment
Y antes de saberlo ya lo estaba perdonando tras 2 años de resentimiento por no haberme elegido, lo estaba perdonando.
But I really did have to go. I really did think I was just gonna go in there And then leave and, but then it was really warm inside
De verdad que pensé que entraría y me iría, pero se estaba calentito allí y afuera hacía mucho frío, así que acabamos hablando, y besándonos luego y nos quedamos un rato dormidos.
Before it was too late. And I knew that my problem, this problem that I have This issue that just keeps landing me in the same place.
Y entendí mi problema, este problema que tengo, este conflicto que me mantiene en el mismo sitio.
I still don't know if Carrie assigned Bree as my secret sister on purpose or if it was just bad Karma for busting her nose with an ice ball, but either way I wasn't looking forward to it.
No estoy segura si Carrie me asignó a Bree como hermana secreta a propósito o si fue un mal karma por lastimarle la nariz con una bola de nieve. De ninguna manera me emocionaba la idea.
I was just about ready to beg you to take me back home that day in the sidecar, but something about her leather jacket and her chaps told me I should probably ride it out.
Estaba casi lista para rogarte que me llevaras a casa ese día en el sidecar, pero algo en su chamarra de piel y sus chaparreras me dijeron que tal vez debería seguir.
You couldn't have just told me what it was earlier?
¿ Y no podías haberme dicho lo que era antes?
I told myself I was recording this message in case I died suddenly, but I wonder if it isn't just easier to say what I have to say to a video camera.
Me dije a mí mismo que grabase este mensaje en caso de que muriese repentinamente, pero me pregunto si no sería simplemente más fácil decir lo que tengo que decir a una videocámara.
You know, it was... just me and him. It's okay.
Está bien.
I know. I... it's a really shitty thing to do, and I feel horrible about it, but, Donnie, a girl was murdered. I can't just let it go.
Sé, es algo muy malo para hacer, y me siento horrible por eso, pero, Donnie, una chica fue asesinada.
- When I realized that I had missed it, I was like just, "Aw!" I was so mad at myself,'cause if I'd have known, if he'd have told me, I would have stayed.
Cuando me di cuenta de que me lo había perdido... me enojé mucho conmigo mismo... pues, de haberlo sabido, si él me lo hubiera dicho, me habría quedado.
I just told them it was time for them To fall out of love with me.
Solo les dije que era hora de que dejaran de estar enamoradas de mi.
I just came by to pick up some of our belongings and show you where I was forced to hide your weed before the girls could find it.
Sólo vine a recoger algunas de nuestras pertenencias y le mostrará dónde me vi obligado a ocultar su mala hierba antes de que las niñas podían encontrarlo.
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was a mistake 473
it was beautiful 226
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was a mistake 473
it was beautiful 226
it was good 635
it was a 305
it wasn't hard 37
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it wasn't fair 35
it was nice 232
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233
it was a 305
it wasn't hard 37
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it wasn't fair 35
it was nice 232
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233