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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / It would be nice

It would be nice tradutor Espanhol

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Oh, I just thought it would be nice to, um, to say hello, maybe catch up.
Oh, solo pensaba que estaría bien venir a saludar, tal vez ponerme al corriente.
And-oh, but it would be nice if he was tall and with a sense of humor.
Sería bonito si fuera alto. Y con mucho gusto.
But it would be nice if you cared about my problems as much as you care about who Megan's dating.
Sería bueno si tu tienes algunos problemas conmigo todo lo que importa son las reuniones con Megan.
I thought it would be nice to show you what I've been up to for the past few weeks.
Creí que sería legal mostrarte lo que estuve haciendo las ultimas semanas
I just thought it would be nice for me to bring you something.
Sólo pensé que sería lindo traerte algo.
It would be nice to have a man in the house.
Sería bueno tener a un hombre en casa.
It would be nice if y'all could see what we really do, but as far as y'all going in, we can't let you do that.
Sería bueno si pudiera ver lo que realmente queremos hacer, pero en lo que como yo entrar, que no podemos permitir que hacer eso.
It would be nice to talk with you.
Podríamos conversar un rato.
Perhaps I feel pity for Dorcas and it would be nice for Laura and... the truth is I don't know.
Quizás sentí pena por Dorcas sería bueno para Laura la verdad es que no lo sé.
But? handle it, it would be nice to have someone to talk to.
Pero manejarlo, sería mejor si hablaras con alguien.
I just thought it would be nice if the ring stayed here in this country.
Pensé que sería lindo que la alianza permaneciera en este país.
Now, Sambora's presence is not necessary, but it would be nice if he was involved.
Ahora, la presencia de Sambora no es necesaria pero sería agradable si estuviera. Pregunta :
Two million pesetas, it would be nice.
- 2.000.000 de pesetas estaría bien.
It would be nice to know what the civil rights said about this.
Sería bueno saber qué dicen los Derechos Civiles acerca de esto.
It would be nice to sit by my river again.
Me encantaría volver a sentarme junto a mi río.
- It would be nice, huh?
- Sería agradable, ¿ no?
Do you think it would be nice if properly trained?
¿ Crees que estaría bien si entreno apropiadamente?
- I knew it would be nice, but not this nice! - - Looks like a picture puzzle with a box.
Yo sabía que iba a ser bello ; pero no así.
If we know, and it would be nice to know...
Si lo supiéramos, y sería bueno saberlo...
And I think it would be nice if this school weren't run like a jail!
¡ Y creo que sería agradable si esta escuela no funcionase como una cárcel!
It would be nice to know why it took so long to get ready...
Sería interesante saber porque le tomó tanto tiempo estar lista
It would be nice.
¡ Sería bonito!
It would be nice to see you!
¡ Qué bueno verte!
It would be nice to take some of the pressure off Margie and me to keep having babies.
Sería bueno quitarnos parte de la presión a Margie y a mí para seguir teniendo bebés.
I just thought it would be nice to go shopping with my daughter who's about to leave me, possibly forever, to go to college.
Yo solo pensé que seria agradable ir de compras con mi hija quien esta a punto de dejarme quizás para siempre para ir a la universidad
But I guess it would be nice if my maid of honor could afford her own dress.
Pero sería bueno que mi dama de honor pudiera pagar su vestido.
Now, I know you don't wanna hear this, but I think it would be nice if one of you young ladies would just start to think about settling down and having a little one. [both laughing] C'mon!
Bien, sé que no queréis oír hablar de esto, pero creo que sería bonito que una de estas jovencitas empezara a pensar en sentar la cabeza y tener un pequeño. ¡ Venga ya!
It would be nice to get your opinion, see what you think of it.
Me gustaría que me dieras tu opinión, a ver qué piensas.
I just thought it would be nice to have a little face-to-face time, a little get-together over some romantic food where we could... talk like two mature-did you sleep with jimmy keefe?
Sólo pensé que sería bueno tener una cara poco-a-tiempo de la cara, un poco de tertulia sobre algunos comida romántica en la que pudiera... hablar como dos parejas-se dormir con Keefe Jimmy?
Thought it would be nice to mix it up.
Pensé que sería bueno mezclarlo.
I just thought it would be nice to have a bottle handy, in case we had guests.
Pensé que sería bueno tener una botella, por si tenemos visitas.
Even though we were never really close it would be nice to see a familiar face, or any face that doesn't have blood dripping from its lips and flesh between its teeth.
Aunque nunca estuvimos muy unidos estaría bien ver una cara conocida o cualquier cara que no tenga sangre en los labios y carne entre los dientes.
And I thought it would be nice for us to sit around... and share with each other what we did during the day.
Me pareció que sería lindo sentarnos y contar lo que hicimos durante el día.
Do not you think it would be nice send a pair of strong typing?
¿ No crees que estaría bien enviarles un par de tipos fuertes?
I'm gonna slap you. It would be nice to get a little some-some hanging from the rear view mirror, know what I'm saying? What?
- Te voy a abofetear.
Well, it would be nice if you felt the orphanage needed you, too.
Bueno, estaría bien si sintieras que el orfanato también te necesita.
But it would be nice to get back to some type of constant.
Pero sería lindo tener alguna constante.
I got to admit, it would be nice to have a knife-throwing act around.
Tengo que admitir que estaría bien tener un número de lanzamiento de cuchillos.
It would be nice if he would, but no.
Sería bueno si así fuera, pero no.
That's when it would be nice to have a dog, or something.
Ahí es cuando sería bueno tener un perro, o algo así.
Yeah, but it would be nice if there weren't so many people - walking all over the crime scene.
Sí, pero sería agradable si no hubiera tanta gente caminando sobre la escena del crimen.
I mean, It would be kind of nice to have someone who could actually be there.
Quiero decir, sería bastante agradable tener a alguien que podría estar ahí.
A case and thought it would be Nice to give you a bottle to thank you for introducing him to it.
Evan compró el estuche y pensó que sería bueno darte la botella por darle a conocer este vino.
That would be nice is not it, baby?
Eso no estaría correcto
It would have been nice to have a chat with your friend, maybe extrapolate a story or two from him, but, well, sadly, that was not to be.
Hubiera sido lindo hablar con tu amigo y quizá extrapolar un par de historias, pero tristemente, eso no ocurrió.
You know, Jimmy, it would be really nice if you were romantic for once, you know?
Sabes, Jimmy, sería muy lindo que fueras romántico por una vez.
I thought that it would be a nice figurehead for your model ship.
Pensé que sería un buen mascarón de proa para su nave en miniatura.
I mean, I'm just saying it would be quite nice to choose.
Quiero decir, Que seria genial poder escoger.
I don't think it would be a very nice thing for a friend to do.
Creo que no estaría bien que una amiga hiciera eso.
It sure would be nice to have someone to... show us around.
Sería lindo tener a alguien que nos... enseñara el lugar.
Now, before things start getting heated up in here, I think it would be very nice of you to give us Malone's whereabouts.
Ahora, antes de que las cosas empiecen a calentarse creo que sería muy bueno que nos dijeras a dónde encontrar a Malone.

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