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It would have been tradutor Espanhol

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That if you had died yesterday in the comedy put on for the prince it would have been a relief to many.
Que si hubierais muerto ayer en el corral del príncipe habría sido un alivio para muchos.
It would have been better if you sat in the first place.
Habría sido mejor si te hubieras sentado desde el principio.
It would have been better if I had known that ahead of time.
Hubiera sido mejor si yo lo hubiera sabido antes.
It would have been painful even if I had lived well with him.
Habría vivido sufriendo si lo hubiera detenido.
If it was me and my mother, it would have been like... braaghhh, bloodshed by lunchtime.
Si fuera yo y mi madre, habría sido como derramamiento de sangre para la hora del almuerzo.
It would have been a great gift to know the outcome of this war.
Sería un gran regalo conocer el resultado de esta guerra.
If he could ride a bike at all, it would have been swerving.
Si pudo montarse, habría ido girando con brusquedad.
It would have been better than all the stupid stuff I did.
Habría sido mejor que las tonterías que he hecho.
But if this number does pertain to an account held at this bank, it would have been established quite some time ago.
Pero si este número perteneciera a una cuenta del banco habría sido creada hace mucho tiempo.
You should just have handed out pamphlets. It would have been a lot easier.
Deberías haber repartido panfletos, habría sido más fácil.
I bet it would have been a good father.
Apuesto a que habría sido un buen padre.
Maybe if we went with the jackass manager, it would have been our ticket.
Tal vez si nos fuimos con el gerente jackass, que habría sido nuestro boleto.
Suggesting just the tiniest thing and it freaks them out because then they think you've been thinking that every time, and then they get mad that you didn't say something earlier and you didn't say something early because it would have been too soon.
Sugiriendo sólo el más pequeño cosa y les asusta porque entonces ellos piensan que usted tiene estado pensando que cada vez, y luego se enojan de que no dijo algo antes y no lo hiciste decir algo temprano porque tendría sido demasiado pronto.
If that wasn't so weird, it would have been really embarrassing, Ethan.
Si esto no fuera tan raro, habría sido muy penoso, Ethan.
Yeah, I guess it would have been worse if you guys played a real sport, right?
Sí, supongo que habría sido peor si ustedes jugado un deporte de verdad, ¿ no?
Maybe I didn't need his money, but it would have been nice, so... have a great day.
Tal vez no necesitaba su dinero, pero habría sido agradable, así que... Ten un gran día.
It would have been easy if I had just stayed out here.
Hubiera sido más lógico que me quedara.
If I hadn't caught this before all our discovery was filed, it would have been submitted to the district clerk.
Si no lo hubiera visto antes de presentar nuestra revelación, se habría entregado en la oficina del fiscal.
I could not sympathize with them because it would have been very overwhelming but always said :
No podía compadecerse con todos ellos porque habría sido muy apabullante pero siempre decía :
And even if he did swallow the tape, it would have been completely crushed up by his chewing it, you see?
Y si hubiese tragado el vídeo, lo hubiera completamente destrozado... al masticarlo, ¿ entiendes?
You'd think it would have been when Mike was gone.
¿ Crees que habrá sido cuando Mike murió?
It would have been his 40th movie.
Hubiera sido su película 40a.
And I think sometimes what a terrible thing it would have been to leave.
Y a veces pienso qué terrible hubiera sido irme.
It would have been fine.
No habría pasado nada.
But, look, it would have been suicide to fight that guy.
Habría sido un suicidio enfrentarme a ese tío.
Jake, it would have been a disaster.
Habría sido un desastre.
It would have been a clear conflict of interest.
Habría habido un claro conflicto de intereses.
You did not have to, but it would have been nice.
Deber no, pero hubiera estado bien.
It would have been more merciful.
Habría sido más piadoso.
It would seem to have been from extraterrestrials.
Pareciera que habría sido de los extraterrestres.
if I were the girls, I would have voted me out before kat. That would have been the Smartest thing they could do. but They didn't do it.
Es duro estar en la Isla de la Redención nueve días esperando volver al juego y poder terminar lo que empezaste.
- Why would it have been there?
Por qué habría de haber estado allí?
- It's been centuries, my ancestors would have found it themselves.
Han pasado siglos, mis ancestros lo hubiesen encontrado.
And he reports it to your father, who would have hanged this thief, if he hadn't been dying himself.
Se lo informó a tu padre, quien lo habría hecho ahorcar de no estar en su lecho de muerte.
The head hunches never would have approved it if someone like me hadn't been pulling the strings.
Las corazonadas cabeza nunca habría aprobado si alguien como yo no tenía estado tirando de las cuerdas.
In a way it would've been nice to have that information earlier.
En cierto modo sería de apos ; he estado bien a tiene esa información antes.
I understand it enough to know that you would at least have been affiliated with their division in one way or another. But no, they've never even heard of you.
Lo entiendo lo suficiente como para saber que al menos deberías haber estado afiliado a su división de una forma u otra. pero no, ellos nunca escucharon de ti.
If it wouldn't have been us, it would've been somebody else.
Si no fuéramos nosotros, sería alguien más.
But do not think I would have been as fun if you had said it was a joke.
Pero no crees que hubiese sido igual de divertido si hubieses dicho que era broma.
If I would have been able to fix that before you broke it even more, it wouId have been 20 bucks.
Si hubiera podido arreglar eso, hubieran sido $ 20.
Because it would have just been another reason for you to hate her.
Habría sido otra razón para que la odiaras.
( Don ) So, if in fact there'd been a pressure boundary failure, we would have been dead before we knew it.
Si hubiera habido un fracaso por la presión hubiéramos muerto antes de enterarnos.
If you'd have been here last month, you would've seen it.
Si hubiera estado aquí el mes pasado, lo habría visto.
Adam, do you think that anyone would have thought twice about the way they treated him if they never had to think that it might have been one of us who killed him?
Adam, ¿ crees que alguien hubiera pensado en como lo...? ¿ trataban si no creyeran que uno de nosotros lo mató?
Or it would've been fine if we have had any desire to have sex afterwards.
O que hubiera estado bien si hemos tenido ningún deseo tener relaciones sexuales después.
It became... clear to me in a life sense how I could have been a better person up until this point, and I would say to myself repeatedly that if I were lucky enough... to survive this, that I would... would be.
Quedó claro para mi en el sentido de la vida, que podría una mejor persona... hasta este punto, y me decía repetidamente que si era muy afortunado de sobrevivir esto, eso sería.
I mean, none of this would have happened if it hadn't been for those goddamn Mexicans walkin'across your land.
Nada de esto hubiera pasado si no hubieran pasado por tus tierras esos malditos mexicanos.
Look, I was skeptical at first, too, but if it had been any other member of her family, I would have jumped at it.
Mira, yo también era escéptica al principio, pero si hubiera habido algún otro miembro de su familia, lo habríamos pasado por alto.
If it had been Clara or Sophie, then yes, I would have been.
Si hubiera sido Clara o Sophie... sí lo estaría.
Detective Renner has here acted very subtly, but the threat in his posture would have been as clear to my client as it is to any reasonable viewer of the tape.
El detective Renner actuó muy sutilmente, pero la amenaza de su pose sería tan clara para mi cliente como lo es para cualquiera que vea esta grabación.
Back in the'80s, we would have been the number-one suspects, but if anyone in Crime Command had a judge in their pockets these days, even Steve Blakely, I would have heard a whisper about it somewhere down the line.
En los 80, habríamos sido los sospechosos número uno, pero si alguien de la Unidad Criminal hubiera tenido a un juez en el bolsillo, aunque fuera Steven Blakely, yo lo habría sabido.

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