Knowing him tradutor Espanhol
1,152 parallel translation
I couldn't get all excited about someone without knowing him.
No podía emocionarme sobre alguien... sin conocerlo.
And you accepted him without knowing him?
¿ Y lo aceptó sin conocerlo?
Knowing him, he probably would.
Me temo que sí.
Knowing him, he'll take it even if he has to mobilize the army.
Menudo es. Se lo llevará aunque tenga que movilizar al ejército.
You had spoken so much about him that I felt like knowing him already.
Me hablaste tanto de el que era como si ya lo conociese.
But knowing him, it's probably some teenage airhead... from the steno pool. No, I don't know.
No, no lo sé.
I don't know him in the sense of knowing him, no.
Pero no lo conozco en el sentido de conocerlo, no.
Knowing him pretty well was important.
Conocerlo bien era crucial.
Knowing him, it's a call girl.
La conozco, debe ser una "call-girl".
And give him the satisfaction of knowing he's intimidated us?
¿ Y darle la satisfacción de saber que nos ha intimidado?
"With closed eyes, Dutronc has stumbled into the Swiss imbroglio without knowing what awaits him"
"Dutronc se tropezó con el negocio suizo sin saber lo que le esperaba"
How could I give you my son's ashes without really knowing who you were for him?
¿ Cómo voy a darte las cenizas de mi hijo sin saber siquiera quién fuiste para él?
And in the space between knowing and seeing, he will become constrained unable to pursue an idea strongly. Fearing that the discerning, those who he is eager to please will find him wanting if he does not put in not only what he knows, but what they know as well.
Y en el espacio que hay entre saber y ver se encontrará atrapado, incapaz de seguir fielmente una idea, por temor a que los espectadores perspicaces, a los que quiere agradar, le pillen en falta no sólo por no utlizar, lo que sabe,
Knowing it might kill him?
¿ Y usted? ¿ Sabiendo que podría matarlo?
Yes, he was a pervert who tried to assault Fay Majors, and when she fingered him he tried to kill her. Found himself in a dead-end street, and knowing he would probably get blamed for all the other murders he put a bag over his head.
Sí, era un pervertido que intentó atacar a Fay Majors, y cuando ella lo señaló, intentó matarla, se vio en un callejón sin salida y sabiendo que lo culparían por todos los otros asesinatos, se puso una bolsa en la cabeza.
And, like sometimes- - knowing all this, it just really only makes me that much more fearful for him.
Y a veces... sabiendo todo esto sólo hace que sienta una mayor preocupación por él
Watching him get up every morning, strapping on that mailbag, hitting those mean streets, never knowing if he's coming back or not.
Ver cómo se levanta por la mañana, toma su valija y se lanza a la calle, sin saber si va a regresar o no.
"... if knowing her photos developed by Laszlo, would Teresa be more attracted to him.
Quizás cuando sepa que sus fotos han sido reveladas por Laszlo,... Teresa se sentirá más atraída hacia él.
If you could go back in time to Germany, before Hitler came to power, knowing what you know now, would you kill him?
Si pudieras volver el tiempo atrás en Alemania, antes que Hitler tuviera el poder, sabiendo lo que sabes ahora, ¿ Lo matarías?
Think I've dressed him for 16 years nursed him, spoiled him, washed his sweat-sodden doublets and hose and his underpants night after night without knowing every twist and turn of what's known as his mind?
¿ Crees que le he vestido durante 16 años cuidado, mimado, lavado su sudada chaqueta, medias y calzoncillos, noche tras noche, sin saber cada rincón y recoveco de su mente?
Taking advantage of your father's plan, actually confessing to shooting him, knowing full well that the police investigation would exonerate you.
... aprovecharte del plan de tu padre confesar haberle disparado sabiendo perfectamente que la investigación te exoneraría.
I could've robbed him blind without his knowing.
Pude haberle robado todo sin que Io supiera.
They told him... And we have ways of knowing this, Your Honor...
Le dijeron... y tenemos formas de averiguar esto, su señoría...
Will it effect your decision to send him here, knowing that he is your father?
¿ Afectará a tu decisión de enviarle aquí, sabiendo que es tu padre?
I tripped him up with a question about knowing my husband, Frank.
Le tendí una trampa preguntándole si conocía a mi esposo, Frank.
He grinds his teeth - knowing that the world - doesn't give a damn about him.
Rechina sus dientes - sabiendo que al mundo - él no le importa un carajo.
You might recognise him without knowing his name. How was he murdered?
Podría reconocerlo sin saber su nombre como fue asesinado?
Already I am with him, without him knowing it.
Ya estoy con él, sin que lo sepa.
I must have offended him without knowing.
Le debo haber ofendido no sé como.
How can we happily walk down the aisle knowing we're leaving him here like this?
¿ Cómo podemos felizmente caminando por el pasillo sabiendo que estamos dejando él aquí como esta?
You mean, you brought him over here without knowing anything about him?
- ¿ Le trajiste sin saber nada de él?
I quite like seeing him there- - knowing he's there- - but it's different at night.
Hasta me gusta verle ahí... Me gusta su presencia. Pero por la noche es otra cosa.
WouIdn't have bothered him, knowing you were around somewhere alive.
No le habría molestado saber que andabas vivo por ahí.
Knowing one's enemy means defeating him.
Conocer al enemigo significa derrotarle.
We did appreciate him, but did we tell him so so he was secure in his mind, knowing that we did?
Lo apreciábamos, ¿ pero se lo dijimos para que él estuviera seguro de que era así?
A good man takes pride in knowing those who are connected to him.
Un buen hombre siente orgullo al conocer a los que están conectados con él.
If i take him back now, knowing all i do, Maybe i can make it work... With a little understanding.
Si vuelvo a él, sabiendo todo lo que sé, quizás pueda hacer que funcione... con un poco de entendimiento.
He's afraid that seeing him here, and knowing what happened to the Enterprise, will make him timid.
El capitán teme que el verse aquí, sabiendo lo que le ocurrirá al Enterprise, pueda intimidarle.
Southern Democrats were furious with LBJ for his stand on civil rights, so he sent his wife down South to campaign for him, knowing that no southern gentleman could refuse to greet a southern lady... and it worked!
LBJ enfureció a los demócratas del sur por los derechos civiles, así que envió a su mujer para que hiciera campaña a su favor, sabiendo que ningún caballero del sur rechazaría a una dama del sur. ¡ Y funcionó!
Tell me what you'd say, knowing that there's nothing more you can do for him.
Dime lo que le dirías, sabiendo que no hay nada más que hacer por el.
One night, knowing his wife is out calls her and begs her to see him again.
Una noche, cuando su esposa no está la llama y le ruega que se vean.
The next day, M. Lester is summoned to the hotel, believing it to be the business meeting, and knowing his weakness for opium, the accomplice lures him to the Red Dragon.
Al día siguiente, monsieur Lester es citado en su hotel y acude creyendo que se trata de un negocio. Conociendo su debilidad por el opio su cómplice le atrae sin dificultad hasta el Dragón Rojo.
What if he wasn't, if you'd met him without knowing me?
¿ Y si no lo fuera? ¿ Si lo hubieses conocido sin mi mediación?
It's good for him to grow up knowing'he's gotta work.
Es bueno para uno crecer y superarse teniendo un trabajo.
Without him knowing'you're gone?
Without him knowin'you're gone?
I can't forgive him for knowing me! Never.
¡ Nunca podré perdonarle que me conociera ¡
Knowing that... you let him send his son to your school?
Sabiendo eso... lo deja que mande a su hijo a su escuela?
My Captain, Captain Longot, surrounded by Germans, with the dead around him, knowing what they'd do to him, he didn't hesitate!
Porque... mi capitán... el capitán Longot... cuando lo rodeaban los alemanes... con todos aquellos muertos alrededor... y sabía lo que le harían... no dudó.
But knowing that, you keep this man here when I've asked him to come and help us.
Pero sabiendo eso, mantuvo a este hombre aquí cuando yo había llamado para que fuera a ayudarnos.
Knowing he was handsome once and it's not just age that's made him this way.
No sólo la edad lo ha convertido en eso.
It's tough knowing that he thought I killed him.
Lo peor es saber que él creyó que yo lo maté.
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him or me 60
him too 56
him who 26
knowing 61
knowing you 48
knowing her 17
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him or me 60
him too 56
him who 26
knowing 61
knowing you 48
knowing her 17