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Leg it tradutor Espanhol

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I usually get the bus, but if I'm late, I have to leg it, if I miss the bus.
Suelo tomar el colectivo, pero si se me hace tarde y lo pierdo, camino.
Even if she had broken her leg it Would've healed by now.
aunque se hubiese roto una pierna estaria bien ahora
It's this leg here, right?
Es esta pierna, ¿ verdad?
It works like catnip on him, honestly if you give him a Bang Olufsen stereo his front leg grab onto his chest and his back leg kicking like that.
Funcionan en él como un "cat nip" Si le das un Bang Olufsen lo agarra, lo aprieta contra su pecho y patea con las piernas diciendo "Lo amo, lo amo"
You just put your hand here, inside their leg, and then you just slide it up.
Usted acaba de poner su mano aquí, en el interior de su pierna, y luego simplemente deslice hacia arriba.
- It's just my leg.
- Es solo mi pierna.
He's going to wrap it up in a cast, and you got a good how-I-broke-my-leg - mountain-climbing story.
Te pondrá un yeso y podrás contar que te rompiste la pierna escalando.
He injures his leg, has it stitched then manages to climb a 100-foot ice wall falls onto his own ax, which isn't found anywhere near the body?
Se lastimó una pierna, se la suturaron después se las arregló para trepar una pared de hielo de 30 metros ¿ y cayó sobre su propia hacha, la cual no estaba cerca del cuerpo?
- Aah! - Weiss tore up his leg getting into it.
Weiss se cortó la pierna tratando de abrirla.
- # Pull the leg back, hear it crack #
- # Doblando la pierna para atrás, Hasta oir el crack #
It's a good thing nobody was watching, because I was sucking the poison out of his leg, and pulling the thorns out of your butt, right?
Fue una suerte que nadie estuviera mirando, porque yo le chupaba el veneno de la pierna, y le sacaba las espinas del trasero, ¿ recuerdas?
It's humping your leg.
Te está montando la pierna.
It's good. No, it's got plenty of leg room, that's for sure.
Tiene mucho espacio, eso seguro.
Till it all ended shattering my leg sliding into home plate during the final game of my rookie season.
Pero todo llego a su fin, con una pierna rota, en el ultimo juego de mi temporada de suerte
Does he really think getting it one day early is gonna give LSU a leg up?
¿ De verdad cree que recibirla anticipadamente le dará ventaja a LSU?
- # Save the leg # - It's the, uh - It's the methylbenzene in there, Winston.
Porque contiene metilbenzeno, Winston.
It is not so bad having an artificial leg.
No es tan malo tener una pierna artificial :
It looks like a leg.
Parece una pierna.
My fucking leg's got a fucking arrow stuck in it.
Tengo una flecha clavada
- Are you okay? - My leg... my leg... oh, it's killing...
- Mi pierna... mi pierna.
It's not gonna penetrate that breast plate or that plate leg armor so they have to come up with another way of defeating a man in armor and that method is primarily half swording.
No va a penetrar un peto o una placa de una pierna. Así que tengo que hacer otra cosa para... vencer un hombre con armadura, y ese método es principalmente "media espada"...
He believes it came from a custom shoe made for a leg brace.
Cree que es de un zapato hecho para un soporte de pierna.
Sir, my leg, I think it's broken and all I've eaten today is a doughnut.
Señor, creo que mi pierna está rota y hoy solo he comido un donut.
That leg is only good for giving a kick in the balls Which has made it.
Esa pierna sólo vale para dar una patada en los huevos al que la haya hecho.
You know, I don't even think I could really get my leg up over it, so...
Es solo que ni siquiera creo poder levantar mi pierna, así que...
- Yeah, it's just my leg.
- Sí, es sólo mi pierna.
Well, yes, it was you the other day who did the investigation, when Radnik player's leg was cut off.
Sí, era usted quien estaba cuando le cortaron la pierna al jugador del Radnik.
If I shoot you through the trousers, a bit of cloth could get in the wound and infect it and you'd have to lose the leg.
Si te disparan a través de los pantalones, un poco de tela podría hacer que la herida se infectara. y podrías perder la pierna.
Right, that's it Pull this leg out
Así. Saque esta pierna.
That it would be nice if this here... my third leg popped out, to help me balance myself
Estaría bien si esto de aquí, mi tercera pierna, se abultara para ayudar a equilibrarme.
And your leg, they'll fix it up again after the war.
Y la pierna te la recompondrán después de la guerra.
Not the leg, damn it, not the leg!
¡ No es la pierna, demonios, no es la pierna!
It's like this. This is your child's leg.
La cosa es así, esta es la pierna de su hija.
It ain't his leg.
- Ni yo su pierna.
It is an unfair leg-up in any competition to shoot your opposite number.
Es injusto llevar ventaja en una competencia por disparar a su contrario.
There is, leg is numb, but it feels nothing thanks ant bites.
No es, la pierna está adormecida, pero no siente nada gracias picaduras de hormigas.
It's left, my bad leg.
Es la izquierda, mi pierna mala.
No, it has a broken leg.
No, se ha roto una pata.
If your leg has problems, you amputate it.
Si una pierna está enferma la amputas.
It doesn't matter which leg!
¡ No importa a qué pierna!
Isn't it enough that Katia broke her leg?
¿ No fué suficiente que Katia se haya quebrado la pierna?
I didn't even feel it at first. But by the time I got back to the restaurant, it felt like my whole leg was on fire.
No lo sentí al principio pero al llegar al restaurante, sin embargo, sentí como toda la pierna ardiendo.
It's just the leg. - Stop and roll. - I'm on fire!
- Cálmate, es solo la pierna.
It's a good thing too. Just in time,'cause this brace is really starting to make my leg really stiff.
Y justo a tiempo llegaste, porque este estabilizador ya empezaba a dejarme la pierna agarrotada.
We put a splint on its leg, and took it back with us.
Le pusimos una férula en su pata, y regresó hacia nosotros.
It's genetic. I come from a long line of leg spreaders.
Vengo de una familia que se abre de piernas.
My leg hurts, soaking makes it feel better.
Me duele la pierna, y remojarla me alivia un poco.
It's my leg.
Es mi pierna.
It was just supposed to be a broken leg.
Era un traslado como cualquiera. - Un tipo con una pata quebrada.
- It's my leg...
- ¿ Estás bien?
Well, these three symptoms- - the bumps on his leg, the clubbing and the joint pain- - are what's called lofgren's syndrome, and it's an indication of...
Bueno, esos tres síntomas... los bultos en su pierna, los dedos hipocráticos y el dolor de las articulaciones... son lo que es llamado síndrome de Lofgren, y eso es una indicación de...

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