Let me know tradutor Espanhol
16,077 parallel translation
You let me know the minute the pastor gives you anything.
Dime si el pastor te da algo.
So you can't even let me know that you're... that you're here with me?
¿ No puedes demostrarme que estás conmigo? ¿ Ni conectarte?
And let me know if you notice anything.
Y adviértame, si nota algo.
I'm sorry. Let me know as soon as the scouts come back.
Lo siento.
Hey, trust me, if we go there, you don't like it, just let me know, we can take off.
Confía en mí. Si vamos y no te gusta, me lo dices, y nos vamos.
Copy, let me know when you're ready.
Copiar, que me haga saber cuando estés listo.
- Let me know when.
- Dime cuándo.
Let me know.
Házmelo saber.
Let me know what you find out.
Avísame lo que averigües.
So, you'll let me know?
Entonces, ¿ me lo harás saber?
Look, I'm gonna be home in... in a couple hours and, uh, just let... just let me know if... if you hear anything.
Estaré en casa en un par de horas... y sólo déjame saber si oyes algo.
And you weren't gonna let me know?
¿ Y no ibas a avisarme?
Uh, let me know when you've recovered the witness?
Uh, que me haga saber cuando se ha recuperado el testigo?
Just let me know when you're ready.
Dime cuándo estés listo.
Let me know as soon as you have anything.
Déjame saber en cuanto tengas algo.
Let me know what Cam has to say about your find.
Déjame saber lo que Kam tiene que decir de tu hallazgo.
Let me know.
Uh, anyway, when you get this, let me know if you know.
Uh, de todos modos, cuando llegue a esto,, hágamelo saber si usted sabe.
Just, um let me know if there's anything i can do to help.
Házme saber si hay algo que pueda hacer para ayudar.
Let me know if the status changes.
Avísame si la situación cambia.
Let me know the moment King Roan returns. Heda.
Avísenme apenas regrese el Rey Roan.
You let me know the next time you see him.
Dímelo la próxima vez que lo veas.
Well, if you need my help, let me know.
Si necesitas ayuda, avísame.
Please, let me know if there's anything I can do for you and your family.
Por favor, hágamelo saber si hay algo Que pueda hacer por usted y su familia.
Just let me know when I can take her home.
Sólo dígame cuándo puedo llevármela a casa.
If we get intel, let me know.
Si conseguimos información avisadme.
Let me know when you go in.
Avísame cuando entréis.
I can tell you one. At 130, let me know.
Puedo verlo. 130, venga.
So, if you need something done, you let me know, and I'll send somebody.
Así que, si necesitas hacer algo, házmelo saber y te enviaré a alguien.
You'll let me know how you get on here, Doctor?
¿ Me tendrá al corriente sobre cómo marcha todo aquí, doctor?
Let me know if you find them.
Avísame si los encuentras.
Let me know if it hurts...
Dejame saber si te duele...
Let me know if you find anything else.
Avísenme si averiguan algo más.
You let me know... that I deserved it.
Me hiciste saber... que me lo merecía.
I'm going to go to the bathroom and then I'm going to come back and I'm going to have an orgasm here in the next ten minutes, and you just let me know if you're involved in that. Okay?
Iré al baño y luego regresaré y tendré un orgasmo dime si quieres participar.
Oh, let me guess. You didn't know that your lawyer offered $ 3,000 to Judge Reynolds to sway his decision?
 ¿ No sabà an que su abogado le ofrecià ³ $ 3000 al juez Reynolds para influir en su decisià ³ n?
I know you're tempted, but let me figure out what it is first, ok?
Sé que estás tentado pero déjame averiguar que es primero, ¿ de acuerdo?
I know you need to shut your fucking mouth and let me handle this, OK?
Sé que necesita cierra el pico y que me ocupe de esto, ¿ de acuerdo?
Okay, Walt, let me know.
Bien, Walt, avísame.
If you do know where Baird is, you must let me talk to him.
Si sabes dónde está Baird, debes permitirme hablar con él.
If I don't let on that I know who kidnapped me.
Si yo no digo que sé quién me secuestró.
That's just to let you guys know I am a serious kind of guy. And now I would like to collect the money,
Y ahora me gustaría recaudar el dinero.
Do you know how many awkward courses I had to take before they let me put my arm inside a horse?
¿ Sabes cuántos cursos raros tuve que hacer antes de que me permitieran meter el brazo en el interior de un caballo?
- Now I know you're the doc, but let me prescribe you something.
- Ahora sé que eres el doc, pero deja que te receto algo.
You know, one of these nights, you could let me...
Sabes, una de estas noches, vas a...
I don't know what Detective Kellaher of Internal Affairs said would happen to you if you testify against a brother officer, contradict his sworn statement, and challenge the public pronouncements of our beloved commissioner, but let me give you a preview.
No sé lo que el detective Kellaher de Asuntos Internos te ha dicho qué te pasaría si testificas contra un agente hermano, contradiciendo su declaración jurada y cuestionando las declaraciones públicas de nuestra amada comisaría, pero déjame enseñarte un previo.
And that's why I know you're not gonna let her kill me.
Y por eso sé que no vas a dejar que me mate.
I'll let you know when I decide.
Te lo haré saber cuando me decida.
I know Dr. Meyer will let me take my vows early.
Sé que el Dr. Meyer me dejará tomar mis votos antes.
You know, I guessed I hoped by giving you Intel on Shadowspire you would, um, let me out of my cell, but this isn't what I had in mine.
Supongo que esperaba que dándote información sobre Shadowspire me dejarías salir de mi celda, pero esto no es lo que me imaginaba.
Maybe you can give your husband a message for me and let him know I'm not playing games with him anymore.
Quizás puedas darle a tu marido un mensaje de mi parte y hacerle saber que no voy a jugar más con él.
let me know if you need anything 71
let me know what you think 20
let me know how it goes 45
let me know when you're ready 18
let me know if anything changes 16
let me know what you find 39
let me know what happens 16
let me see you 68
let me see 2571
let me go 3490
let me know what you think 20
let me know how it goes 45
let me know when you're ready 18
let me know if anything changes 16
let me know what you find 39
let me know what happens 16
let me see you 68
let me see 2571
let me go 3490
let me guess 2650
let me show you 378
let me explain 567
let me in 830
let me think 405
let me get this straight 664
let me handle this 219
let me help you 998
let me see your face 34
let me tell you 619
let me show you 378
let me explain 567
let me in 830
let me think 405
let me get this straight 664
let me handle this 219
let me help you 998
let me see your face 34
let me tell you 619