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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ L ] / Lick it

Lick it tradutor Espanhol

725 parallel translation
You can lick it!
¡ Puedes ganarle!
Whatever it is, I'm going to lick it.
Sea lo que sea, lo voy a vencer.
But we can lick it, the three of us.
Pero nos las arreglaremos.
I'm sure we can lick it.
Sé que podemos ganar.
What I want to point out is that it's a tough, thankless, lonely job. We're trying to lick it as well as we can.
Pretendo que comprendan que es una labor dura, ingrata y difícil intentamos hacerlo lo mejor que podemos.
Three studios tried to lick it and couldn't.
Tres estudios intentaron y no pudieron.
And hardly has the beasts throat been cut that the Haouka walk forward to drink the blood or lick it off the altar stone.
Pero en cuanto es sacrificado los Hauka se abalanzan para beber la sangre y lamer la piedra.
Lick it.
La lengua.
Rub in some milk from your cereal. I'll send a cat in to lick it off.
Ponte Ia leche del desayuno y te mando un gato que Ia chupe.
Put some milk on it and let the cat lick it off.
Que se ponga un poco de leche y que el gato lo lama.
Doinel, go get something to wipe that rubbish off the wall, or I'll make you lick it off!
Oiga, Doinel. Vaya a la portería y consiga algo para borrar sus tonterías... ¡ Si no, pásele la lengua, amigo!
If it is a boy, you must lick it clean with your tongue.
Si es varón, lávale con la lengua.
- We'll lick it, Georgie!
- Saldremos de ésta.
Lick it.
Lick it.
The first that spits on the floor, I'll make him lick it.
Al primero que escupa en el suelo le hago limpiarlo con la lengua.
Don't lick it like that!
¡ No lo chupes así!
Then you lick it, too!
¡ Entonces chúpalo tú también!
Do you need me to lick it for you?
¿ Me necesitas para lamer algo?
You can lick it out of the sand from now on, see?
Puede beberla del suelo a partir de ahora.
And then they start to lick it off!
¡ Empiezan a quitarme la crema!
They lick it right off my crotch... God!
Me lamen la crema... ¡ Dios!
I want you to lick it.
Quiero que lo lamas.
Lick it!
¡ Lámelo!
Don't lick it.
No lamas.
I'll lick it for you.
Yo voy a lamer para usted.
You know, it takes more than one sock in the jaw to lick 12o million people.
Se necesita más que un puñetazo para machacar a 120 millones de personas.
If I didn't have four kids, and a wife that could lick her weight in wildcats I might like it better.
Si no tuviera mujer y cuatro hijos,... pudiera ser que me gustara.
And the long and short of it is I'm walking around starving, without a dog to lick me trousers.
Y el resultado de eso es que camino hambriento, sin un perro que lama mis calzones.
It's no soap, Gabby. That string bean couldn't lick Zasu Pitts.
- Este tiriIIas no podría con nadie.
But I'll lick it despite my blood pressure! Hiya, boy.
hola, chico.
Keep it up, and we'll lick the world.
Manténgalo y venceremos al mundo.
Nothing can lick Chicago, any more than it could lick him.
Nada acabará con Chicago, igual que nada acabará con él.
Even if I have to lick you to prove it.
Aunque deba castigarte para demostrártelo.
You can lick me if it'll help.
Castígame, si eso ayuda.
I could get that body in the pink in no time at all... and lick Murdock with it.
Me pondré rápidamente en forma y aplastaré a Murdock.
Well, up past it into them chinkapins, then you travel up the steep hill, down past the deer lick into them low, big gaps.
Cuando Io pase, verá unas grietas. Luego siga su camino por una colina escarpada y verá a sus pies una enorme extensión.
I was talking to them last night, Robbie, and I told them that if anybody could lick this case, it would be you.
Anoche hablé con ellos, y les dije... que si alguien podía resolver el caso, eres tú.
Now look, I can lick you and you know it.
Puedo darle una paliza y lo sabe.
Because if you do, it's gonna lick me too.
Porque si lo haces, me deprimirá a mí también.
Lasse, don't lick the window. It's dirty.
Lasse, no chupes la ventana que está sucia.
"Give it a lick and make it stick."
"Dale una lijada y estará bien."
If it rains at Piovarolo, it should be noisy at Chiasso, since "chiasso" means "noise". In Lecco, people should "lick" things.
Se entiende que si en Piovarolo llueve, querría decir que en Chiasso * ruido *, debería haber ruido, y en Lecco * lamido *, deberían lamer.
The first lick of danger and you snatch me away from it.
El primer peligro y me sacas de él.
One squad? Love Company couldn't lick those Chinese! How can I do it?
Si la compañía Love no pudo con ellos, ¿ cómo voy a poder yo?
There may come a moment when you'll lick a rock as if it were a thanksgiving turkey, but for the time being, buddy, you'll eat what is prescribed to eat!
Quizás llegue un momento en su vida en el que lama una piedra como si fuese una pierna de pavo. Pero por ahora, amigo, comerá lo que está indicado que coma.
You can't lick it?
Lo descifró?
A guy can lick the problems of heat, water, shelter, food. I know. I've done it.
Podemos resolver problemas de calefacción, agua, comida... ¡ Lo sé, lo entiendo!
We can immunize against it, but we haven't learned to lick all the problems yet.
Podemos inmunizarnos contra él... Pero aún no sabemos cómo solucionar todos los problemas.
Ike's trying to hold it together and lick the Germans at the same time.
Él intenta unirla y derrotar a los alemanes.
Makes it very hard to lick stamps.
Ya no puedo pegar sellos.

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