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Many people tradutor Espanhol

14,909 parallel translation
How many people?
¿ Cuántas personas?
Not many people out here.
No hay mucha gente por aquí.
Not many people around here.
No hay muchas personas por aquí.
- Many people.
- Hay mucha gente.
Sorry, I meet many people, but I remember no Bryan.
Lo siento, conocí mucha gente, pero no recuerdo a Bryan.
And there are many, many people up there at that convention and in this party and in this nation who love you.
Y hay muchas, muchas personas en esa convención y en este partido y en la nación que te adoran.
How many people were there in the unit?
¿ Cuántos había en la unidad?
Goddammit if there weren't so many people around
Maldita seas, si no hubiera tanta gente dando vueltas
Kami was many things to many people, but most of all she was loved and she will be solely missed.
Kami fue muchas cosas para muchas personas, pero por sobre todo ella era amada y será la única que falta.
I just feel like the call on my life and on our church's life is to take the message, the most wonderful, powerful message there is, to the world, to as many people as we can by any means that we can.
Yo siento que mi llamado... y el llamado de nuestra iglesia, es el de llevar el mensaje de Dios... el mensaje más maravilloso... y poderoso del mundo... al mayor número de personas posible... y de todas las maneras que podamos.
The world's cruel out there for many people.
El mundo es muy cruel... para mucha gente.
It was so stressful, but we knew that so many people were praying.
Era muy estresante... pero sabíamos que mucha gente estaba orando por nosotros.
It's, like, the smallest move, but I sent it to so many people.
Es el movimiento más ligero... pero le envié este video a mucha gente.
You know how many people have a glass of wine or a beer at the end of a long day?
¿ Sabes cuánta gente toma una copa de vino? ¿ O una cerveza al final de un largo día?
Yeah, but we don't know how many people are guarding it!
Sí, pero no sabemos cuántos guardas hay.
Not many people surprise me.
No mucha gente me sorprende.
Conner's music may not be what I listen to in my free time, but it seems to make so many people money.
Tal vez la música de Conner no sea lo que escucho en mi tiempo libre pero parece hacerle ganar dinero a mucha gente.
How many people here bought my new album CONNquest?
¿ Cuánta gente aquí compró mi nuevo álbum, CONNquest?
The Reverend helped so many people.
El reverendo ayudó a tanta gente.
I don't think she has many people.
Creo que no tiene a nadie.
Too many people.
Demasiada gente.
Murtagh, please try not to insult too many people tonight.
Murtagh, intenta no insultar a demasiada gente esta noche.
- Do many people work here?
- ¿ Había muchos, trabajando aquí?
Surprising, so many people.. Seems as if they don't get out of the pub..
Al parecer muchas personas no quieren salir de la caverna
He buys rats from many people.
Le compra ratas a muchas personas.
And not only us, very soon, many people will want to know first-hand, how you feel.
Y no sólo a nosotros. Muy pronto, mucha gente querrá saber cómo te sientes.
Neil, your house, there's so many people.
Neil, tu casa, hay demasiadas personas.
How many people know about this place?
¿ Cuántas personas saben de este lugar?
You know, I don't too many people who'd help someone the way that you did.
No conozco mucha gente que ayudaría a alguien como tú lo haces.
She may be many things to many people.
Porque puede ser muchas cosas para diferentes personas...
It's too many people.
- Hay demasiada gente.
I wanted to give it to you in the pictures, but there were too many people looking.
Quería dártelo en el cine, pero había mucha gente mirando.
Why do you think so many people get Grandma's house without having to fill out extra paperwork or hire a lawyer?
¿ Por qué tantos se quedan con la casa de la abuela sin tener que hacer trámites adicionales ni contratar abogados?
Doesn't matter how many people had to die to get it, huh?
No importa cuántos debieron morir para conseguirlo, ¿ verdad?
I can't imagine there are that many people who know the saga of Luke Cage.
No me imagino que mucha gente conozca la saga de Luke Cage.
But as many people recently witnessed at Mount Olivet,
Pero como muchos observaron hace poco en Mount Olivet,
Not that many people have his back.
No tiene mucha gente que lo apoye.
We have to save as many people as possible before this thing hits.
Necesitamos salvar a la mayor cantidad de gente posible antes de que esta cosa suceda.
We're supposed to save as many people as we can.
Se supone que salvemos a tanta gente como podamos.
Look, if I do what Erica wants, I can save this many people.
Mira, si hago lo que Erica quiere, puedo salvar a mucha gente.
This is a concern to many people, and so it should be.
Esto inquieta a muchas personas, y así debe ser.
Not many people would've done what you just did for us.
No muchos hubieran hecho lo que tú hiciste por nosotros.
[ Ben Harper's "Walk Away" ] ♪ with so many people to love in my life ♪
[ Ben Harper de'Walk Away'] â ™ ª con tanta gente al amor en mi vida â ™ ª
I don't know many people here.
No conozco a mucha gente aquí.
You go after people who are the lowest income, most unsophisticated, Many of them are undocumented.
van detras de personas con los ingresos más bajos, menos sofisticados, muchos de ellos son indocumentados.
Now, how many votes are we gonna get from your people?
Di, ¿ cuántos votos conseguiremos de tu parte?
But being a disabled person, you can find out many interesting things about the people around you.
Pero al ser discapacitada, ves muchas cosas interesantes de los que te rodean.
Because so many leaders would be, like, so insecure about other people having a platform or being promoted or, like...
Porque muchos líderes se sentirían inseguros... si personas bajo su liderazgo tuvieran su propia plataforma... o recibieran una promoción o cosas por el estilo...
- How many people can say that?
¿ Cuántas personas pueden decir eso?
How many more people will have to die?
¿ Cuántos más tendrán que morir?
There are too many innocent people up there who could end up dead.
Podría morir demasiada gente inocente.

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