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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ N ] / None of my business

None of my business tradutor Espanhol

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I'd like to say it's none of my business, except it was taped to the door of my business.
Me gustaría decir que no es asunto mío, excepto si pegan esto en la puerta de mi negocio.
Mm-hm. So, uh, anyway, uh she was asking about you uh, asking me, uh she knows she's not supposed to ask about you that's none of my business why she did.
Entonces, como sea ella estuvo preguntando por ti me preguntó a mí.
It's none of my business, - but are you sure Inari wanted you to borrow one?
No es asunto mío, - pero ¿ estás seguro que Inari quiere una prestada?
Okay, look, it's none of my business, and I didn't want to be the one to tell you this, but I think she went to meet some guy.
Está bien, mira, No es de mi incumbencia, y no quiero ser la que te diga esto, pero creo que fue a encontrarse con un individuo.
And I know it's certainly none of my business- -
Y sé que no es asunto mío...
Look, it's none of my business if you're partying, but if you're gonna be here, you got to be here.
Mira, no es de mi incumbencia si estás de fiesta pero si vas a estar aquí, tienes que estar aquí.
Look, it's none of my business.
Mira, no es de mi incumbencia.
My father's disputes are none of my business.
Las disputas de mi padre no son asunto mío.
It's none of my business, but I don't think he's quite himself.
Es de mi incumbencia, pero no creo que él es muy él mismo.
Yeah, he's an asshole and this is really none of my business, and usually, I'd let you just take him and not even bat an eyelid.
Sí, es un gilipollas y esto no es asunto mío, y normalmente dejaría que os lo llevarais sin mover un dedo.
It's none of my business.
. No es de mi incumbencia.
That's none of my business.
Ese no es asunto mío.
You know, it's none of my business.
Bueno, no es de mi incumbencia.
It's none of my business.
No es asunto mío.
Look, it's really none of my business.
Joe. Pero en todo caso no me concierne.
It's probably none of my business but... I think your father is wrong.
Puede que no sea cosa mía pero... tu padre se equivoca.
I mean, your personal life is none of my business, Except, uh, as it turns out, I'm sort of involved in it.
Quiero decir, tu vida personal no es asunto mío, excepto, como resulta, si estoy un poco envuelta en ella.
This might be none of my business, but... You need to ask wendy out.
Sé que no es problema mío, pero... necesitas preguntar por Wendy
By the way, maybe it's none of my business, but if you eat three pounds of steak every day, you're gonna die, and although I've already written your eulogy, and it's incredibly touching, I would prefer not to give it for a while.
A propósito, tal vez no me incumbe, pero si comes 1,100 kilos de carne todos los días, morirás. Y aunque ya escribí tu elegía, y es increíblemente conmovedora, preferiría no decirla por un tiempo.
Look, whatever you did, it's none of my business.
Mira, lo que sea que hicieras no es de mi incumbencia.
Whatever you did, it's none of my business.
Lo que sea que hicieras, no es asunto mío.
It's none of my business, but if it was, I'd tell you that you were doing the right thing.
No es asunto mío, pero si lo fuera, te diría que estás haciendo lo correcto.
I'm not gonna pry if it's none of my business.
No voy a entrometerme si no es asunto mío.
It's none of my business but I'm curious :
no es de mi incumbencia pero tengo curiosidad :
- Okay. It's none of my business anyway.
De todas formas esto no es de mi incumbencia.
Look, it's none of my business, But after everything that's happened, Do you think it might be a good idea...
Mire, no es de mi incumbencia, pero después de todo lo que ha pasado,
Maybe it's none of my business, but how much farther is it?
Si no es indiscreción, queda mucho?
-'Cause I know it's none of my business, but I really just don't want you seeing this guy.
- Porque yo sé que es asunto mío, pero yo realmente no te quiero ver a este chico.
This is none of my business.
Esto no es de mi incumbencia.
Hon, I know it's none of my business so I guess that's why I'm interested, but, um...
Linda, sé que no es asunto mío, así que quizás es por eso que me interesa, Pero...
But that's none of my business.
Pero no es mi problema.
Now, this is none of my business.
Ahora, nada de esto es asunto mío.
But the specifics are none of my business.
Pero los datos específicos no me incumben.
It's none of my business.
En cualquier caso, no es asunto mío.
- We don't need to talk about it. It's none of my business...
No necesitamos hablar sobre ello.
He says it's none of my business.
Dice que no es asunto mío.
It's none of my business if he has money.
No es asunto mío si tiene dinero.
Perhaps it's none of my business.
No es de mi incumbencia.
It's really none of my business since we apparently broke up.
No es de mi incumbencia desde que aparentemente rompimos.
It's none of my business if you broke up with Angela.
No es asunto mío si has roto con Angela.
It's none of my business, I am not with them
No estoy con ellos.
Your relationship's none of my business.
Vuestra relación no es uno de mis asuntos.
None of my business.
No es asunto mío.
It's none of my business, Jen.
No es de mi incumbencia, Jen.
I know it's none of my business but keeping Walt from the kids? I mean...
Sé que no es asunto mío pero ¿ alejar a Walt de los niños?
JoJo, I know it's none of my business, but I only went to Korea because they made me.
JoJo, no es asunto mío, pero fui a Corea porque me obligaron.
This ain't none of my business, but pretty gal like that?
No es de mi incumbencia, pero a una chica tan guapa debía llevarla a un mejor lugar que Marksville.
How I do my work is none of your business, Arlo.
Cómo haga mi trabajo no es problema tuyo, Arlo.
Like you said, none of my damn business.
Como dijiste, no es de mi maldita incumbencia.
My personal life is none of your business.
Mi vida personal no es asunto suyo.
And it's none of your business, but I ate my twin in utero.
Y no es porque a nadie le importe, pero me comí a mi gemelo en el útero.

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