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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ N ] / None of that

None of that tradutor Espanhol

6,874 parallel translation
- Hey, hey, hey, none of that.
- Oye, oye, oye, nada de eso.
Hey, hey, hey, none of that.
Oye, oye, oye, nada de eso.
Okay, look, I promise none of that will happen again. Whatever you want me to do, uh, just let me know.
Vale, mira, te prometo que nada de esto sucederá de nuevo.
None of that was allowed.
Nada de eso estaba permitido.
None of that is in his file. His cousin is Fausto Alarcon.
Su primo es Fausto Alarcón.
None of that matters.
Nada de eso importa.
Half an hour, but like basketball, none of that...
Media hora, pero con el baloncesto, nada de eso...
Because ". None of that would have happened without you.
Porque todo eso no habría pasado sin ti.
None of that matters now.
Ahora no importa eso.
And if by some miracle none of that happens, eventually I'm going to run out of food.
Y si por algún milagro ninguno de lo que sucede, al final me voy a quedar sin alimentos.
And while it does sound awful, if you had been a proper wingwoman, none of that would have happened.
Y, si bien suena horrible, si hubieses sido una compañera apropiada, nada de eso hubiese sucedido.
- I've got none of that.
No tengo nada de eso.
Right, wrong, true, false, none of that matters.
Correcto, incorrecto, verdadero, falso, nada de eso importa
None of that matters now.
Nada de eso importa ahora.
No, sir, none of that.
No, señor. Nada de eso.
Yeah, but I bet none of these kids have even heard of Tapestry, and that's just wrong.
Ya, pero seguro que ninguno de ellos ha escuchado Tapestry, y no está bien.
- That's none of your business.
- No es de tu incumbencia. - Oh, lo es ahora.
I think It's... I think none of us are special that have this happen to them.
creo ninguno de nosotros somos especiales al pasarnos esto.
I want none of you around My daughter comes, you understand that?
No quiero a ninguno de ustedes acercándose a mi hija, ¿ entiende?
"That's none of your concern."
"Eso no es de tu incumbencia."
That none of us is separate from each other.
Que ninguno de nosotros está separado el uno del otro.
That's none of your damn business.
Ese no es tu problema.
- That is none of your concern.
Eso no te importa.
That's none of your business.
Eso no es asunto tuyo.
This gentleman standing next to me is none other than Nahum Ishalom, spokesman for the Israeli Antiquities and author of the letter that was just read to you.
Este caballero que está a mi lado no es otro que Nahum Ishalom, vocero de Antigüedades Israelitas y autor de la carta que les acaba de ser leída.
They all assumed that somebody was gonna go back and let them out, but none of them did.
No me digas. Todos asumieron que alguien... iba a volver y dejarlo salir, pero ninguno lo hizo.
He was so far down in that boat, that none of his texts went through. He went crazy.
El barco estaba tan lejos que no llegó ninguno de sus mensajes.
I think that's none of my business.
No creo que sea asunto mío.
That's none of my business.
No es de mi incumbencia.
- That's none of your business.
Eso no te incumbe.
That course we charted... perhaps none of us would have thought of it at all had you not raised it in the first place.
Ese curso nos trazamos... tal vez ninguno de nosotros lo haría han pensado en ello en absoluto no te hubieras planteado en el primer lugar.
Officially... that would be none of anybody's business.
Oficialmente... no es de la incumbencia de nadie.
There will be nothing but adherence to the principle that we are none of us safe until we are all safe.
No habrá nada más que adhesión al principio que ninguno está a salvo hasta que todos estemos a salvo.
Oh, hey, I hate to break in to this super none-of-my-business conversation but I just wanted to remind you that if you don't leave now you're going to be late to that movie that you guys were so excited to see.
No creo... Hola, no quiero interrumpir esta súper conversación que no es de mi incumbencia pero solo quería recordarles que si no se van ahora, van a llegar tarde a esa película que estaban tan emocionados de ver.
None of this "talking through the lawyers" stuff that Mia's going on about.
Nada de eso de "hablar a través de abogados" de lo que tanto habla Mia.
So you can believe me when I tell you that within his chorus of torments... none of them look or sound like me.
Así que usted puede creerme cuando te digo que dentro de su coro de tormentos... ninguno de ellos se ve o suena como yo.
Telling you, none of mine ever made a din like that.
Le digo yo que ninguno de los míos ha formado tal escándalo nunca.
I'm sorry, that's none of my business.
¡ COMPRA ANTES DE QUE SE ACABE! Perdón, eso no me incumbe.
- That's really none of your business.
No es de tu incumbencia.
I'm sorry, that's none of my business.
Lo siento, eso no es de mi incumbencia.
None of us needs them, right? - That's right.
- Ninguno los necesitamos, ¿ verdad?
I dreamed of a stranger, who was a man, but he had no face. Or none that I could well see.
Soñé con un extraño, que era un hombre, pero no tenía cara.
That's none of your business.
Eso es asunto tuyo.
Even if this is that Krampus thing, none of this is gonna help, okay, that monster took Duncan and Duncan was innocent.
Aun si esto es esa cosa Krampus, nada de esto va ayudar, de acuerdo, ese monstruo se llevó a Duncan y Duncan era inocente.
That's none of your business.
Bueno, eso no es de su incumbencia.
For example, our company receptionist has multiple Louis vuitton purses, and I know for a fact, even though it's none of my business, that just one of those purses costs more than her monthly salary.
Por ejemplo, la recepcionista de la compañía... tiene varias carteras Louis Vuitton,... y sé, a pesar de que no es de mi incumbencia,... que sólo una de esas carteras... cuesta más de su salario mensual.
And the police and the fire department are looking into that, but the fact remains that none of this would have happened if Clary Parr hadn't felt he had the right to light up...
Y la policía y el departamento fuego están investigando eso, pero el hecho es que ninguno de esto habría sucedido si Clary Parr no había sentido él tenía derecho a encenderse...
That's why none of the girls have a record.
Por eso ninguna de las chicas tiene antecedentes.
That's what none of them understand.
Y eso es lo que ninguno de ellos entiende.
None, it's just that FAU is one of the hardest colleges to get admission to.
Nada, pero la FAU es una de las universidades más difíciles de entrar.
How can you say that when none of us knows what magic it is?
¿ Cómo puede decir eso cuando ninguno de nosotros sabe qué es la magia?

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